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ARTICLES TOR SALE. A BOUT Powell's Prams and Seagrass - irx - Furniture ; time payments arranged ; send for catalogue.—lv, Eden Terrace. A ALL Sewing Machines, cheapest aud •*"*• best; 20 years' guarantee ; from £ 3 up, at Thompson's, S, Strand Arcade. D A RMSTEONG'S, Unlimited.—iOOgal. Iron Jry - Tank, 80/ ; Kitchen Ranges, Gas Stove, "0/ : Knapsack 45/.—Eden Ter. "OEDROOM Suite Specials, ±4 15/, fG 10/0, J -* £7 nt/O. £S 10/.—£->, Poiisonby Rd. TJEUUOOM Suites (Rimu), beautifully -*-' designed, from ffi W/TJ; cheapest in Auckland.—2.'i. Ponsonby Rd. TJEDKOOJI Suites, 0:1k, 4-piece, exquisite x -» design, £J4 10/. We advise inspection before Inlying.—l 4, Ponsonby Rd. "OEDROOM Suite, 5 pieces, rosewood -*-* i>olisb : also. Sideboard : cheap, quick sale.— 27. Anlmore Rd.. ponsonby. NJ "OEST Indigo Rlue Serge Suits, gunran- -*-* teed tailor-made, from £7 7/. —Jalle. opp. (t.1'.0.. nnd near Town Hall. H "OEST Extension Ladders procurable. -*-* Wheelharrows. 30/ : Washtubw. So/.~ Ford. :;:i-35. St. Paul St. 'Phone 4:'.-';n7. O BIG REDUCTFON3 In Prams, Pneti Chairs. Doll Prams, p-U:. at. our SHOWROOM, Thompson's Builcllnss, 'MJ, Queen St. (3 doors above Town HalU. W. A. THQMPSON AND CO. U T>LACK Satin Shoes, leather soles, hlijli -*-* boels, only 0/11 pair: size 3, 4, ."",, and C; post free. —.Station Drapery Store, Avondale. 2^l CANVAS Biluds, Cow Covers, Horse Covers. Tarpaulins, Waterproof Canvas Coats, Motor Hoods. —McCarthy, Kden Terrace. ■ C CHESTERFIELD Suite, expensive moqiictte: straight from factory; sacrificed, £22 10/. —4, Avenham Walk, Valley ltd.. Dominion Rd. /CHESTERFIELD Suites, moquette, from iC 19. genuine factory prices.—Dependable Upholstery Co., under Railway Bridge, Piirnell ; minute Queen St. by enr. D f IOR.NER Wardrobes, latest registered *-J design, fit any corner. —Inspect at. DO, Ponsonby Rd. "|7<XPANniNi; Trellis, diamond or square mesh: Trellis dates. Write for prices. Morgan. .")(. Kilrn Terrace. C "PXTENSION Ladders, Trestles, Steps, - Ladders, Flour and Sugar Bins. — Smyth. Mnckey St.. off Wellesley St. W. r> "Tjl'LOOll Coveriugrs. 2yds wide. 4/0; Cork -*- Linoleums, 2yds wide, 6/0. —'Busy Bee. 10.1. Ponson-by Rd. 118 IpREE Booklet on "Verltae" Violet Ray Mochines on implication.—Electric Producttj. I>t( 1., 31<i. Queen St.. Auckland. A GARDEN Rollers, Stoves, Anchors, Engineering Sundries, 50 per cent reduction.—Masetipkl nnd Co.. 41. Albert St. S3 GAS Stoves p. Main, perfect order; - absolute bargain, £4 each.—32, Sentinel ltd.. Heme Bay. GREATLY Reduced Prices for Stimex Gas Cookers.—E. Porter and O>."s Sale. D HANDSOME Oak Sideboard. £10 10. We make Furniture to order; factory prices.—l 4. .Ponsonhy RdINVERTED Ges Globes, 2/ ; Upright ai d Inverted Mantles. 7Jd : (himiv-y*. 7>.d ; Electric Lamps. 2/: lilec'trlc G.o'jc'., 2/r>. —Boyle, 41. Victoria St. A_ LA'WNMOWICK. lOin, "ball 'bciirinc: litUe ! used; -worth £0: will take £4.—10, London St. §i 2 LAWNMOWEKS —The "Woo(".yatt" lasts a lifetime. Lawnmowers collected, sharpened, delivered. —Cranston, Eden Terrace. Phone 44-37."). P LINOLEUM, all qualities, good selection to choosu from, all at Special Reduced I'riPPS..—Primes. Knrangahape Rd. D LINOLEUM Squares and Rugs, Special Assortment, just landed, unci prices are right.—Prime's, Karnnpahape Rd. D OAK Bedroom Suite, -J-piece. handsome. prncticully now; cost £Ca; cash price f-15.—Inquire .Star. »1B OVERCOATS. —Overcoats, all sizes, latest styles. from £2 2/. —Jaffe, opp. G.P.0.1 and nenr Town Hall. D PILE Sufferers, don't despair: greatest relief civen by Old Danish Remedy, Q/ft — 1.0. 