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Cuticura Talcum Unadulterated Exquisitely Scented m~ tr -*** BX— HEENZO "As a congrh and cold remedy. ■•tTilnjf equals HEENZO. Specially ralnsble for croup and whoopins cough. I would not be without it!" 2/6 bottle makes pint — savee you money ! 14 γ-kolvnos^ 5 Dentei Cream ; ; ; THE RE&ULT ! i OF RESEARCH FOR BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. Act promptly and effectively. Small Pill (new size 32 in box) price 1/6. Of all chemists throughout the World. James Cockle & Co., Ltd., London. 5i D - FC - R - T . Hi^ sliowiii? complete SKEATE'SBICYCLES and everything In the way of ACCESSORIES for » Biryclos Motor-Cycles or Cars. Also full information re Bicycle and Motor-Cycle REPAIRS. Write Same and Address here Name Address Enclose 3d (to cover postage*. ■ Cut -out advt. and post SOW. BKEATES AND WHITE, LTD., P.O. Box 68. AUCKLAND. "TvR. HALL'S Famous Capsoi', price 12/6 ■ L ~' Package, posr free. To ensure setting frnnuine order direct from Sole Agents Bridge DruK Stores, Chemists, 3, Karanzahape Hd. (at Grnfton Bridge), Auekland.~D
Smith & Caughey Ltd. Don't Let Another Fine Week-End Catch You Unprepared With Suitable Clothes for Sunny Weather. Spring is here, and soon Aucklanders will fUA —«^ be in the thick of summer games and out- rvSk door life generally. Whatever the sport [ t_ - may be—tennis, cricket, bathing, or just / j U \ for holiday -wear at seaside or country f -»f JLV "* \U resort we have the clothes you want, at \ \A \ I lowest cash prices. / i J M>#. Sun Helmets. W \ Sun Helmets, in grey, crash, fawn, white— /rY ■ .LI & V Boys'. Youths'. Men's. //// "Tj I J 3/3, 3/6 3/6, 3/9 3/11, 4/6 // I I KilllL I Tennis Hats. pL-* * I ji* VtfXVi Boys' White Tennis Hats—3/11. . J« JLt-l.^T Men's White Tennis Hats—4/6. ~ Panamas. «.,',' '»•• - MPs i|||'lU Men's Panama Hats; Alpine shape—29/6,37/6, "*"* Mvjt {li! |jf Men's Panama Hats, Neglige shape—27/6, *§•«.' j 'imtfa* Men's Jap. Panamas, Neglige shape—l 7/6, WF u 'ic\ t £~ „., _„ „ ,™' c Felts - Bathing Costumes. R£ Fif bri^o/6 . S^j'll^ Sports Shirts. Men's Navy All-Wool Bathing Costumes, with Men's Plain Fuji Silk Tennis Shirts—l 9/6 i attached > P lain or fancy coloured 22/6 bands— Men's Plain Fuji Canoe Shirt?- V 6, 23/6 *???■ M - 0S - Men's White Tennis Shirts— l. , 9/6 10/6 }~ 13/6 14/ " 11/6. ' , la/- 15/6 16/Men's White Canoe Shirts—B/11, 9/6 10/6 S - y All-Wool Bathing Costumes, one--11/6. P iece st y le . with coloured bandsLight Underwear. fcft Men's White Cellular Underwear — Singlets Boys' Navy Cotton One-piece Bathing Suits— „, £? d T T r T U " k Drawers, all sizes—s/3. 24in. 26in. 28in. 30in. 32in. chest Meridian Underwear, summer weight—Cream 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/11 3/11 Cotton Singlets, half sleeves; Trunk Boys' Navy Cotton One-piece Bathing Suits, Drawers; Trousers— with skirt attached— 1 R/fi fi /« °*?A XOS - 24ir - 26in - 28in - SOin. 32in. chest 8/6 8/6 9/6 10/6 4/6 4/6 4/6 4/11 4/11 Sports Suits. Sports Shoes. The Two-piece Sports Suit is a popular gar- Men 's and Boys' Tennis Shoes, with crepe rubment for outdoor wear. We carry a large ber soles and rubber toe-caps; the latest selection, cut m the latest styles, in Done- shapes; good value—lo to 13 7/11; Ito gal and homespun tweeds. The jackets 3 > 8/6; 4to 5, 8/11; Men's, 6to 9 9/6; are semi-belted, and have patch pockets 10. 10/6. The trousers are well made and finished, Men's Tennis Shoes, with leather welt and e J: 'th cuff bottoms—d 2/6 75/-, 85/-. crepe rubber soles—ls/6, 17/6 pair. bports Coats, in Donegal Homespun Scotch Bowling Shoes, buckskin, crepe rubber solesTweeds, semi-belted, patch pockets, easy 35 /- Pair. fitting—37/6, 42/-, 45/-, 50/-, 55/-. ' Canvas Bowling Shoes, with crepe rubber Blazers *. es — From 17/6 pair. Men", Btaers, navy, wiih 'coloured cord B " U °< S S " 0M ' "=>* ral - „,. Z fMey co , d WW " "»* Pair . edging—Navy, size 2, 12/6; grey size 3 White Sox. la/6. * ' J?; hlte Cotton Sox—2/6 pair. Men s Alpaca Coats-Black, 19/6, 25/-: black, Cotton an d Sox-3/6 pair, with self stripe, 21/-; silver-grey, 21/- %£?* ?Y h,te Cotton and Wool Sox—4/6 pair. black, shot with grey, 25/-. ' >Vh, te All-Wool Cashmere Sox-3/6 pair Tennis Trousers. c!ox" ~3n l Ff? hmere Sox ' with coloured fc Ss^JftSTisSa , Bft- „ Novell Belts. 23/6, 30/-; biecuitf (ffi WSg] Wl »iteWashable Beltsf with non-rust buckleMen's Tennis Trousers, smart cut, perfect S^^f^i 16 , 1 " Belts ' with P atent buckle—3 '6 fitting. Cream cotton Gabardine 18/fi- * anc y Silk Belts, with coloured stripes; very cream wool Gabardine, 35/6; cream Ser» w - . sma rt-4/6, 5/11, 8/11. * 35/6; cream Flannel, 35/-. g ' Hl ckok Belts, solid leather, nickel bucklesr\ -,„ 8/6 « 9 /n. io/6. Open Till 9 o'clock To-night. Men's and Boys' Complete Outgtters
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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753Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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