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APARTMENTS VACANT. ROOM, double, furn.; own stove, meter; £1; also single.—37, Belgium St., close St. Benedict's. 140 "DOOMS (2), unfurn.; use o£ all convs.; -*-* 1 Grey Lynn Terminus. — For address, King 21-593. SlO ROOM. furn. or unfuru., suitable lady: bandy Mt. Eden and Epsom trams. — In<iuire Stab. 450 "DOOMS, single and double, c.1., ull convs. JL* , Ivanhoc, 01, Wcllesley St. West, opp. Weilesley House. "DOOM, nicely furnished, single beds; suit -*-* 1 one or two business friends. —31, Ponsonby ltd. "DOOMS (4), unfurn.. couvs,, c.1.; 3rd sec- -*-* tion : moderate rental.—Moderate, c/o Wilson. Newmarket. '_ Vii) "DOOM, large, unfurn., separate cooking: -*■•■' suit two refined girls, or business Indy.—L'4, Hepburn St. _'7o "DOOMS (2 or more), unfurn.; c.1.: own gas stove and meter.— 27, Mackelvin St.. Grey Lynn. 81 "DOOMS (2), unl'uru.. large fireplace; u*C -" all convs. ; t;i per week. —Apply 34, Douglas St.. Ponsnnhy. "DOOM, largo, furn.: suit two friends; -*-* 1 c.1.. all convs.—4S4, Queen St. (opp. Hotel Northland). "DOOMS (2) nnd Kitchenette To Let. -*-*■' nnfnra. : sop. convs., sep. entrance.— Inquire Star. 514 "DOOMS, furn.. double bedroom, kitchen : ■*•*' own j?as stove, meter, convs.—23, Ilaslett St.. Kden Terrace. "DOOM, single, fnrn.; suit working man : J-* , close Karangahapc Hd.: 10/ week.— 25. Edinburgh St.. Newton. "DOOMS (2), front, unfurnished; separate xv entrance.—3, Arnold St., Cliarles St., Dominion Rd., near bridge. 3:!1 ROOM, double, and kitchen, large, furn.. 1 stove, fireplace, self-contained; 25.— 31. Kdinhnrgli St.. Newton. 148 ROOMS (2) unfurn., renovated, fireplace, separate meter, cooker, light, adults. mm. tram.—los. Valley Rd. (vi "DOOMS (2). unfnrn., front, wi Hi fi re- ■*•*' place: sep. kitchenette; adults only. 2. Tennyson St.. Grey Lynn. 237 "DOOM, furnished or unfurnished, suit •1* mutes, modem conveniences, board il required.—o. Parrish Rd.. Kdendale. DOOMS (2), furnished, front, with :ill ■*-* convs.: 5 minutes Queen St; business people preferred.—lnquire Star. 47« ROOMS (2), unfurn., fireplace, c.1., hot water; two minutes car; moderate ; adults.—l 2. Tranmere Rd.. Edendalc. ROOM, double, furn., separate cooking, city ;no fares: 22/6 ; sober, respectable.—Ar>i'lr KO. Welleslpy St. W. ROOM, furn., kitchenette, c.1., hot water, private entrance: own meter.—l 2, Nixon St.. Newton. Near Reservoir. ROOMS C 2), kitchenette, separate ent.rnnce. firenlnce: ouiet. central; use convw.—No. 2. William St.. Dominion Rd. KOOM (1). large unfurnished: also kitchen, self-contained; near Cowan's BftKery.—2. Snnnysidc Rd.. Mt. Erlcn. "DOOMS (2), unftirn., kitchenette, c.!.. self- "■ contained, with convs. ; also unfurn. Double Room.—Apply 21, Park Are.. \-,4 B INGLE Beds to Let. c.1., bath; 7/0 weekly.-,tS. I'nlon St.. City. SS THE WILLOWS," Symonds St.—Bed ntifl Breakfast. "Phone 43-26S.—Miss O'Pen. Proprietress. A_ WIDOW has nicely Furn. Rooms, suit mates or m.c.—3, Rautangi Rd., Jit. R.I en. WIDOW will Let 2 front unfurn. Rooms, kitclieuette, jjas stove, own meter.— 17. Eden St,. Newmarket. US APARTMENTS WA3TTEI?. EPSOM —Flat, 2 rooms and convs.; no children.-—Write F. 1)753. Stah. "pVLAT, furn., wanted by m.c. ; self-eon- -*- talned : conve.: rensonahle : Ponsonby district : state terms.—Write M. 287. Star. FLAT, unfurnished, self-contained, 3 rooms and kitchenette: adults, permanent : good locality; central.; reasonahie.