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TO liET. ' ; A MBUBY'S Corner, Grey Lynn—Half = •"- House, select, furnished; c.1., gas; ) tramline : 25/. —Inquire. Stab. -I^*' ' "ROARDINGHOUSK, 14 rooms, 01, College >. •*-* Mill; c.1., first-class position, car line ) Inquire Star. •»'". BOX MARCIIK CHAMBERS. Karangah.ipe Road.—Modern Offices, suitable doctor, 1 lawyer, healer, optician, dressmaker. photographer, ngent. Li BKOWNS HAY—Furnished House, 7 rnoni;; will lease lons period; reasont .-ilile rent.—Hart. Tainotea. - BUNGALOW 0 rooms. 12, Upper Vincent St., City.—Apply 11. Franklin Rd., Pon- . son by. . _252 i "DUNWALOW. .". rooms, with every modern ) JL> fonvmience. close to park and beach. — • Kiinf -r.--,on. . BUNGALOW, partly furnished, use of vegetables.; r-ouple, no children: board 1 ott-niM-.-'-Inf|iiiri- Star. . ' 104 BUNGALOW. New. .-. rooms. Kelmont. Takiipnnn: ti '1/ l>cr wcck.-Grevillc 2 and Ilramwell. 1"». k'nt-on St. BUNGALOW. •"> rooms, partly furti.j handy school, luatn.-Apply T, Thames ; St.. nominliiu IM. Term in us. ZLBUXCtALOW. (.i Inrgc rooms, kitchenette, garasr* < f f«r term. —I. Avcnham . Witlk." Vnlle'y lid.', dominion I'd. . j "DUNCALOW. Mi. Kdeu. 4 rooms, well furL XJ' nlolied every cony.: adults: £.°> S/. — : Ahhott and Kirn sly. Kxi-liango Lane. CIALL Hero; ?:ivi' time. —Houses :'.n«l J Pints to Lr>l everywhere.—7. Ilellahy s : Bldgs.. opp. G.P.o. I • r>lT\\ —Four Rooms, 30/ weekly ; buy - v> , fnrnltm-K. £45.— Eoy-Stratton. opp. : Xewi.-in p.ii. . i_il CITY Shop. Workrooms and Basement, to Let or Lease, cheap.—Zenith Artificial . Appliances. Lui.. Civic Square. C 4 " f>ONSTm TION HILL —House. S rooms, - ' thoronjshly renovated, «" convs.; euit- , ;ihle two ti:its.---Appl.v No. G. .' :i-voomcd. at Uu*seii, witn •' *-'' lonn-ro and wrandnh: beautiful view. - Apply Morton. "Uul)lps." ltussell. . ] : III)., near . ll . d -"T L (J rooms, vacant; £'J JU/. —«. •'■ t Pries;. .--*. Queen St. - DEVONPOBT —4 Rooms, 5 mins. wharf: views unsurpassed; Ho/. — Corner 1 Calliope Rd. and Hula St. L£L DKVONI'ORT —Couple, no children, look alter convenient furn. Home and Board t owner.—lnquire Star. •* il)-> DBVONPOBT.— 2 Flnts, £2 and 30/. tuvnished : very eloan and comfortable: • electric light and phone; beautiful harbour J views.—Phone 41-W'fi. TnDEXDALE —3 Large Rooms, evpry cony.; •jEj minute trnm and school ; 27/6. —10. I Coyie St.. Edendale. - "T^DENDALK—SeIf-contained Unfurnished ! Flat. 3 rooms nnd kitchenette; rental > 30/.— Tlorne. Ltd.. lf>. Shortlanfl St. - TTiPSOM (near car). —Commodious House, > JCj unfurn.. 6 rooms, high position.—Apply i 4.* i, King George Ay. l^T - TT^PSOM.—Rooms (21. unfurn., lmiii 1j C ars; c.1., h. and c. water, all convs.; . 25/.- —Apply, after 2.30 p.m., 20, Arcadia . Rd.. Kptiom. ESPLANADE RlX—3 Rooms and kitchenette, furnished; separate entrance. — i Jolly. 11". IMen Terrace. j_>S FACTORY, larao nnd light, two floors.— Apply Volkncr. Tinsmith. g4. Grey St. : T7IACTORY. City. Al position: gas, "-nter, i> JJ power; low rent. —'Phone 4C->9o. 4 large rooms, - minutes beach and trams.—Apply 20, Sentinel Rd., Kerne Bay. : T7VLAT. unfurn., self-contained, opposiN , -1- Domain; every convenience.— Apply 'il, Park Rd. FLAT, front, self-contained, 2-3 rooms; se-p. entrance, c.1.,; carage optional.— • 47. Brighton Rd.. Parnpll. FLAT, Mt. Eden, 2nd ser-tion, furnished. :i rooms; phone: 32/6.— ' Frank Harrison, Agcnr, 523, Insurance ■ P.ldu.s. GEXT'S Residence. 7 rooms, well furn., for 6 months: best part Mt. Eden.— Apply 15fi. Queen St. riKAPTOS RD., City end—7 Rooms, con--1 veniences: suitable apartments or two " familiesi: £3 10/.