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WANTED TO SEI/L." A BARROW. Ladder, Washtub, from Jrx - Pclham's, 100, Victoria St. W., last a lifetime.— I'hnnc 40-o.*i4. ■ ; D ; A BOUT Prams.—iimait designs, lx>st "^ s - workmanship, low prices-.—See 35, Great North I'd, (near Reservoirh I) AUCKLAND SCALE CO.. Little Queen xx - St.—We Repair and Sell Scales of any description.—King 44-nc.n. D A UCKLAND's Cheapest Place for Secondv hand Buililins: Timber, etc.—Sawyer and Lowncli'B, Ix>«er Ilobson St., next I'owor House. | T) A 2.1 TIN of Rolfe's Wax contains as much as three 1/ tins.—Obtainable . everywhere. D TJENZINE Hanging Lanip % wonderfully ■*-* improved, reliable: ,ufO c'nndld power; cost 4d per hour. —-Westonhouse, Rutland , Street. A Ui RKDi;CTIONS hi Prams. Push Chnirs. Doll I'wnw, etc.. at. our SHOWROOMS. Thonipson'R Buildings, aid, Queen St. 1. - , dnors above Town Hall). W. A. THOMPSON AND CO. (..' 1 OHAFF, Producp. Conl, Coke. Firewood. • Sand. Shingle, Lime, Cement.—Fawkes. , 120. Croat North Rcl. 'Phon> liO-fISS. A , pONCHI-rri; Foundation Blocks. 1/ each. ■ ■-' less discount.—Cowperthwnite Cement - RonOn? Tile Co., Mount Eden. —Phone , liO-'l-S. p- ■ T)OUI!S, Windows, Weights. Rashes, S.ishT. -*- / liirhts. Mnnlrls. Grates: ini-ge selection. Inspect. — S:im White. M.irkot Plnre. D . TAOOItS, Windows. Sashes, Weights, Miinl x -' tels. Grntes. Building Matcrliil, every , description.—Appleton, Arthur St., New- . lunrket. 4."i-:n:). is 1 Phonograph (tiresirfci, alirmf •>•>. 1 -L< Records. 'J an 1-I niins.; i\; 10. Treadle Sewliis Machine. £*<■ —liuiu'm* St.\k. ~i\'l ', "pUHEKA Inhaler fox Asthma, Bron- -*- i chltis, and Cntnnii. Chronic cases 1 wanted.—Dewiir. Striiiid Arcad**. J TJIIREWOOD:—TI-lren Klock, 0 .sacks £1 : -*- cash, dplivei-ed.—Hadfleld, 004, Mann-. [ knn Kd. Phonp a»-."H. D ; Our lin) roved Burner to yon: - old -»- Primus nnd make it like new.— i Westnnhnnsc. Rutlnnd St. A " "pLETCHER Russell Tias Stove, large, • -*- 14A. good order, cheap.—Mrs. Mills, 7 . liiirn St.. Krlen TeiTace. . A TEAT Safe, i.arden Barrow.—McLaren, i -"-*- Church St. F.asl. Onebungii. \ "jiriLK Cooler, lSin, and Receiver, in . -"J- perfect condition, cheap.—Apply 2. . Sheeh.'in St., I'onsonhy. ■ ; i\rC>NOC,UAM Caps for nil public schools. ; x '- 1 - 2/11. —Cox, The Hatter, Karangahape Road. . . r> ; "iITOTOR Car Cases for Sale, from 10/ - -"-I- each.—Harrises and Gash, foot of 1 Khyber Pass. ■ A PAINTERS' Ladders, Trestles, Stops, WlieelbnrrowH, Washtubs.—Pelham • nnd Sons, 150, Victoria St. W.—Phone ) 40-(i.-.4. I) J CJAFES.—Thomas Withers' fireproof, 24in to 48in : also Strongroom' Doors and ' Frames.—Alpe Bros.. Fort St. A . OCOItIA for Concrete, deliv.ered; 8 yards ■ O il 7/, 4 yards «;i IC/.—E. Ball. Phone 1 21-407. p SINGKIi. 7-dr. drop-table, best shuttle*, £4 15/; New Home, S3 ; iland, 40/.— : (ilobe. Short's Buildings. 154. Queen St. ' i QJI.X Months' Credit without Interest; , '■J small deposit.—Wickins and Sutcliffe, , 4-. Karangqluipe Rf|. j-> 1 °J. nr - UE Amberol Records for Sale: ! J-*~>-± ehoipn collection: -.'/e ea>-h, or ilt> , Int.-Write 11. OIS7. STAR. ■ gANFORD'S FISH FERTILISER I'romotes VIGOROUS GROWTH- and is ' SPEEDY in action. I UNRIVALLED for VEGETABLES and FLOWERS. ' Made entirely from fish. Contains- No • CHEMICALS. t Cash Price. £10 10/ Ton : 141b Bags 3/ , AT ALL SEED MEHCIIA NTS. ' f ■ i. T ~ — ~~ ~ 1 g C It E E N ED AS H E S. 1 FINE GRADE — Siiitnble for Concrete s ■ Block making, covering; footpaths ;, . asphalt. '. ~ i Price, 6/ per Cubic Yard. . '- ROUGH GRADE—Suitable for Ulling up 1 foundations, etc. - I'i-ice, 4/ per Cubic Yard. 1 To be had at ) GASWORKS. - Sli.s> Hciuiinont Street. i : -^ ■ MOTOR CYCLES FOR SAIiE. ; T> S.A. Combination, splendid order, sriod ; •*-»• rubber; real snip.