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TO .LET. ROOMS to Let, suitable for offices, dentist or tearooms, Karangahape Hd inn,' I'itt St.).— Apply Public Trust WOMS (3i, conveniences; business ore" -" mises : reference required; nomimi rent, small services.—lt>, iiieat North ltd KOOM, large, light, niry, clean, cento i city, to Lot or Lease: suitable fo? workroom ; floor space 700 ft annrriT \\rin- r , . 'jgiKi. Stah. v Os '~~ "DOOMS (.">). and convs., to Let ( or SellT -a-* , to careful tenant: "p-to-date: in ncfoot order: c.l: four doors from trnm Write H. 443-. Stau, or 'Phom- _3-573. Bungalow, roint ChevalieT*vJ , mm. bus: •} rooms, kitchenette cony' Apply 13. Livingstone St.. Grey Lynn. ECURITY BUILDINGS.—Office to Lef on 4fh f100r.—.7. W. Shearer, or CarplYiker. ;C3IIOP anrl Dwelling. 3 rooms nntl kitchen ■ KJ til so Lockup Shop.—Wood and Co' Propers, Mt. KtTen. 3 ;j , CHOI , TO LET. DOUBLE FROVr" *3 V* ITH LIVING ROOMS " Ilardley's RulJdinps, Broadway, Newmarket Apply lIARPLEYS. I/fa m OHORT'S Buildings. 354-106, Quern _ sT *J Kront Suite, and Others. — H P nr~ Allen. Sliarehroker. Third Floor. f> fiJT. lIKUER'S—B Houses, furn., unfuriT *-J -I rooms, convs : 30/. £2, £2 10/* Bradshmv, The Strand, St. Hclier'B, STANLEY POINT-:! and 4-roomed Flats" completely detached; all conveniences • seven minutes' boat.—Apply 30. Stanley Pi* tiT. HKLIEIfS. —4 Rooms, kitchenette ►J pas store, callfont, new; handy benrt, find bus.—Apply Mrs. Henderson. ] 3,J CJTORE or Garepo to Let. Beach Ud.. near *J Anzac Ar.-j. j. Seymour, Hellaby* Piflgs.. opp 0.p.0. ' S2UUURBS Terminus—New BnVk Shorn living aeeom., counter, fittings- will lease.—ll. Sowflen. 32, Queen St. rpAKAPt'XA, Strand Corner.—fnfnni. -*- House. ,"i largp rooms; and conrs — Apply IT. Kr.-i.-keii Are.. Takapuna. /"VHILLLNG AND FREEZING ROOMS, CURING AND SMOKING ROOMS. Suitable for Pork Butchers, Bacon Curersi etc. S A X F O R D. L T D.. .Tellicoe Street. £ ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. O'CONNELL STREET. MODERN OFFICES TO LET On Reasonable Terms. Apply ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, JO, O'Connell Street. jfc PIAJfOS FOR SALE. AGODDARD Piano for Best Value j 1*4,670 circulated among music lovers ■Sl.v's, 144. Symonds St. a A LLISOX, overstrung, check action, **- guaranteed in every detail : £77 10. cash or t^ms.--Sly's, 144. Symonds St. AI-LIS-ON Upright 'Grand. .magnificent; ■£*- tone, urgent sale; £49: equal new; late model: absolute; bargain.—l4o. Symondß SU DETTER Piano Values obtainable at thu ■M National Piano Co., Ltd., compp Wcllosley and Albert Sts. n "PyXGLISH Upright Graud Piano, iron ■*-■ frame, check action: splendid Instrument.—S3, Remuera Rd. 'Phone 2.V254. 32i> /OVERMAN, overstrung, underdampcr, Upright Grand, sale prico £40 10/, worth. double. —14:>. Symonds 'St. i~kXFORD Player at Sale Price: beautiful \ J models -just unpacked. Inspect — Moore's, next Wavcrley. Customs St. T3IANO. German, new. best make, latest • L model, onk ease; sacrifice, cost Price. Glol<e. ir,4. Queen St. "piANO (Everson). excellent tone, appear-. -*- nncp. .