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PROPERTIES TOR BALE. } \ COO-EE from Three Lamps—Elevated, -A glimpse of sea and ranges. Five Eooms, garage entrance and shed. Price only ■>1050; easy terms. —C E. Archibald, Cileeson'a Buildir.?.- High St. 150 ACH—BUCKLAND'S BEACH—3 Rooms, 2 enclosed verandahs; billiard room; garasc- Two Sections, clear property, no niortgacps. Price £1250; S3OO Cash.— Owner "leaving for England.—Ring 26-606. BIRKL'NHEAD —Modern 4-roomed Bun--1 galow, large sleeping porch, an acre of land, ia«'n 50 x 50, garden, orchard; Govt. loan £.*ioU : weekly rental 15/6, pf and i.— Write F. 1 "'■'■". Stak. BAI'SWATER— BungElowe ana Sections, 10 minutes from G.P.0.; views, value; terma. —Wukie. 90. Takapuna. D nXGAI.OW. 5 rooms, Mt. Eden.— iVrigiry. Buildnr. 16, Rabiri Rd., Mt. Kden. Phone Jl-'i-'iS. S3 BUNGALOW. quarter-acre section, orchard, fowlhouse. good value, working man's home ; easy terms.—lnquire Star. 757 EPSOM snip—£100 deposit or offer—s--rooni'd Bungalow, all convs; about J :u-re: po?si-ssion.—lnquire Star. "17 GRAFTON RD.—7-roomed House; loveliest view In Auckland; large section; l.ealthy position —Write P.O. Bos liiJi Oty. GREY LYNN. 2nd section, Richmond Rd. bu.-—Bungalow for Sale, all convs. ; owner transferred : easy terms. —Apply 59, Drydyn St. T/AW'AI' —Beach frontage, yearly Three -"- Acres, subdivided nine sections, two 4-roomed Cottages; permanent stream; handy Mansion House. A bargain at £1000. H. R. COOKE AND SON, 12, Fort Street. MODERN Home. 6 rooms, c.1.; workshop; large section; excellent order. —'Si, Queen's Avenue. Dominion Rd. Terminus. "yrT. EDEN.—Fine House, 7 rooms, splenJX cl i'l section and locality. Bargain £1300: terms.—Moore. Agent. Onehunga. ITT. EDEN, best part, J mm. car—s Rooms, all convs. : Govt. Mortgage, £$25: price only £1450.—Alexander and Co.. ~>S. Queen St. G3 "VTEWTOX—S Rooms, few doors Karangahape Rd. ; deposit £150, bal. £900. — Kay-Stratton. opp. Newton P.O. VO DEPOSIT and 30/ Weekly buys ■*•' Modern Home, 4-5 rooms, all convs.; J-acre, 5 mins. station. £875; refs. essential.—AßTHUß THODE, New Lynn. 'Phone 3973 (4 rings). OTAHUHC— Sound House. 5 rooms, convs.: only needs paint and paper; immediate possession. Snip, £ 750; easy terms.—Baker. Agent, Otahuhu. pT. CHEVALIER—BungaIow, 5 rooms, - 1 - garage, i-acre. choice; suitable market garden; deposit suit buyer, balance rent; gift, price.—Donnell, Wright's Rd. "OEMUERA Waterside, smins Car —Bun- ■"' galow, 1 j acres; keeps cow; ideal poultry, garden; cheap quick sale. —Owner, ■26, Warrington Rd. OEASIDE Sections and Cottages, Campbell's, Murray's Bay.—Nevflle Newcomb. Ltd.. Hie Majesty's ATcade. SYMONDS ST.—Valuable Position.—BricS House, 7 rooms, every convenience; suit doctor.—Particulars, Spain, 103, Symon-cts St. rpAKAPUNA —£1250, reducible for cash -*- Four Rooms, kitchenette, bathroom washhonse. garage.—lnquire Stab. 75< rpAKAPUNA —Builder has several Sec -*- tions ; will build suit clients: eectioT owners financed build. —Write H. 1259 Stab. rpAKAPUXA. —Cottage, 4 rooms, mail -*- " road frontage. Great prospective value. Terms.—Goffln, 178, Symonds St. Auckland. TFS rpEXNTSOX ST., Dominion Rd. (2mlng. -*- tram) —Lovely Bungalow, every convenience; £1425; extra easy terms.—'"Writs W. 850. Staki "VTILL-α, 5 rooms; c.1.. h. and c.; 1 mm. v 3rd section; £1180; perfect order; terms. - - Vaughan, Talliss, opp, Kendell's, Newton. 10" _pr>ry DEPOSIT. Balance as rent.—l ow r"*" roomed House, first-class order, al convs., heart kauri, large rooms; big 6ec tion. £875.-?-J. Turner, Luke St., Ota hohu. 'Phone' 72. -C'lOO DEPOSIT. — Ist Section.— t om/±\j\J Rooms, electric light, gas stove. Balance £735:—7. York St., Parnell. - -■* ■p-Xfl CASH.—4 Rooms and convs.: c-*OV balance as rent.—'Phone 26-772. X?'KA DEPOSIT—S-Roomed House, level cW't/l/ section : balance arranged.