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TO BUY. A BETTER Price for your Furniture - rx - from Coakley, Ltd. Spot Cash. No cartage.—'Phone 42-2 as. D A i>VICE that is Sound.—King Coakiey's, 42-2 aS, .if. you have Furniture to Sell. Straight methods. D A LOT. depends on the firm you to ■ c *~ Buy your Furniture. Try CoaUley's, photic 42-235. D A LUJIINILM, .Lead, Sacks, Bottles, Rags, * cv - Copper, Brass, etc.—Dominion 'Waste Products, Powerhouse Lane. Tel. 40-514. . A NSF.LL AND CO., Auctioneers, give best -*- 1 - prices for your Furniture. — 'Phone 4-1-0.1.5. i) . A PIECE of Sound ' Advice. —Get Conk-. "*" ley's Price for your Furniture before ; Boiling.—'Phone 42-238. D I A PI'AIiKL—Mrs. Outtrim. Largest Buyer **• Ladles'; Gents' Lpft-ofE Clothing.—9l, victoria St. 'I , hone 42-674. ARTIFICIAL Tenth, any condition, pre- - rx - war preferred :np to £~> paid.— Pearllne Co.. !). Security Buildings. I) A UCKLAND'S Biggest Market for Furni- ■ tul- e and Pianos, Cosikley. Ltd. Top ■ prifos guaranteed.—'Phone 42-238. D OEFORE Selling, Before Buying yonr -*-* Furniture, consult Sqttirrcll nmf Co. v\e defy competition. 'Phone 44-398. C . "DICYCLES. Tools, Jewellery, any condi- ■*-* tion, Wntcbes, False Teeth, Cameras. Binoculars, etc.—Clarkson, 3S, Ponsonby Road. q "ROOKS, Magazines, Novels. Music wanted. *-* Best Prices given. — Ardilaun's, 4GH, Queon St., "?ti. Myers Park. D "DOTTLES, Sacks. Copper, Brass. Lead, . ■*-* ltags. Horsehair.—Zealantlia Trading ■ Co. i, Belgium St. 'Phone 42-431. C "DRICKS. second-hand, about l~>oo wanted. XJ> for IHrbdale. State price deliver."! P.h-kihile.— 'Kup.r. l(v>. 'Ponsowhy Ud. ( 120 (pOAKLEY'S Price for Furniture and KJ - Pianos is highest. Ring 'Phoue 42 235. D COME AND REE THE FURNITURE ' DISPLAYED AS IT WILL APPEAR IN YOUR OWN n'OME.— GEORGE WALKER, Furnishing Auctioneer, 3S. Queen Street. D "piQR THE BEST PRICES FOR YOUR FURNITURE TRY— . GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 3S. Queen Slrpet. • p • for working man's home, ■*- cash, £200, wanted at once; prefer rimii.—Write S.. -174. Star. ICE Chest wanted to Buy, any order.— Write Al. 273. Star. LET YOUR OLD FURNITURE PAY FOR YOUR NEW BY "SELLING.THROUGH . GEORGE WALKER, Furnishing Auctioneer, • 3S, Queen Street. D OUR SHOWROOMS ARE ARTISTICALLY PAPERKD TO SHOW YOU HOW THE . FURNITURE WILL APPEAR AT TOME. I GEORGE WALKER. Auctioneer, 3S. ■ Queen Street ■ D I "DL-ATKOHM Scales, to weigh up- to 3ewt. -t Full particulars to Leighton, Ltd., High 'I St.. Auckland. KING.'' 'Mrs. Kelly—Buys Left-off Clothi ins. ' Evening Wour.—Darby St., off ■ Q.ueeh St. 'Phone 42-600. . D SELL YOUR FURNITURE through us AND KNOW THAT YOU AKb GET- " TING. THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE.— GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 38, ■ ■ Q'..een Street. D - QEND your surplus Furniture and Cast-off to Clothing to the I'onsontty Market Auction Kooms. We collect free of ehnrge..— Phone 27-11)0. SEWING Machine*—Drophead, at once; cash waiting.—Terry and Barker, il.ii. IBldgs.. Newton. SEWING Machines, 100 wanted, 13 best '■" machines: spot cash: go anywhere.