—54, The" Drive, - Epsom. 254 • 2:1 n.p., overhauled, splendid j -*-' order, great climber; £30; evenings.— - '•'-. Edendale Kil. Car, Royal Terrace. 113 ■ TTARLEX Davidson Combination, in per- '_ J - A - feet order, lalo model; JCUS.—Geo. Bond. 41). Lome [St. ' TTARLEY-DAVIDSON Side Car; real good : - , -- 1 - order: nil flttings; cheap for cashI Write F. 0555. Star. : ! XTARLEY, VJW, fully equipped, - sound . -*-■*- throughout ; cheap for quick saleJ-i----4?,. Wniriki TUI.. Mt. K<U-ii. 111 ! TTA It LEY-DAVIDSON, splendid . order; . -LO- HO— W. Oliver. Motor Cycle Repair ' Specialist. 17. Wnkelielil St. *I_2 . TTARLLY-Davidson Solo, 7!) h.p., la(:e -*--*- model, splendid condition any, trial welcomed. Bargain. ,-t: _■*».— Si. 100.'Staii. TNDIAN and Sidecar. £00 : Indian, Big X, ? - 1 - Dougliis, B.«.A.—Gco. Bond, 40, Lorno t sj. 1 TNDIAN Scout, electric, 102.",, fully ■ •*- equipped : any trial.—roruer llous.^ , Kiclianlson TM.. Dunrt Ay.. Mt. Alheif. T i'o 1 TNDIAN. scar, engine i-oniplfetJr overs -*- hauli'd ; splendid condition ; baraofn.-ir T/"s. i'l.-iig. 2H. Trinity St.. Uerne Bay. tOTt ' T-? ID Gi:. 3J h.p., equipped, good order: r r > or near offer.—Garratt, 145 t Gmfton Rd. ■ • 1 X?. [ tJI'ARE Parts used for all motor cycles->-J Cyliiulcrs grpijnd: nil parts manufactured.- - Aslley. .". Bpiginni St. -J 2} lI.F. 8.5.A., SO:">'J miles on goud-TOails: • -*- owner no further u.~e. —Skeates- -ana Wliitv. Fort. St. t Jp'PJK —IW-3 INDIAN Combination. o\=erbauled. painted; guaranteed order throughout.— llonsiiy. l'O, Wallace St., Ht-rne • Rft.v. OVCT.ES WANTED. [ (COMBINATION .15.5.A. or Indian, about - £W. good order.—CO. Richmond lid PwiEonby. ss • "\TOTOU Cycles wanted, any sort or c.on- ■ •"-»• cHHoa : diiin.-iL'ed or Inanmpletc; soot - cayh.—Astley. r.. Belgium St. ■ " SIDECAR Outfit or Cliaaßis. H h.p. Rsileisrh.—Apply, after 5 p.m., -iX. Islington St., I'onsonby. : . y;; '' POULTRY TOR SALE. ABOUT Head Poultry, half Black . -*■*- Orpington and White Leghorn • layInK. The lot or portion.—Apply To Mata. j Columbia I'd.. Kilenflale. 14-, BROODERS :Kapal aiul Shaekloek; taken in part- payment for own make : Whnt offers?—A. A. Pond. Ellerslie. C CIRCLE Incubators M).. perfect order; £5, 'of ao/ singly.—Pnge, 5, Sarawai St Parnell. Pliciu- -14-140. ) INDIA-IS" Kunner Ouvku (7i. is months, mill I>rake; market price.—M'.i. Cojin St.. Kdfivlale. . IXT(?BATOK iHtlffalo), perfect order. 100- - lirst cheque, t'2 15/ secures.— Newton. P.O. Box ?>■*. Howlrk. TNCUBATOK, Tnmlin, hot water ;| "■ no reasonable offer refused.—Apply S. Dochertv. Great South Rd.. I'npatoetot?. 233 PUREBRED White. Leghorn Utility Cockerels: 7 iind U months.—Dovey, Meolii ltd.. Pt. Clievnlier. SETTINGS Purebred White Leghorns; Norris Martin champion laying strain, 307-egK.—Dovey. Mcolu Rd., Pt. Chevalier. SETTINGS, Scott - Blumhafdt - Duobe; Cambi-Marvel Orpington ■ nnd-' Ki'mfctV>ot White Lephorn.H. S/.—Coates. 14', HastingH Rd,. Rnmuera. S5-478:. iy... 7C; -J K(\ .i'.EAUTIKUL. Lay'liis Wg-' • lv " lini-jie, Orplricibns. Rock's,; .6iC—J, Wnlker. 'A]r h Ouppd'si.- -:"' : '" . ' ;."""V : '-.l:* -WANTED. ?.".'".;.. SQ-K<i<«.Hrcnlar tnrubnlnr aniMii-ooder,— > ,XJ M rile M. -jni. Stai;. ' ' ": DOGS FORSAKE. T)OG. Reiripvpr, 8 months old.: well bred. 17 APl'ly •!.., WoHdridc 1t.1.. Mi. Eden.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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989Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 2
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