—Write M. 323. Star. "jl/fT. EDEN—2 Furn. Rooms, use convs. ; ■"■*- m.c. : two quiet infants. —Write B. Star. 50, ROOMS or Flat wanted to Rent; permanent: handy city; reasonable.—Write S. 0025. Star. "DOOMS (2 or 3) and kitchenette, furn. Xt ' or unfurnished.—The Home Finders. SS. Queen St. e^ "DOOM, unfurn.. and kitchenette, by X - Xl business couple: moderate: clean; near foi> Symonds St.: urgent.—Write B. 4430. Star. gss CUTTING Room and Bedroom, both furnished, wpiited by single Gentleman: hnih. hot and cold, essential.—Write M t>: , .:!. Stah. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE. \ UCKLAND PIANO AGENCY. 372. Queen St., will gladly demonstrate the outstanding qualities of "Sonora" Phonographs. v A MBEBOL and Edison Diamond Disc ■**- Records and Phonographs only at Edison-Shop. 15.'.5. Queen St. D BEAUTIFUL Solid Oak Floor Cabinet Gramophone, as new, with Records, for Kale, cheap. —Bj Ferryhill Rd., Epsom. TJOEIIM Flutes, Banjos, Mandolins, Steel ■*-* Guitars, Jazz D>nms. Instruments on easy terms. —Sjy. 119. Symonds S.t. C RIXSMEAD Flanp, good order, excellent ' tone.—lnquire'Stak. 4.14 T>L"V and Exchange your Records at 18, -*-*■ Darby St.. corner Elliott St.—Large Selections available. * "/>AREARr>" Gramophone Motors. *-" "Verlocfc"' Tone Arms, world's finest Direct Importera.Phoneriea. 18. Darby St U GRAMOPHONE (Columbia), double sprins motor, with 12 Records; £-1 10/ let. Inquire Star. . 507 (> RAMOPHONE Motors, tone arms, sound ■* boxes, all accessories. Write for list.---"Phoneries*. 14. Darby St. a GRAMOPHONE. brand new. beauiiful 2t"v oak; owner leavins: offer wanted Phone 45-414. 2n. S-rmonils St.. riBAMOPHOXE oak. floor cabinet. Dew. *-* with Records: £70 model: for quick sale. £27 10/.—27, Ardmoro Rd., Ponsonhy. 120 T EARN About Latest Gramophone Idea ■*-* Make money, save money. — Write Phoneries. 18. Darby St. * d T>I'CORDS. laree. spleeMon: 2/0 pacli: J-* , ' eTc-lian?e ]/: Gramophones from £.'; 10/ new.—42.l. Ponmntiy RO. CJAXOPHOXK. nlto or R ,\prano. in Exk -' ch.iinr" 5-vnh-n Wireless Outfit.— 24, Rnnfurlv Rd. West. Evtsom. v<7 QtAXOPIIONE. "Gtierin." E flarl a 1 to; *-J polid leather efl;-<>: perfect condition: sacrifice.—Meltzer Bros., 6.", C 7, Victorin St. "TTIOT-IN by Gaetano Guadngnini : i'ino or V offpr—Write Harris. P.O. P.ov "\7"IOLIN Repairs skilfully executed, \ Restorntion. Adjustments n snec'sHty <"!. Nfcholl. f>. Palmerston Buildings. Queen Ft.. Aucklnnd. ("■ p< R A M 0 1 % H 0 N E S. HOWIE'S, for HIS MASTER'S VOICE. BRUNSWICK, COLUMBIA and KKXONOLA MACHI.NKS. Comparisons csn be made of these various makes at any of our FOUK SHOPS. QUAY STREET. UPPER QUEEN STREET. 2K--\ QL'KKN STREET. KARANGAHAF'i; KOAU. BENU FOH FKKfI LISTS. C MUSICAL IWBTRUMEWTS WANTED. GRAMOPHONE Records, good order, any qiuintity.—Heed. 126. Great North Rd. pi RAMOPHONE, Floor Cabinet pref ; state maker nnd lowest cash price S. 9852, Star. LIVE STOCK AND VEHtCLEB WANTED. BAKER'S Cart or Yon, in enod order and cliciiT , -—\Vrlt« B.iker, Star Whajigarel. i~> CANARIES FOR SALE. ('•tool* Breediii; Hen Canaries, Broedins VJT TjiCt". Nests: Nestin; fn.-k (ioldriU' , iiee .1. Walker, Sir,, yticen j?t. ■>:
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
948Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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