I IP SECONDS | \ I SECOND | JUOHT nUWO WHOHO FILLING X* Secoadt 1 Second A difference of 9 Seconds Dißofold Takes Longer to Fill Because of Its Over-Size Ink Capacity PARKER DUOFOLD takes longer tofiUthan ordinary pens because of its Owr-aixe Ink Capacity. Leave the nozzle immersed in ink •boat 10 seconds after you've released your finger from the Filler Button. Yes, give Parker Duofold a chance to drink its fill and you'll seldom have to lead it to ink. Next, keep the cap on tight when your pen is not in use. For Duofold's Duo-Sleeve Cap has an Inner Sleeve that forms an ink-tight seal with the shoulder of the pen. It is fitted to micrometric precision and cannot leak. Keep it tight Parker Duofold is a full grown pen—it doesn't have to be coddled. But, just as dirt will chut off the-flow of gasoline to your motor, so sediment will clog, or dried ink "gum" and stop the now of a pen. Give your pen the same chance that you would give a motor truck. Now and then stick the nozzle of the pen into a glass of water and press the Filler Button several times. That cleans it. Duofold's "Lucky Curve" insures a leakproof feed and steady flow when clean. Strong Gold Lastly, don't drop your pen on cement. To avoid such * Girdle and accidents we include with Parker Duofold a neat Gold Gold Clip pocket-clip or Gold Ring-end for ribbon or chain free. or Ring-end Alao«»tronß*GoldGirdlethatreinforcestheoap-the to Q^- ** re . crovtroing-touchtoitsblack-iippedlacQuer-redbeauty. ~~* Yea, a good pen responds to earebetter than apoor %r~~ one.Sogivethe Parker Duofold juat fairly decent treat- /iTT* > ment end this pen classic will never lie down on the job. tlU^~JW rfa Step up today to any food pen counter f - nff—n ¥ end bur Parker Duo fold =3*= 0 s*ado sy Tbe Parker Pen Company, in m — ~ i Ask also for the Parker Duofold <^-~J , t=? nJ I'enciUt. to match the pen. ' ' -■' J)uofmd(m With ihmWVj Year Point Dnof«!d Jr. 30/. LadyDaofold 30/----e>zne except for eli«> With ring for chatelafae Hade by the . Parker Pen Company I On Sale at all Stationers aafl in the United States and Canada. Jewellers. Other Styles 16/6. 18/-. 21/-. Distributors: Brown & Stewart, Other Style.. .......we, «/ .Tv ltd . <^ rd6n & Gotch (Anet) PencUe ■/«, 32/6, 25/-, 30/-. Frank Duncan & Co., ltd. Sole A cents for New Zealand: BIADE, ALLAN Sc CO., Box 833, G.P.0., Auckland.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
Word Count
Page 12 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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