tCuticur a Loveliness, A Clear Healthy Skin In.ur.4Jby ET.ry-J.y U.e o< Cotictir* Soap. ■'• ■ I Don't be chained to ihr wash-tub! « I Make j Washing Day I a I Day of Pleasure by , - I-X-L Borax Washing Powder No need to slave over ths sloppy ' v.Msh-tub —rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, when you use I-X-L. All you need to do is to soak the clothes overnight with water and I-X-L, and then in the rooming just wring and rinse, and your' clothes are as white as snow. Only 2d. from your grocer. F7 CHROMIo" 1 Pull down the lower lid "v\ and examine the iaside -1 V"^ if it is of a pale colour y^^p)-^ You Need ««*^*^* Iron Jelloids 'kSr Paleness of the inside of the eyelids denote* Anaemia. In such cases Iron JeHoid* are needed to emie'i the blood. Take Iron Jelloids thre: times id\y with meals and you wiL notice the great difference in your health. Buy a box of Iron Jelloids to-day. The Great lonic far Men • tranJetlo*Nm.3A. ' ->r men <t Wo-nm • . Inn J*! iJi if*. 2. For Grouxn- Children . . Inn Jmtlo J jy». i Of all chemists 2j., large fix* 4/-. , The great aid to health. L The Iron J-I -<i Co. 1.t<1.. ' omdom. K-g. A j
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 14
Word Count
Page 14 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 14
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