HOW MANY SKINS j HAVE WE? AND HOW OFTEN DO WE CHANGE THEM? or rourse. everyone knows wo have several skins, but vyiist every woman does not know iancl it is primarily a woman's Question) is that the epidermis, or outer srarf-skin or tne race out-wears itseir rrom time m time, and a new one—the one that lies ju=t underneath —waits ready , to take its place. yon may have notioea now. :n cases of sunburn 'the rare "peels." But burnin? the skin oir is a very painrul n:ethod of arquirinsr a new skin, and not one woman would choose. The process or decay i.i the surface skin or tUe race is normally almost imperceptible, Tor the dead scales are very minute. What they do, llioug-h. is to clog" the pores and attract every atom or dust and dirt which more readily attack and adhere to tlie skin. The result is a thorouphlv bad complexion, dull, colourless, and frequently disllg-ured with spots and blemishes. i The only way to restore rreshnes3 and bloom to the complexion is to g-et rid of the out-worn scarr-skln I)y the u?e of mercolized wax. This fragment compound will remove the dead skin while you sleep, for it completely dissolves the decayed tissues and uncovers the sort, clear skin underneath. Mercolized wax possesses rare absorptive qualities -which accomplish this without ariy discomfort whatsoever, and without the slig-htest irritation of the most sensitive skin. All you need do is to procure a small quantity rrom the chemist, and at bedtime, after washing: the race in warm water, apply it as you would any ordinary face cream, taking care tb leave it on until the morning, then wash ag-ain ivith warm water and a g-ood toilet soap. Ti.n days or so or this treatment will give you a new complexion as fresh, clear and sort as a child's. It has been there all the time just waiting- for a chance to reveal itseir.— (Ad.i :
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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