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~Slv. Xorrnan K. Brett, manager of the "Auckland Star." left last evening for Dunedin. where lie is to be married to Miss Kathleen Olendining , , daughter of Mr?. •!■ R- 'Jletidining, "Linwood," Littlebourne. Dunedin.
Mr. and Mr?. T. B. Reynolds, of Kai taia. are spending a holiday in Auek land.
Mr?. Charle? Batkin, of London, who ],gs been visiting the hot springs at Helensville. ha? returned to Auckland and i> staying at the Star Hotel. To-morrow afternoon. Hallow E'en, there will ho a party for the children of the members of the Lyceum Club. The frolic* will commence at four o'clock and continue till eight. The little ones "ill range in age from four to twelve.
Mr. and Mr?. C. R. Orr-Walker (Wellington. Miss Stewart and Miss A. Stewart. Mr.. Mrs. and Mis? Hammond (Hamilton), and Mr. Howarth, are staying at Hotel Mon Desir, Takapuna.
The next luncheon talk at the Lyceum will be addressed by Lady Majorie Dalrymple, who will speak on '"Girl Guiding."
Mrs. T. H. Pettit. in company with her sister. Miss Wendy Stutchbury, sailed for Honolulu by the Aorangi. After pending a short holiday with friends there, they proceed to California, where it is their intention to remain tmtil the spring, resuming their journey to England and the Continent later. Mrs. Charles Nathan and Miss Louissen, who have been visiting Christchurch, have returned North. Mif.s C. Richardson has returned to Auckland, and is staying with Miss Gill, Remuera.
Mrs. Elliott McKinney. of Sydney, who is visiting Auckland, is at present staying with her niece, Mrs. G. W. O'Connell, Papakura. Miss Amy Holland, of Auckland, who lias been travelling for two years, has returned to Sydney by the R.M.s. Oron. say. She expects to arrive in Auckland next week.
Mrs. S. Thomas has left Auckland by the Aorangi for the China naval station, where her husband is with his unit. Mrs. -t. (J. Collins was hostess at a delightful informal reception held at the Art Gallery. Christehureh, in honour of Mrs. Sherwood. the well-known artist, now of Sydney, but formerly of Wellington. Xext Monday will be an "Open Evening" at the Lyceum Club, when a musical programme will be provided by Miss Berta Carr, Miss Eleanor Miller, Miss Margaret Stoddart. Miss Alice Law. L.R.A.M.. and Miss Maida Hooker.
A morning tea was given at the Lyceum Club on Wednesday by Mrs. W. if. Parkes. president, to Mrs. Grant Failures, formerly Miss Leaf, of Auckland, well known in musical circles. The tables were, charmingly decorated with purple stocks and other spring tlowers. Amongst those present were Mcsdames Montague. Milsom. Tolhurst, Dickenson, Buttle, Lindsay and Miss Janet Murray. The cooking of a full-course dinner for a family of the will only cost -*d to consumers of current in the Central ITawke's Bay Power Board district, iie"ording to the statement made by the Mayor of Hasting*.
Mrs. Hlpnnerhassett. of Heme Bay. writes from London that she isreturuing; home by the Oror.say Oriental through the Red Sea. She has motored all over Ireland, and spent a fortnight at 1 lie Lakes of Killarney. some time in Scotland and also in Paris. She should be in Auckland shortly, as she left London on September li). Mrs. Blennerha*sptt says how delighted she feels to h> coming home again. The Gardening Circle of the Lyceum Club paid a visit to '"Hounalow," the homo of Mrs. Alfred Kidd, convener of the Circle, on Wednesday. The garden was looking very well, and the blending of harmonious colouring, for which this Harden is remarkable, and its artistic beauty was much admired. The roses ever the. long pergola were coming into full glory, and the walks bordered with ileep rows of purple stocks, with the golden nemesia in the foreground, came in for much admiration. The sweet peas have been a lovely show, while the line specimens of Japanese maples and copper beeches were also much admired. There were between 20 and 30 members present, and a sumptuous afternoon .tea was served on the lawn. During the afternoon Mrs. Kidd's gardener gave a demonstration of how to handle young seedlings and plant them. At the conclusion a meeting of the Circle was held. at which arrangements for the flower show to lie hold next month at the Lyceum were made.
Last Tuesday evening the Recreations Committee of the Mil ford Progressive Association gave an entertainment in connection with the Gymnastic Club, in the Picturedrome Theatre. This club, with Mr. Warbrick as president, Mr. V, R. L. Hcywood as hon. secretary, and many hard-working helpers, including Messrs. Davidson and Duckworth, has done good work since its inauguration some IS months ago. Up to the present its membership numbers about Go—so young men and boys and 15 girls. It is hoped that more girls will enrol this coming year. The gymnastic display, including items on the parallel bars, spring board trapeze and horizontal bar, showed the very creditable work done by the club and its instructor, Mr. Poore. The supporting programme, ■"■'hich was much appreciated, included songs by .Mrs. Hocking, Miss Fountain, and Mr. Warbrick. piano solo by Miss Nathan, harp-zither solo, Mr. Bacon, dance solo, Miss Leslie Wood, and a ventriloquist entertainment by Mr. Baldwin. Mr. Warbrick told the audience that it is the intention of tho Recreation Committee to start a surf dub and a tennis club with three courts this season.
Sydney is entertaining a truly great man, _\I. Eugene, who invented the permanent hair wave. France mu,y not rule the seas, but she certainly rules the wave?, in this particular case, at least. The great man, who was banqueted hy the newly formed Master Ladies' Hairdressers' Association, was ? ? ked by an enquiring journalist whether the '-Shingle"' is going to last, '■or uiie generation, at least." he "aid. i-uinhatically. Then he added an •f B Ji de " full OI meanin g- "We will make «•' It is so comfortable, and so smart, ine ycung girl, she grows from childhood with her hair out short; she will not start to grow it when she reaches '■'ghteen. Not on your life! She may oe told that a woman's crown of fe'-ory is her hair, and she may remember J ier grandmother—or perhaps her greatptndmother—as a dear old lady with ">ng hair, but she snaps her lingers, and she says. "Not tor mc!" The torture of the nursery days—long hair to be brushed and plaited every night and morning -has passed, and will not «turn.
ENGAGEMENTS. The engagement is announced of Miss Agnes Seymour, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Seymour, of Epsom, to Mr L ■J. -Mander, youngest son of Mrs. \ J -Uander, Auckland. The. engagement has been announced of Miss Dorothy Holmes, only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Holmes, Point Chevalier, Auckland, to Mr. Stanley Lathrope, only child of Mr. and Mrs W Lathrope, Mount Albert. The engagement i.s announced in the ■Otago Daily Times,"' of Winifred Mary second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Pearce, of Invercargill, to Mr. K. A. Astley, of Morningside, Auckland.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 13
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1,171WOMEN'S WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 13
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WOMEN'S WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 13
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