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Irresistible Values in the Bargain Basement „„ . . SELLING FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P M jB-inch Plain Coloured Cotton Geor- ~ . , _ . „. , ~ , gette, all shades-2/3 yard. Alabaster Bedroom Clocks, dainty Ladies' Tan Cotton pair; T t\«ts; novelty shapes-6/6 each. 3 pairs for 2/6 *"*"» Ladies' Knitted Wool Sport Coats— ,/• .' .„ .. _ , , _ * Men's Tweed Working Trousers— 54-inch All-wool Coloured Serges— mmm 8/11 pair LaJies' y Cottn TJndervests-1/- each; M "Cash and Carry." M|£% | P ° Stage mUst *■*£* t0 Basement ymmmmmmmJr JA*JL. Vmmbmv X "STAR ATTRACTIONS. ,, Men's Cream Gabardine Tennis or Bowling ■ ■ Trou«er», belt loops, cuff bottoms, back ~ straps, brace buttons, side and hip pocKets, well cut, strongly finished; in sizes 3 to 7, also half sizes, 3} to SA. A Hear the special '• Star" value that should not be I . ,i c< • i m* • missed. inspect vie special Music SUp Attraction Price, TO-MORROW, Mr w_» J.«». jjy |j/gthepair. Handsome Prr»f»cci*innl Ladiee' and Maids' Black Claoe Kid One- New rroressionai Btr B hoet, with low heels, a well-made, . Talent B English, all-leather Shoe, recommenced l>. Designs in » "'. . * for comfort and service in wear. An ex- . __ Accompanied tremeiy good value " star" line; in sizes Jensen-Moore ,i ' M -2 to 7. . . On the J Star Attraction Price, TO-MORROW, Pianos Jensen-Moore M 13/6 the p,ir - % Showing fnThi m From 9to 11a.m. only. % Fifth noor, Tea Rooms, B MailOrderanot■ccepte^^^^t*'St«Attraction" from To-night, W guineas. 7.30 to 8.30. M % Terms. ~ "Always Busy 39 TONIGHTS ATTRACTIONS From 7 to 9 p.m* only. Mail Orders not accepted at these Attraction Prices. Boys , Extra Durable Dark Grey Pin-head Eddie Suite. To-night, Boys , Extra Durable Dark Grey Pin-head Eddie Suits. An ideal Shirt and Trouser, summer 1 /*/* 6 " style, for.the wee man from 3to a.jeara. Bands iewn on shirt to button on trousers. A •/O good -washing, recommended fabric; in sizes 1 to 6. Each. Royaf Vinolia Boxed ToUet Soap, in White Coal Tar.« To-night, Royal Vinolia Boxed Toilet Soap, in White Coal Tar, wrapped; three cakes in box. A useful, 1 /. thoroughly reliable line, priced remarkably low. The Box of 3 Cake*. Ladies' Japanese, also Chinese, Sunshades. To-night, Ladies' Japanese, also Chinese, Sunshades, in numerous attractive Oriental designs and colour- Q /I 1 mgs. A-full-sized, strong frame, useful line, bargain priced. Ideal for beach or sports -J/ I I ground. .- r t l — c«acn. Novelty "Stork" Embroidery Scissors. To-night, Novelty "Stork" Embroidery Scissors. A quaintly-shaped gilt handle; handy size, well made, 1 f\ ACI pointed'steel blade line, priced phenomenally low. The LadiesV Fine Seamless Lisle Hose. To-night, Ladies Finev Seamless Lisle Hose, mercerised finish; reliable English make, in black, white O /I 1 nigger, -ton, mole, light and dark grey, navy, putty, and champagne. A special value // I I offer hard to equal. "• - ~..," r mmtg * * — 2 ——— . The Pair. 40-inch Silk Crepe de Chines. To-night, 40-inch Silk€repe de Chines, of reliable quality, suitable for frocks lingerie, etc.; in lovely A /(\ shades ofrsaxe, rose, pink, sky, fawn, grey, brown, mole, white, black. Per Yard 32-inch Striped Mercerised Cotton Fuji. ~ To-night, 32-inch Striped Mercerised Cotton Fuji, for frocks, shirts, etc. A highly mercerised, well O /O woven, popular, splendid washing • in new cluster and in striped designs, on X/ -S white and, cream grounds; in pink, blue, red, tan, helio., grey. Per Yaird Size 22 x 44 White Cotton Turkish Towels. To-night, Size 22 x 44--\White Cotton Turkish Towels. An excellent value, good, useful size, well woven 1 /Q Face Towel, bargain priced. A saving that should appeal to economical housewives. Each. Men's White Athletic Short Underpants. To-night Men's White Athletic Short Underpants> of Serviceable English Cellular Porous Mesh Cotton O /O Material. Unshrinkable, cool and light; an excellent summer garment priced extremely -S / S low for to-night's shoppers; 34in. to 44in. Tk p^ Size 24 x 48 Serviceable and Useful Reversible Floor Rugs. To-night, Size 24 x Serviceable and Useful Reversible Floor Rugs. Attractive designs, mostly on r* 1 1 't fawn and vieux rose grounds. An outstanding value offer; suitable for bed or sitting h/ I I rooms. ° \JI A A Ladies' Durable Quality Crepe Nightdresses. To-night, Ladies Durable Quality Crepe Nightdresses, cut magyar style, with short sleeves and round / 1 1 neck, finished hemstitching. A special value offer; in white, sky, helio., and pink. Ea h 10-inch Double-sided "Oriole" Gramophone Records. To-night 10-inch Double-sided "Oriole" Gramophone Records. An entirely new, wonderful value line *> l*\ priced remarkably low. All the latest hits in dance music, "etc. Records not exchanged' X / See list of titles to-day. " <■■*#. %J • Each. Visit the J.C.L. Bazaar, Ground Floor, and secure Some of the Wonderful Bargains in Toilet Preparations JOHN COURT LTD. Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers 10 of 25 250 \fr W -V 20 of 10 200 \ JF- '\X% f> "Wβ have much pleasure m recom--100 of 5 500 \ 7~~ I M A. ■«Til* / mending your Lanes Emulsion to V / MKm *mW / anyone with children run down in _, . ( C* V M, ' health. Our Matron say» it is / OtCLL ! ' e,t remedy she knows for r» • V bringing young people bat;k. to 139 PriZGS health and strength. Our home provides for the temporary \/rtlfto care of children of poor sick mother* * UIUC ot-C/1/1/1/ - — who may be in hospital, etc." „ ...«.« . , S. DUNKLEY, Manager. Biggest Prizes ever offered in New Zealand. chiidrens Rest Home, >SJ Mornington, Dunedin, N£ (( ' (BY Permission of the ■ ■ To w. J. POTTER Minister of Internal I2S%l^ff3l 9 V jl P.O. Box 1505, Auckland. || Affairs). B V^^lJ J Pk -^- SzColOSSal" i EMxisiONj II for which 1 encloee £ * »*m Ticket, 2A «CW OU3VVV COST ./**Hd4/***lCk«ni«s-aniStor*. » EndoK stamped ad- - \A>*l _ . ZZZT dressed envelnnL c Head Office: ■" ;:,: ■"T^Pe'or. collossal art union ■ SV%MSM IfeAßUiii Name _ " P ' y V " ' M "S.c'Sw.T""'' \6rYOiJNMB .11 Address. *- ~ : ~f~ —■ '"' W. J.- POTTfcR, A2Em( cfc " **"•& P" te lor <i"da' _ll --•—i~:::r —• i p -°- Box 1505, Auckiand - SV'§S !^-!Se
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
Word Count
953Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 12
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.