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APARTMENTS VACANT. A BOUT Flats, Kooms. Houses; reason- **• able rentals.—Call at Itipley'3 12, mstone Bldgs., Queen St. D A I'ARTMENT, self-contained, own meter, etc.; large bed sitting room.—2, Arawa St., off Khyher Pass. 132 A PAUTMENTS, turn., eonvs., close 2nd -£*- section, Valley Kd.—9. Ewington Aye., off Dominion Rd., Mount Eden. D 4 A PAKTMENT, furn., superior, single and - cl - double: c.l. ; central ; eonvs.—l9, St. Benedict's St. 105 A PARTMENTS, furn., eonvs., reasonable - ri - to respectable permanenta preferred.— US. Kenmera ltd. (Newmnrket end). 76 A I'AItTATENTS — ]> Furnished Kooms, ' iA - kitchenette. eooUer, range, c.L. califont ; sep. entrance.—."!. Ligar Place, Grafton. K3 PARTMENTS. furn. nnd unfurn., all suburbs: tormsi easy. — Fred Ball, Ken's Chambers, 15. Queen Street (opp. G.P.0.). D BACH. 10/; Furnished ITints. kitchenettes, 1~>>: lOiuin.s. wharf.—"Tiri View," Narrow Neck. Phone 14(i. Devouport. C T>KIiHOOM, double, c.L, all eonvs.; uanay -*■-* to enrs and i-it.v.—7'J. Khyber Pnss K«OLD Sittins Room, double, furn., selfJ ~> contHiiied.—l. t'oiulPn St., Npwton. "DKEIIIVi;, ]4t). Ponsonby Rd., for Apart* -*- 1 " meuts, furn. or unfurnished.—Phone -'(;-::74. TJED nnd Sitting Room, separate kitchen- -*-*' ctto : superior; i'urn.—9o, Newton Rd., top Symiuids Sr. 7_ T3ED Sitting Room, double, furn., front. -*-* c.l. : own stove and meter. —20, West St.. Newton. "OliD Sitting Room, front, furn., double, •*-* separate pas stove aud meter. —7, Cleveland ltd.. Pnrnell. BED Sitting Room, clean, comfortable: suit two friends: c.1.; £1. —0, Bercsf<.r<l St.. opp. I-'jre Station. BED sittiiis Itoonis (2), double, furn..' fireplace, use convs. : also Single Uooin.—ll. Scotin Plnce. BED Sitting Room, kitchenette, furn.: suit friends or m.c.; minute beach; phone.—37. Sentinel X.-1.. Heme Buy. BED Sitting Itooin. large, furnis'.ied. own pas stove, c.1.: nlsrt Large Unfurnished j Room. firepliiPi'.—l4. East St.. Newton. "OIKKENIJKAD.- -Flat. 2 rooms, kitchen, -*-* .bathroom, r-pr. prate, sns fire, jras stove; lovely view; adults.—Write S, 9713, Star. • i CITY— Half f]i-to-dnte, furn.; all ! modern wnvs.: sunny: sen. entrance: quiet: no children.—lnquire 488 j TAEVO-NPOUT. —Rooms (3), furn. or -*-' unfurn.. ?ns conker: terms reasonable. Corner I,nke K.I, mul Owens Rd. "PJEVONPORT —Flat, 2 unfurnished rooms, -*-' kitchenette : separate stove, meter, entrance: handy wharf; moderate.—Write F. f>.~>('.S, Star. DOUBLE Bed Sitting Room, furn., own meter and grille! - .—ll, France St., opp. Court's, Newton. 102 FLAT, unfurnished, self-contained, to Let.—l7o. Remupra Rd. Ip.LAT, 2 large rooms, furn.; gas stove: 27/0. —Apply 37, Belgium St., near school. lap 2 rooms, furn., stove, meter. c.L. -*- private entrance. —51, Colllngwood St.. Ponsouhy. 2SB unfurn., near beach and cars; -*- private entrance. —27, Mason's Ay.. Heme Bny. 102 TjiLAT, 2 rooms, kitchenette, separate •*- entrance: fI : including c.1.—40. Norfolk St.. I'onsonhy. 285 FLATS i 2). furn.. separate entrance, stove, c.1.: from 30/; single 10/. —24, Khyher Pass. 106 TJ'LAT, self-contained, 2min Epsom and •*- Ucmuern ears. smin Newmarket Stntlon.—Ring 2.T-341. l>4 Purnell, 4 rooms and convs., - perfect order: £2 10/. —Heuley, 809, N.Z. Insurance Bldgs. FLAT, furn., self-contained. private entrance: child no objection.—Apply ■~n. Lincoln St.. Ponwonby. Hi FLATS, unfurn.. self-contained, separate meters: close car, school: 22/6 27/6. — 11. Stnnmore Rd.. Grey Lynn. FLAT, furn., superior position, own kitchenette, c.1.; adults only; 35/; refs.—lo2. PnrU Rd. 