—lnquire Star. 431 HALF House, two private doors, and convs.; c.1.; reasonable.—2l, Marama Avenue. Epsom. 2^5 HALF House. Heme Buy, suit ro.C. or elderly couple.—lixcclftfor I'eg.. 30, Plioenix Chambers. HERNE BAY —House. 6 rooms, lease to reliable tenant.—Apply 6, Ardmorc Rd.. I Heme Bay. HOUSE to Let.—Apply Wcstlakc, Groce,-. • firey Lynn. _7 i HOUSE, 10-roomed, must buy furniture j (eueapi.—lnquire Stab. _S0 j HOUSE, Mt. Eden, 0 rooms, c.1., Orien gas stoves, mln. tram ; rent £4.—lnquire Star. ___ HOUSE. 4 rooms, convs.. handy Ist tram suction : rent 30/. —Apply SO, Snorti land St. , HOUSE, 4 rooms, all convp., gardcil, for Sale or to Let.—A. IT. Murray, Avondnie. South. S TTOUSE. G rooms, to Let on Lyase, eoiws.; , -t- 1 - suitable tv,o flats.—Apply 71. View ltd., . Dominion Rd. 1 TITOUSE, 8 rooms. Green Lane; rent .*!C.' i - 4 - 1 - per weeh : handy to trams and train. ; Rin<; 3012 (4 rings). ■ SQD TTOU-SK, 7 rooms, convs. ; first sectinu -*-*- from city : adults only ; Ponsouby di.striet. —Inquire Star. 400 TTOUSE. 8 rooms; 10, Bellwood Ay., ■*--*- Dominion Road. : "A., conveniences. Addrers nnd key next door. TTOUSE, 5 rooms, Te Marama Aye., , ■*-■*- Ellerslie: smin train, tram.—Apply T. Grjpr. Park Av»\. Papatoeto.*. ' TTOUSE, :; rooms aud all con- - 1 - , - vm fences.—Apply Forrest. Stationer, . Ranfurly Corner. Manuhmi Rd. HOUSE. 7 rooms, perfect order, mill, -ira section Mt. Albert tram: £2 10.'.— - Tallies. Agents. Nev.-ron. 6t TTOUSE. furnished, to Let. liiuigalow." 5 - 1 -- 1 - rooms, garage, elevated position. Epsom •to end Jnnunrr: reforeaces : apply fore-noon.---tnfniii'i-' Star. .-,];; T7"IN'.;SLAND--o HooitlS. pore. bath 1V ■•allfout. perfcet order; f2 10/; refs •J.">si. Svinonds St. » , TJ-OHI (SelNvyu Ud.l.-Modern P.uncalow. i •»-»- fours.- Key next doir ( , r apply, ■ Upper Queen St.. T.'ny.i] Qnk. ' ' i;;;i elevated positinr ~, heaeh—2 Self-contained Flats. s .-.s. ".'■ Anplv i>l. Rprmipr.-i R<l. iV r) I - A -< store ; low rent.—Fowler, S7 \Vv- • N'-rtli Kd.. ' V; , , \jli,Fi)KU—Five-roomed BuiiOTJow, lart'C *«■ vernnduU: elevated: beautiful vi-;w • epnv.s. ; :jo/ : term.—Write s. W.y,',, .Stak.' • \r T - ALBERT— 4 rooms, kii rS tXv - b!ltu: :lU couvs.; near tram, train 11, C'laremcni St., Khyher I'ass. 03 -ITT EDEN.—Nine Rooms: make ideal - 1 - , - , - boarding or apartments; 124 KmSlratton. opp. Xewtdii P.O. ' jfj -y-AKKOU- NECK—t Kooms, turn.. r.-,,nvs ■ Uaiins. beach, lmln. bus.—lnquin; TAU - -Ms VBWMAIIKKT-Uooms in heart of Dronrtw. si'!y,^jgg^ l: r^ \ EW Hungalow. 2 flat«, txvr, relineri ( ;nup,r-s ~r sub-W; Mt. Albert, mm. 2i r _JL f ly.--J- >1 - s yi""»ds Si. 4.-; "ViCE House, r, ro >m.-. all i-..->. < aTT Albcrr. near c;irs: elevalvd.-AiplV i_, _\J-OKTHrOTE.— Sis I, lrK n Rooms, rr.nvs flrsr-cl.iss order; :;-,/ f ,, r term.— tnnuire Stai:. i, ; - V«»UTIICCTE.--:i Unfnrn. Rooms, range. wi!t_____^vga,: h, " ; £i " k - T>ART Tup Floor, about l.TOOfl: suitable ■*- studio.-.Rutlcr. Lid., Si), Albert St. pART or Small Cottage, share with oiu lady; JO/ per week.—Priest, SS, Queen ' P^™!: 1 ", ls * Section, good locality.— . convs A etl Ho,,ee ' now vacant - all " ~ per week f ° eood tenant Poain. Quee", S°" CC '~~ CaSsSdy ' Rews Chambers, [ pONSONBY— House, 0 rooms and convs.: : land St 10 /.—Home, Ltd., lU. Short- : JJKMnCßA—comrortahlp irome. (i moms, Snvors' iii ,O V-', b - i,nrl ''• : nandv 3rd sertjon. •'."■ is. m. \n; ( . an ;,„„,. R ,,^ 1 / *'>"#'■> turn., suit work-ins man : AUdrir^Hobso^i. 1100,1, t0 Share -,
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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1,024Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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