AUCTIONS. rnHE & "DRODUCE TITAItKET. AND Q(3., T>ADLET AND QO., J*®* WILL SELL DAILY AS FOLLOWS: j 9 AM - FIJI BANANAS, ex Tofua. FIJI BANANAS, ex Tofua. ISLAND TOMATOES. APPLES, CHOICE LOCAL DESSERT. APPLES, CHOICE LOCAL COOKING. SYDNEY MANDARINS AND PASSIONS. SYDNEY MANDARINS AND PASSIONS. SYDNEY NAVELS. NAVELS. ISLAND ORANGES. „ PEARS, X'EARS. BANANAS, BANANAS. LEMONS. LEMONS. TOMATOES. TOMATOES. POOR.MAN ORANGES. AT 10.15 AM NEW POTATOES. NEW POTATOES. ! HOTHOUSE CUCUMBERS. HOTHOUSE CUCUMBERS. 100 SACKS CAULIFLOWERS. 200 CRATES .IAP. ONIONS. 800 BAGS LOCAL ONIONS. 1000 BAGS POTATOES. ]50 BAGS KUMARAS. 150 SACKS PUMPKINS. l>oo SACKS CABBAGES. LETTUCE. LETTUCE. LOOSE VEGETABLES. LOOSE VEGETABLES. AT -| -T A.M. TUESDAYS AND TpRIDAYS. ■pOULTRY — T>OULTRT. ■pGGS, T>ACON. ANU "pLOWERS. TJADLEY AND QO., CITY MARKETS. m~ T7LOWER T3LANT C- iLE > SRI 1 LOWER 1 I.ANT OALIi. rpO-MORROW I TUESDAY), tJT J - SEITEMBER S. AT "I (} NOON. ATESSRS. -pADLEY AND QO., J^TD., Will Sell as above. On Account of W. FREEMAN, Esq. MESSRS. SHORT AND SLATER, T. LOCK and Other Clients. /CHOICE SELECTION OF SHRUBS AND GARDEN PLANTS, including .— r>aphncF, Ericne. Bonvardias. Neraori.'as, Anemones. Ranunculi. Cinerarias, Palms, Ferns, Pungas, Etc. •RADLET ANTJ J^TD. f-riHUIT rpRBES, efc, -C nL" IT -1- KE E S,JB* •niLOWERING -C LOWERING JL. ETC., ETC. rpO-MORROW, fpUESDAY, AT -J 9 NOON. "ATESSRS. TJADLEY AND /~10., T\ TD -. Will Sell as above on account of T. LOCK, ESQ., This is Mr. Lock's FINAL SALE of the Season. KfVA FRUIT TREES, comprising Peeekee, """ Nectarines, Plums, Apples, Lemons, Poorman Oranges, Tree Tomatoes, etc. Mr. Look has hpp.n selecting trees lor the past IS years, and his whole offering is guaranteed STRONG, HEALTHX TEEES. TRUE TO NAME. /CHOICE SELECTION OF FLOWERING * J SHRUBS AND PLANTS, including Daphnes, Ericas, Rhododendrons, Fan Palms, Azaleas, Rhus, Hakea and Tecoma Hedging, etc. miIURSDAY, AT -J .7 NOON. On account of W. FREEMAN, Esq., ana MESSRS. SHORT AND SLATER, and Other Clients. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN PLANT!* AND SHRUBS, including Xemesias, Anemones, Ranunculas, Cinerarias, Palms, Ferns, Black lungas, etc., etc. 6 J JONES, AUCTIONEERS. CITY MARKETS. rpO-MORROW, mUESDAY. J JONES, AUCTIONEERS. WILL SELL BY AUCTION. AT . O'CLOCK. pOULTRY — POULTRY - HENS, ROOSTERS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, DUCKLINGS. PRODUCEPOTATOES. ONIONS. SWEDKS. c KUMARAS, ONIONS. VEGETABLES. BUTTER. IWGS, CHEESE. HAMS AND BACON. HONEY GROCERIES. ■pEUIT— ALL KINKS. SUNDRIES. ; J. J° NES - POULTRY. FRUIT AND PRODUCE AUCTIONEERS, GRAIN MERCHANTS. CITY MARKETS. ON THE CORNER. — . 4 BT _ ORDER OF THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE Estate of ISAAC PEARCE (Deceased). •) DEVONPORT SECTIONS \VU ! " „ COTTAGE I BY AUCT D°E N VO^ORT V R - OMS °- j "JiO-MORROW. rpUESDAY, AT ."> P.M. ' SiL f .^?, T ?->»»"IHMr adjoining .bo,, ifiil,"™'" , S " U ™' =« ' » For Conditions of Sale apnlv to the Ane K. t TyjELVILLE, PROPERTY 'and FURNITURE | AUCTIONEER, DEVOXPQET. 4 £)EVONPORT JJOUSE pROPERTY. | ; NO. 04. CALLIOPE ROAD j DT AUCTION AT MY ROOMS DEVONPOKT. rpO-MORROW, rpUESDAY, AT .> P,M. ° n po i rt COUnt ° f °'"' ner > *'*<> has ]eft"Devon'X,o^ m, ivaehhouse and storeroom. Well , situated, fronting Calliope Road, DevonJEASY TERMS. Immediate Possession. J Conditions o^r e tT fr F o« Auot Joße eT. R. JJ a AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, DEVONPORT. 3 IrpO UK SOLD P.Y VUCTION. ! -*- AT TIIK MAKT. PAI'AKI'RA ilv ,V"! >[ l Hrl!?D AV. SEPTKMIIKK lmii. I V\™;Y AX MOTOU TRACTOiI CULTI- I *aiuk. The Tractor f-nu lie inspiK'tco at Mr. Hesketh's, Mania Road, Manure wa. 1 C. 0. I'HAIR, Auctioneer. 7.(
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
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