— Globe. Queen 'St. Phone 4.0-295. STAMPS, old N.Z. Collections and Loose Lois.—Hunt. 100, Victoria Arcade, Corner S Portland St. C '. QTAMPS, Early New Zealand, Pigeon *J Posts, General. Collections. —Powell, 65. . Shortland St. Open Friday Evenings C ITS, Dinner. Suits, Musical. Instruments, • Hags. Tools, Goods every description.— Meltzer Bros., 65-07. Victoria St. D TRAPPED Rabbits and Dried Skins, in any quantity ; highest prices given.-— Snnford. Limited. Auckland. : A TTTE INVITE YOU AND WILL WELW COME YOU TO OUR FURNITURE EXHIBITION SHOW ROOMS.— GEORGE WALKER, Furnishing Auctioneer. 39. Queen Street. D jp -j AA WORTH Furniture wanted daily. ' cwlUv Large and small lots.—"Busy" liv'-Gfi. Ponsnnby Rd. 'Phone 27-100. l> X?~lftflfY *■ ■'' *•■ Available. MeKenzie's SfIUW- Pays Best Prices for your Furniture.—-270-Sl, Broadway, Newmarket. Thnne 4ft-O.M>. D ! T*. GG S. J£ G a'S. J]GGS. FOR TOP MARKET PRICKS THROUGHJ OUT THE SEASON ~\ CONSIGN YOUR EGGS TO T"S, AS WE I-lAVB EXTENSIVE OUTLET'S, KITHKH FOR LOCAL SALE OK EXPORT. Crates Returned Promptly. j Prompt Settlements. I AND pO., X TU., t. DAIRY PRODUCE MERCHANTS AND I EXPORTERS, C.--6T, FORT "ST., AUCKLAND. A • /~J L B T X I , E METAL. ANY QUANTITY WANTED Apply MANAGER, " STAR " OFFICE. ribAKLEY, LTD., PAY TOP PRICES \J' . .... FOR FURNITURE. ■ See Them Before You Sell. 'PHONE 42-2oS. D BICYCLES FOR SALE. ' BTCVCLES, almost new, for Sale; cheap.— ' Apply 41. Kingsway Aye., Edentlale. BICYCLE, boys, cheat) : r,!eo Seagrass Pram. —Johns, 25, Edwin St., Mt. Eden. [ 12H_ . BfCYCLE, Gfiit'Sj overhauled, painted, good rubber, new condition, cheap.— 32. Owens Kd., Epsom. BS.A.. Road Kaeer, good order; price ' £()■—r)!)S. Mt. Eden Rcl. ' CIENT'S Cycle, fair running order, good T tyres; price £3 '>/. —56, Disraeli St., Mt. Eden. ; ' i KED Bird Bicycle, in cood condition. — '■ Anrily 'Phone 20-593. 1 "7/fi CYCLE Tyro and Tube' f2S x It). X-i.7 \J Pa,a Rubber Co., Ltd.. 17. TVolli-slcy St. W. C BICTCXES WANTED. < SIX Gents' and Ladies' Second-hand Bicyclfs : must be cheap.— Price, p(<\. to K. 442 J. Star. 117 SL_!!_.'... . -' '. '■' ' ' 1 LIVE STOCK AND VEHiCLES FOR SALE. CART, J-ton, with good, fjniet. reliable ' Horso and Harness. —Apply oyo, Mt. Eden Kd. COW, good, milking; quiet and cheap. '. Ihq.uire Stah. . , 50G . HORSE, Cart, Harness; see_ ■ Working.~- ' r Auckkind Luggage . Agencr. Plione : ■ J3--281. . - ..-:•■ -■ -. ' ': :; -. ■ , small,-•■ Ver?'-quiet.-close 'JfHt,: -liroSt, fi*.^-63.'•S.ymbpds St , .,' Roydl " &kv_. .... . ~. .. .. •; .■ . M -ILK Float. ■Horie: HarnosK, in ''first-class ; oWVei^--Apply is"4, (it. > North Rd.; '■Civvy Lynn. ■•.■■::'.'''.. ..' PUNY for E. Wig.!r. 280. KCHVUC-γ.". INI. . TO TJO.W; TuriioOt: gi?. r.t.. good ciindlti.m; , :J. pnliy/fflßl and rolinlife. — I"*. -iiiK-hrist, KnnKllcliV ltd- KHersllo, tTTANTED. ■ Light Horse Wajron. Price T> dud iiili'lk'Ulurs In M., 3Ss, ,St.\k.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
866Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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