•«"—»■' ■■■inmmntlinni IMimilllW |[|||nn)| , [lt . mtTTm i nTrir . l . r .. m .H...mir.mi»».mtnimimfiritr.iM t vr i ri,,i,i,..r.mr..iHi» M . m [mn m,.,--,,,. g •mtrnttnwHmfMHrnHnmmninmnmimnwmwimiim»mim»Mrai^^ |>— .... ! On the Ground Floor. I - sssssssssssssssassssssasss: ■ I Adornments to 1 Milady's Smartness On the importance of accessories. Fashion has never been more emphatic than this season, and the call for "somef I thing different* * finds answer in a glorious assemblage of the most delightful novelties and accompaniments from Paris and other fashion centres. On the Ground Floor. : Pin-on Jabots are a positive fashion note for the new season, •whether in Georgette, Orepe de r 'Chine, laces, or other filmy fabrics. Jabots in. Georgette and lace, trimmed with ribbons, ■ i with high or low necks, and showing in sand, i! ' ivory, beige, and cinnamon are priced from J ■ 4/6 to 16 6 each. I Fronts arid Vestettes are also another of I Fashion s' dictates, and are showing in jiovelty I silk net, crepe de chine, and Georgette, some with high necks, some without, and in sand, ivory, and-beige, priced at 4/6, 7/6, 9/6, up ■j' to 25/6. ... Scarves, too, must be in keeping with the ensemble, and for the new season may be chosen, the new light-weight art. silk knitted I scarvips-in- a delightful range of the newest colbur effects, priced at 6/6, 8/6, up to 12/6. Crep.e de Chine Scarves, also, for day or evening wear, are correct, and are showing in a \ glbrious range of designs and colourings at |« prices ranging from 7/6 and 12/6 up to 70/-. I Fashion f hands, us the underarm bag, and |f whether if be in bright tonings for formal wear, |j or perfectly simple for street wear, it should If A» a3 ' S harmonise w ith tHe ensemble. Bags in I Morocco, with strap on top, and in navy or I black, are obtainable at 37/6. Whilst in the new crocodile-grained calfskin, lined with brocade; with three cbmpartments, the price is as low as 29/6. Jewels-, are frankly unreal, and always match ■ mereVerone S° es fashion- | the artificial jewel is seen, and I because of the possibilities for matching almost ! any .ensemble, this is one of Fashion's most I positive dictates for the new season. | PearL vie* with the new sparkling Diamante 1 iSrte :%, first P la ". Pearl and diamante I , necklets, chokers, brooches, wristlets, brace- | I and ear-rings—all are assembled in ! profusion at the most modest prices. | And then from Paris comes a celightful range I oj INecklets in all colours, whilst the collection ' I L °tn - novelties - <l uit e indescribable, will find S ' the fullest appreciation. The pricings here, fj toxv are so reasonable. i I ! A visit of inspection to the glorious assemblage f I njw showing on the Ground Floor will prove • £* «* fca s interest to all who would follow rashicJn s decree. Milne & Choyce 1 — LIMITED I '\ QVBBNST. AUCKLAND ||
Page 14 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 14
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