—6, Bond St., Arch Hil. Phone 26-772. 12 4T"T;r DEPOSIT. Balance 30/ weekly '='"' • " principal, interest ; Council House 5 rooms, convs.—lnquire Star. 77f X?X(\ DEPOSIT, best part Grey Lynn— o,t '" 4 Rooms, kitchenette, every modern cony.; elevated, level section: harbour views, built-in furniture, city drainage.— Reynolds, Builder, 14, Marsden Aye., Dominion Rd. Phone 21-356. D 4 X-'AyZ— COMFORTABLE 4 Booms, J c*"**—'tl acre Section, handy suburbar trains ; small deposit.—Sanders, 31, Short land St. ■ ■PP\On PtJTS You in Grafton Apart ments, 12 rooms. Price £2300 Kay Stratton, opp. IS'ewton P.O. - 4?OKft —BUNGALOW, Edendale, 4 rooms owOOU convs.; 2 mins trams. £10C cash. Ureent sale.—lnquire Star. 751 rj.OVERXMEXT Mortgage. £1000—Mt. *~* Albert—Up-to-date Bungalow, 4 rooms, kitchenette; all modern convs.; splendid level section. £1600.—Thode, Phoenix Chambers. A REAL HOXEST BARGAIN.—Moderr ■"- Bungalow, latest design, splendic appearance; 5 rooms, reception hall. De signed for either 2 or 3 bedrooms. 2 fire places. Good papers, leadlights, califont p.b. and b., latest stove, china cupboards etc. Level Section, main road. Bayswater: 15. mins. City. Cheap travelling. £ 1065 : terms. WF Inquire STAR. 7T. A CHANCE TO SAVE.—Direct From thf Builder to Yourself.—FlXE BUNGA LOW, very latest design; 3 bedrooms anc sleeping porch, 2 other large rooms anc kitchenette; electric hot water service, gas stove, cupboards and bins galore. Vol canic section, partly laid out paths, etc Price £1450; would take £150 deposit.— Ring 41-24". 7§ TMINGALOW, 7 Rooms, central, sunny -° position, Mt. Eden. Electric light, gas. h. and c. water; telephone. Near new Training College. Reasonable deposit. Apply OWNER, P.O. Bos 586, Auckland. Or 'Phone 3860 (three rings). rpms VEirr fine property would -*- suit a superior family, being well situated and perfectly appointed. Five rooms and kitchenette, sleeping porch; every household facility, drainage. Fine view, large section, handy Epsom cars. First-class value at £1050 ; easy terms.— C E. ARCHIBALD, Gleeson's Buildings, High Street. 150 Yy H V PAY EESU To buy a section and erect 6 rooms and kitchenette with modern conveniences wonld cost you £1400. I offer 6 Rooms and kitchenette, porcelain bath, basin, califont, range, gas stove. Section. 5S x 150. Main road. Birkenhead. 10 minutes' waik wharf. Price tbe lot only £1150. The first homeseeker m inspect will buy. Terms ftoO deposit, balance easy payments. WILLIAM BREMNER, 13. Palmerston Buildings, Auckland. T SOLD my Home and 'bought another at ~ One Tree Hill. But the sale of my Place fell through, and now I most get rid at once of rhe One Tree Hill Property. I W UI sell it to any reputable person for illso, on a deposit of £50, with very easy rerms. Semi-Bungalow. 6 rooms and Sleeping Porch, c.1., califont. etc. A nice nome with Section 70 x 250.—Owner, c/o r - E. ARCHIBALD, Gleeson's Bldgs., High Street. g2 TTIGHLY PRODUCTIVE DAIRY FARM - LJ - fully improved, town conveniences metalled roads, progressive district, Wai kato. 117 ACRES, good frontage, al grassed, well subdivided and watered Modern buildings ; 50 cows, 3 horses, calves pies, implements, etc. Six-cow plant. Foi sale as a going concern. £46 per acre. Reasonable deposit.—MOOßE. Estate Agenl and Valuer, Onehunga. MT. EDEN. — 5-ROOMED PRETTY LITTLE BUNGALOW, as new. Nice bathroom with porcelain bath, basin and ■alifont. wardrobes, cupboards, etc. Open 'irick fireplace, gas range, electric jfht. Rich volcanic section, beautifully laid out In garden, lawns and shrubs, live hedges, and well-formed paths and motor garage. Price. £1550. Buy ■direct from Owner. No agents.—RlNG 20-252.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
Word Count
1,097Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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