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PROPERTIES TOR BALE. 1\T X - , EDEN", Glenalmond Rd.—Bungalow **> G rooms, sleeping purcli, 2 rooms col nected slidUifi doors, electric throughout.AlcDougall, builder, Torrauee Si., i^psum. jpoNSONBY, Lrliphaut St.—House, l"ou rooms, kitchenette, wushhouse, ga ■ stove, c.1., etc; small dt-posit; balance a r.-nt; total T2o. —Wrte b. 1715, Stau. DEPOSIT -—^w - Bungalow, fou °" rooms, convs., balance £700—Rost Avondale. Open all day Saturdays. 15 •PIAA DEPOSIT—S Large Rooms, kit chenette, every cony. ; prie £1400.—24, Stewart's Rd.~, Mt. Albert. -C" 1 f\f\ —FOUR Rooms, kitchenette, sleei: vu ing porch ; every cony: prie £1350.—21, Stewarts Ed.. Mt. Albert. -J ?T ACRKS, Poultry Farm, also 500 mn -*-'-' nired fruit trees, full bearing. Res) donee. 7 rooms and ronyj. Poultry run? rearing, incubator houses, etc, Price, £211* Thode and Co., Phoenix Chambers, aud Ne , T.r nn. £50 — DEPOSIT — £50 £50 — DEPOSIT — £50 A NEAT LITTLE BUNGALOW of ■*■ rooms and conveniences, electric light porcelain bath, copper and tubs. Nice Se< tion. only 3 minutes' walk to 2nd sectio THE PRICE, £875, IS BEDROCK, AND £50 DEPOSIT WIL SEE YOU INSTALLED. REMUERA. REMUERA. GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE. rpHIS NICELY-APPOINTED BUNGALOW »£ 5 rooms is absolutely a gift at tfc price. Has every possible appointmen large sun or sleeping porch. Just the hoir for the business man who wants a nit home at a moderate rental. A real tip-to freehold section, 6M x 170. Garden, lawn concrete paths. Insurance- £1000. GOV" MORTGAGE, £650. Now. buyers, don delay, but come in right away and secui this hargain in homes. PRICE £1300. £250 DEPOSII 10 ROOMS, PONSONBY. 10 ROOMS, PONSONBY. £ir>o cash. TDEAL for boarding house. Ever -*- appointment. Now vacant. It's only minutes trams and 10 minutes' -walk 1 Queen Street. Buyers, it" you want boarding house it's just the place, and thei is money in that line of business to-dn-PRICE £1650. £150 CASH." GREY LYNN. GREY LYNN. PRICE £650 — £35 CASH. rpWO-STOREYED RESIDENCE. 4 ronrc - 1 - and scullery, all appointments, poo order throughout. Two minutes 2nd sectio trame. A bargain for someone. PRICE, £650. AND ONLY £35 CASH. WE ARE OPEN FROM 7 TILL 0 P.M FRIDAYS. WM. A. HORNE, LTD. •THE LAND MAN," REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SERVICE. 19, SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAXI £25 £25 £25. ALL YOU NEED IS £25 TO BECOME TH; OWNER OF YOUR OWN HOME. YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF SUCI AN OPPORTUNITY. If you ar desirous of having a really beautiful littl home, ALL YOU NEED IS £25 DEPOSIT, The House itself is one of the finest littl homes you have ever seen. Comprises glorious rooms, also modern kitchenette bathroom and washhouse, electric ligh gas, city water, porcelain bath, art papen pretty reception hall, sun porch, windoi scats, open fireplaces, cupboards and beai ceilings. LARGE VOLCANIC SECTION. Fre< hold title. Within a few minutes of tram and motor buses. TOTAL PRICE IS ONLY £975. Work it out for yourself. The Interes on the balance equals only about 2."./ pc week. This is truly the chance of a life time. FIRST IN GETS IT. WM. A. HORNE, LTD. ESTATE AGENTS, SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. SUPERIOR RESIDENCES. REMUERA. 60, GREAT SOUTH BD.-S ROOMS £230 PINE STREET {off Omahu Road)— S ROOMS £230 LILLINGTON ROAD <off Omahu Road.)— 6 ROOMS £0.70 MT. TIOBSOX RD. (off Market Rd ) -6 ROOMS I £177 GREAT SOUTH ROAD— S ROOMS £ISO MT. HOBSOX ROAD.—6 ROOMS... £177 I MT. HOBSON ROAD-β ROOMS ... £ISO I'GREAT SOUTH ROAD-6 ROOMS.. £177 Each has garage, and a modern kitchen ette fitted up with bins, drawers, cupboards Paths formed and grounds laid out. This land has only recently become avail able for building, and offers one of the fey remaining opportunities to secure a ne; and modern Residence in this choice am I convenient locality. Inspection invited, and at your leisure Buildings open all day. TERM?. APPLY. J. P. E VJVN!3 OWNER AND BUILDER. 60, GREAT SOUTH ROAD. PHONE 24-023. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT SEASIDE COTTAGE. TX7E have a selection of HOT.LD i , SECtJoNs"" 1^"^0 COTTAGE S an TAKAPUNA. MILFORD. CASTOR BAY CAMPBELL'S B\Y MURRAY'S BAY I BROWN'S BAY DEEP CREEK. OKURA RIVER I OREiWA BEACH. Call at our office for particulars an make an appointment to inspect. NEVILLE NEWCOMB, LTD. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, H.M. ARCADE. BUSINESSES WANTED. TJOARDIN-GHOUSB. furn., good locality I-P wanted lease.—Write F. 1552. Star. BUSINESSES, Apartment and Boardin ! Houses wanted, all suburbs; quie sales.—Taylor Morrison, Security Bldgs j Queen St. 15 POULTRY Farm, small, for genuine cas buyer. —The Business Corporation Imperial Bldgs.. Queen St. ADV. WITH SMALL CAPITAI Requires Established Business, prefei ably suburban. Tan finance say £400. Wij consider any class business that certai livin" can be made, but must stand fuj CQ 111, Victoria Arcade. 5
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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773Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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