i Wonderful Values I 1 in New Spring || I UNDERWEAR | I Z SUCh IOW P " Ces are only made possible by "George Court's" : - ft T» huge purc^asinß: P° w e r » Selection would delight any woman, ; AJv/ anc *' °* course ' QUALITY goes without saying at this Karangs- i ape Store. £ \-393C-| -K-74 19 \24f2QJ |! 39X Illustrates Ladies' Calico K749 Illustrates Good Value in _. oe ,„ * 3 j fc Nightdress, extra good quality. Ladies' Longdoth Knicker., good 2428 I»«"f *tes Dainty Emfc Magyar shape, short sleeves, shape and full size, frill trimmed brokered Voile Camisole, medal- - square neck, trimmed with with pretty insertion and lace, h , on j" front ' ver y style. 12 £ embroidery — George Court's and threaded at knee with "houlder strap threaded w.th K 1 Prices, W.. 5/6; 0.5., 5/11. ribbon. Elastic at waist George ribbon. Elastic at waist Sg Court's Price, 5/11. George Court. Price, 3/11. y~ / 7040 Illustrates War- \ "3 ' fc C36 Illustrates Redfern Heavy Figure " er ' s Oriental. A dainty \ -3 I ~£[ Wraparound Model, in strong pink coutil, "ip conhner in pink 7010 j~- low elaetic bust, back slightly higher to " ilk troche, fitting very hold the shoulders. Very long skirt, with ' ow at w aist, medium Warner's Oriental. 7010. In strong ; sides of hand-woven elastic; double front skirts, sides of elastic, quality pink suede cloth, with satin and elastic gussets, hooks at busk, finished £ our hose supports. fronts and elastic insets at hip; four I^j six suspenders. Sizes 28 to 40 -George Sizes to 32— George suspenders. Sizes 24 to 31— George ZS g£: Court's Price, 47/6. Court's Price, 15/6. Court's Price, 19/11. 13 J£j Not Illustrated. >£f$ ..... ~.»»** *-»••.„ t«« £~. 3 ?° Warner's |fj '-.*«.. - gj§ Nol I Hu , trated . £ . Wr *P aroun f, A. : ££.&£ La Diva Model *E in strong pink && jSCf| . in strong^ fe coutd, Wei... teb -">S S W & M ouality white yz top, long. Hfe... .. .;;*#s#% ?J coutil low g ski",," s > hi#"* v I "liH buet - . extra ijf 11^11 EYE-OPENER IEjSI I £- George Court's p rie e t 2 5/-. Iffiffe To-morrow's "EYE-OPENER." gffe 1 <►— hose supports. ••■ __ —«c IW ♦ Auckland fjl f fill A I ■■ T 171 TI? WITTI TD 17 1 For Colds or Coughs use Muster- | I V/U/TJHI 1 rUA.IIIIUIVEi I ole - the pure white ointment X S made from Oil of Mustard. 0 9 Musterole acts like an oldm $ fashioned Plaster, but is better » o • t-» it in 111 easier to use. It penetrates in Duyuig r urmture, Have the Beet at *° and reduces all inflammation II . *e»" ' immediately, but does not blisLowest Cost. We make it, and sell direct £ r or , b . urn ; F " Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago and Pains to you at Factory Prices. °| lie a f v kinds {t z ives instant 1 ■ 111 2/6 per jar or The saving and satisfaction is yours. 1 j c v h b /mi S tI rom FREE I D.S.C. & COUSINS & COUSINS I : I Kitchener Street (near Police Court). I -p, xr ... Iff II ■ i^l ! ££*& Afaid, 0 / Symington's, says ; mRk W Wfal ■ ° COffee like "l mc - T only use Syming- |S| ~71~ 7T ~ I Lond ° B R3» 2?Twtwm«k«pi B T ,m sr»M TrTnni/
Page 14 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 14
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