-md condition: £50: well wortU .£Bo.—Flat A. 352. Grafton Rd. "piANOS. Brinsmead. Sale Price: Britain* ■*- Beat: easiest terms; make. inquiries.— Moore's, nevt Waverley. Customs St. E. (?O PAlD—Person -wanted to take ovnd o*«J and continue payment.—Sly's, 144. S-rmonrls St. ■<?Q IA/ DEPOSIT. 13/ -Weekly-. cWt, -«-W iMaenißcent New Upright; Grand. Wonderful value.. — Auckland Piano Agency, opp. Tnirn T-lall. I I ]V J? V ; --A,. l> I A X O^ KM X W J' u X I a x v 3g NO DEPOSIT. ' NO DEPOSIT. { EASY TERMS. EASY PAYMEM'4 New, Full Iron Frame Planes, from j 12,0 A WEEK. }j rpiia -QEPOSIT piAXO ri).% Oβ, HIGH STREET. J UAUOLD C. MOSES, Manager. vj Established iij Years. ■ j) U PIANOS WANTED. TpiANO, Sdcond-Jiaad, in jrood condition; -*- siaic prior and makr :no duds tvanti'd. NN'ritc );. -tI:V2, Stak. ;« FOR EXCHANGE. "OUrLDINvi Sfctlor.s (U), New Lynn. £830. -*-* unpni-u.'iilirrr'il : Exchanffu tur Housu, .1. Tclt*. IL'. r-.-tiinir.-tmi Kldys. _^ TTOUSTS, near Ain-hlnnrl. wanted t<-e I •*--•- Sontli Suhiirlian Howe.— W. l<. r ninf-ls. .\Kt-nt, I'atmfcura. TUBAL spot %Va.ikiiT<> town. 30 Acres {,v>"d •*- level piisturi'. »uitnh!e cutting up. £lu"<(.<, . cijiitly tjl.'id: owner nuuirea honsu.—• SNjrtt b S. -.i»wv). ' ■\/riNKKVA, n-sratrr, good order, t' lv;1 » A,J - as ileposit Bungfllow, 5 rooms.—lit« man, .s, riioi-nix cli.iiilkt.s __ SPLENDID ExcbuiiKi- Proposition.—Hill* , bi»ro" Ud.. Mt. Kunklll.-Now -l-rooiucii Bungalow, hxehunge for .Mortsnses.— AvvW li. S. AIUIfTS.)!). lllli:-:ioro' ltd. >'j fPAKAPI.'NA Kmif.ilow. 0 roonirf. cony?., - 1 - pcjuity .*: juo, t<n- Launch o:- Y.ielit. - lrif|ii in , Si'ak. 1 !■"• -{-'~T~\ r>KPC)SIT. Pri.-.' Barffain-- ' *-* N.Mr Koy:i| o»k—<"osy -1 rooms, i , .!. Fi-lty. I'alinfMim P.liias. ____ ~r-K!)OMi;ij I'rojHiiy. c < s?.. for *■ •' larse sei-tin:i, Tukayona, frf— I'f'ld.---tliqnlro Sr.Mi. •"' : * x nKM L'EKA T7«XCHANt«Ke THKKK TIP-TOP rU"Ni;.\LO\VS ft-'R l-:.\i"IIAN«*K. t 1 1.-O --Atli-activi-. : 4 KnnDis and kitrlienetti'. i-nmpli<iely mid rastefully furnlslii'd. Equliy £400. Section. Mort{fll?*» or otluT security wanted. £I.loo —New, wi.ll pltuated: •" Koonisl moderu ; unusual!,,- appealing. T-Iqniry £430. Section. MortKiige, or good ear wantfd. €1850 —Ureen Lane. The most b-auti-fu'.ly finished, convenient and attractive homo we have inspected fur yours. Electrical iittings nnd stove. A revelation ia attractive finish and iirtitttlc decoration. Glasgow lease. Equity £050. Sections, Sound Mortgage, or other security wanted, .tttnlliam; a ttorne, "T td -' "THE LAND MAN." 10, SIIORTLAND STREET, .Vt'CKLAXP* GARAGES. SERVICE STATIONS. fiU.LY.TT MOTOR?-, LTD.. Bui-k Service vJ Station. UH. Al'iert St. n'l'l , - Towu Hall'- Oarage Qj'°" '. THE DODGE Owners' Service Station foj Electrical Repairs Is Waison, Steel »n4 Ganler, Ltd., 41-<3P3. c
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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842Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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