1710. Auckland. LASTERERS' Trousers. 6/0; Bibs. 6/11 ; Combinations, 12/11 ; Carpenters' Aprons 2/3. —Bert Marshall, top Symonds l> PONSONBV Market. Follow the crowd. Every description or useful secondluind Furniture.—lSO. Ponsonby Rd. 310 PUSH Chair, snagrnss, with hood, for Sale, in good order. —Apply 73, Hepburn Si. RIMU Bedstead, full size. SO/-; 6-Piece Rimu Suite, £4 5/-; Couch, Squab.— Rlnckinans. ?>len T"rrncr. . S" EAGK.VSS I'ram and Ilnod. in srood order, reasonable. —11, Lower Vincent ST. Phone 42-107. 3-Cok.(ir Printing Blocks. animal and other: cneap.—Write M.. :;iin. Star. SEWING Machines, nil makes, all prices; Needles and Parts. — J. 11. Rogers, *23. and :■!■'<■ Wellesley Si. W. D SUACKLOCK Orion Stove, 00., in splendid order: suit bachelor or for bach. 2. Roxburgh St.. Newmniket. 12S INGE It, oak. 60), dropliead, cheap cash; 4-tlr. Aut.olna.tic. £■" 17/H.—Globe, Crrmod Floor. 1"4. Queen St. ■ SINC.EH, New Home Sewing Machines, Parts and Needles, all makes. Repairs. 7/0. —Thompson's. S. Strand Arcade. D SINGER Cf>. latest model, cheap; drop"liend, louK shuttle. £f» 10/: siiarnnteod 10 years.—Terry and Barker, H.R. likljis.. Newt "v. N'cw ITome,- nnrt Wliite Dropheads; repairs a specialty.— J. 11. Rogers, Willesley St. W. (above Fuller's) ' D SNOOKKR Rails', complete set: a eonuiii& imriMiu at £!U. —Business Sales Co.. "-■ Queen St. QTEWAKT Tartnn Kilts, suit j:irl. 9 to 14 vpars —Inouire Stak. 4SS TEN TS :ind Flys. Anchor brnnd. obtainable only from Meltzer Bros., 05-G7, Vlctnrln St. Send for price-list. rpROUT Rod, light, splendid condition : J- Suit Clothes, almost new: Overcoat, dark: Mandolin, Case; offer.—Write S. fWfil. Star. * TTEXETIAX and Linen Blinds mnrlc t- 1 ? order. Renovatinpr a speciality.— Tucker Bros.. •"•". l-'<len Terr.T'c. U " "' Violet Ray Machine cures » headache and relieves or cures almost every known human nHment. A r IOLET Rays cure most human nTTnippi«: inmplcte machines, €f> 10/. — Fisher's, 243, Karangahape IUI. Free trial. r> tXTARHTUB, Heart of Krturj. 40/ : Kauri >» from .".2/C. —Smyth, Mac-key St. oft" Welleslcv St. W. D 113-GALLON Alfa Laval Separator. good as few.—Apply 213. Great South ■Rrl.. Oroen Tnne. 32! i vjmiEN BUYING A SEWING MACHINE, ' * Don't be Exploited and pay £23. Inspect the " ROBERTSON " SEWING MACHINE, With all Its Wonderful Improvements. J. K. ROBERTSON, LTD., Opposite John Court's. Queen Street. D BOATS FOR SALE. BAKGAIX —Logan 16-footer Aratu, new silk sails, all gear, moorings ; £y& cash. Wiseman's, Cjueen St. M.P.s. / IKUISKKIS, 38ft, -yza, a»ft ; new condi- / lion : ea.«y terras or exebangt-s.— Trustee, S. r»78o, Star. . FISHING Launch, ."-'ft, 12 h.p., J-cyliuder Siiindnrd engine: £2uu cash, or terms. — Write S. ;i7.s-J. Star. _^^ LAUNCH, -Oft, frood engine, new dinghy, till complete fJO, or nearest cash offer. Beatoll. Northcote. \ri "irULLET Boats. 24 and 2i>ft, 3.\ h.p. each, -'-'-•-gear: perfect order.—3S, Alison Ay., Devonport. Q LIFEBOATS, 2 Dinghys, and 1 Launch. " Union S.S. Co., Repairs Department. . BOATS WANTED. T>UNT. flat-bottom. or 14ft. —Price, -«- .particulars to Ku* -*>r, 37, Cobflen St., Newton. : '■ ' 254 rpAKAPu.xA —! jj'jarsE. fiisao: LAUNCH WAXTKI* ■♦OK EQUITY. £:!o<^ Owiiit two Sc,-ti,.:is. lljrhll.v .ML-iuiibered, Tnkiipuufl. wants Launch. irOKNE. LTD.. Short land Street.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
1,006Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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