'Phone 43-670. D 4 FLAT, small. .self-contained, modern vonvs. : clean, sunny; verandah : best locality; reasonable rent. —Inquire Star. 499 FLAT, fnni., 2 lnrge rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, c.1., self-contnined; meters: Esplnuade Kd.. Mt. Eden. —Phoue 4172 (2 rings X FLAT. 2 rooms, kitchenette, furn., selfcontained, c.1.: moderate; opp. car stop: adults.—l, Collingwood St., Ponsonby. 257 FURNISHED Kooms. double ana single; in.p.; c.1., all convs.—Avon House, 34, Cook St. FURN. Double, Single, and Unfurn. Rooms, all convs. ; all prices.—Apply Registry, es. Pitt St. S7 GiREY LYNN.—Rooms (2), unfurnished" *" Hreplace. c.1., stove. uiPter; clean. nujet : •_';;/. —re. Crpnt North Rd. ir.2 KATOOMBA. , '—Superior Flats, furn.; ludies or jrents: own nieters; single rooms.—::S. Frnnklin Rd.. Ponsonby. KENVON —Apartments, nicely appointed Double and Single Kuril. Rooms; own cooking, convs.- 4."i2. Queen St. KIIYBEK Pass —Apartments, furnished or unfurn. ; convs. ; handy Ist sec.—l 9. Khyber l':iss. T o\v.-:u Symouds St.—lioom. large, airy. ± J plensnnt outlook. COulfOCtflbly ftiril. ; c.l. : depurate stove: suit two men, nj.c.— Inquire Stah. r>on MT. i:deN--J Uirsfe Sunny Rooms, kitchenette, sep. stove, entrance, meter, Kith: quiet.-—2O. Essex Rd. MT. EDEN.—Sunny Front Room, unfurn.. c.1.. Sep. entrance: suit couple or business people: within 2nd sec.—lnquire Stai:. 451 "V"_;\VMARKET—Large, sunny, front Bed Sittin-r Room : c.1.. all eOUVS. —Inquire Wilson. Stationer.. Newmarket. 112 PAKNELL Waterfront—Absolutely Self<out:«in.,i Flat: £2 10/. furnished.— The Home Finders. 58. Quren St. 01 PONSONBY —Adult couple would Share House, furn.. with adults; 30/ per week.— Inquire Star. , r. 1 1 PONSUNBY —Single Furnished Room and use convs. : suit, refined business sirl'.— 411. Ponxonbr K<l. PONSONBY.— Double Bedroom, Diningroom. Kitchenette: ens stove, meter. furn.. c.1.. con v.«.--l>7. Veimonl St. n^ pOXSOXBY.—Fiirn, Flat, new bungalow. ■*• close (mm: use .-onvs.. gas stove. meter: reasoimble—lii.|niie Stai:. ol_ PONSONUY Itl>. —Flnt, ;; rooms, gas slovp, corns.; quite separate and privntc : suit mhills.—•.:.'.. ronsonliy Rd. ■ TJEMUEIIA— Flat, furnislied. 2 rooms; -*■• own gas stove nnd meter: child no objection ; terms moderate.—lnquire Star. 474 KKSPECTABLE Couple wanted, look after house, exchange for free room kl+ohnn.—oo. Wellesley St. W. ROOMS (2 or 3). unfurn.: no eh*ldren — •IS. Scnrhoro' Ter.. PninPll. 134 DOOMS C-i. singlp, furn. ; suit gents.— -*-* 1". Xe-.vton n.1.. near tar. SO ROOM, single. 10': also M;)n to share ' Room. 7/0. —7~>, Nelson- St. S "DOOM, double, suit m.c.: also large Room ■*-*■ wlili two beds.—lnquire Star. 472 "DOOMS il'p. front, turn.. c.1.. gas stove -**■' grate: 27 f» : n'lults. 2:;. Wpst St. 127 j 13OOM. large, front, fiirn., sTTit girl ! ■*-*< friends; nlso Sinjlr Room.—2: 1 . Pitt St. " DOOM to Let: central, eomfortablo: milt J-" business girl : 1(1/ weekly.—2o Belgium St. T24 "DOOMS (2). partly furn.: separate stove -*-* 1 and meter, convs.—u, Morrow St Newmarfcet. ' * 131 "DOOM, double, furn.. all eonvs. : c.l : quiet - 1 -* central ; adults.—l 7, Richmond Rd , Ponsonby.. . ' 280 ROOMS (2), unfurnished: c.). own pas stove and. fir.e.—2o, Mfllais St., off Wil-. Ilamson Ay. - ■■ "DOOMS (2), front unfurnished, fireplace, •*-» Convs-., sunny; no objection babr.— 80. Cook St.. City. . . '244 "DOOM, large, fnn: suit two mates or -*-"• friends: banrd optional.—l 3, Canada M.. Newlim. front, furn.. stove, meter eT li'.t water, car line. -2u::. Ponsoully ]l\. 27; i DOOM, siujrlp. nl«o share: c.1., hot bath 1 l phone, nil convs. —Thornlee, SO Wol! Imglon St. 201
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
1,026Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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