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j - SHIPPING. TTNION' gTEAM OHIP QOMPANY OF .NEW ZEALAND. (Circumstances Permitting.) CANADIAN - AUSTRALIAN E.M". LINE. To Canada. United States and Europe. Via Suva, Honolulu. Victoria (B.C.J and Vancouver. Proposed SuiliuH; From Auckland: R.M.S. KIAGARAt Tuesday. 20th Sept. v.M.M.S. AOHANGI*. .Tuesday, JTth October R.M.S. NIAGAUAt Tuesday, -4th November X.M.M.S. AORAXGI , Tnos , 22ml December X.M.S. XlAOAßAf..Tuesday, JOtb January R.M.JX.S. AORAXGI*..Tuee., ieth February •Magnificent New Quadrunle Screw Motor Ship, 17,401 Ton;i Register. i Triple Screw, oil Fuel 13.415 tfnns Register. H.M.S. NIAGARA - ....* Tuesday. 15th. 4 p.m. EXCURSIONS TO HONOLULU. Particulars on Application. SAX FRANCISCO ROYAL. MAIL LINE. To United States, Canada and Europe. From Wellington, via Raritonfri, Papeete a lid San FrancU'-o. h.M.S. TAHlTl...Tuesday, ljtb Scp f erulier . R.M.S. MAKURi Tuesday. 13th October 1 R.M.R. TAHlTl...Tuesday, "l<">rb November R.M.S. MAKUKA...Tuesdav. Siu December X.M.S. TAHITI Tuesday. 3tb January COASTAL. INTERCOLONIAL, AND ISLAND SERVICES. Uisborne and Nf.pier. nainui Tuesday, Stli Sept.. 5 p.m. Calls Tokomaru Hay with passengers only. New Plymouth (Flora Oncbuuga). Rnranii Thursday. 10th. 3 p.m. Tγ. 2.10 Wellington to I.yttelton. Wahine Monday, Wed.. Fri., at 7.4.* p.m. Maori Tuesday. Thurs.. Sat., at 7.45 p.tu. Berths Booked Auckland OlSce. Wellington. Lyttelton, Duuedin. (Cargo Only.) Knrow Tuesday. Stli Sept.. -~i p.m. Sydney Direct. Mahpno Friday, ISth September, 11 a.m. Moeraki Friday. 25th Sept.. 11 a.m. Sydney. (From Wellington.> Moeraki Friday. 11th September Malieno Friday. 2nd October Fiji (Sura), Tonga (Nukualofa, Ilaapai, Varan), Samon (Apia). Tofua Saturday. 12tii Sent.. 11 n.m. Rarotonga. Atiu, Msuke. (I'arso Only.) Flora About 10th September Inquiries. preliminary or otherwise, resarding Trips to Australia. South Sea Islands, Honolulu. Canada. United States, Earope, Arounrl-tue-Pacific Tours, including Japan and the East. Around-the-World Tours in cither direction, are invited, and can bo made to any cf tlie Company's Offices. r\BIENT T INS — rpo T ONDON. VIA COLOMBO. SUEZ, PORT SAID, NAPLES. TOULON, GIBRALTAR, AND PLYMOUTH. Steamer. Tons. Sails About ORSOVA 12.0-11 19th September OKVIETO 1J.133 17th October OROXSAT l"0,000 14th November OSTERLEY 1'J,120 2Sth November ORMONDE 14,833 32th December ORML'Z 14.r>SS 26th December Firsf and Third Classes Only. UNION S.f COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD., Agents for New Zealand. MS AUCTIONS. TjARUIT, T)KODUCE, "pOULTRX. rpURXERS AND (~* ROWERS, T -JD. WILL SELL. rnO-JIORKOW, mUESDAY, n A.M. SHARP. 2000 c ASES F RUII APPLES (Dessert). APPLES (Cookers). ISANANAS (ex Tofiia). FIJI BANANAS (ex Tofua). ISLAND ORANGES. RIPE BANANAS. MANDARINS. PINES. PASSIONS, , ORANGES (Navel). APPLES, DESSERT PEAKS. COOKING PEARS, LKMONP. PASSIONS. RIPE I.ANANAS, TREE TOMATOES. ORAXGKS. rOORMAN, TOMATOES (liutbousej. 10 A3r "PRODUCE AND -yE-GETABr.ES, Fpoclal Lines of HOTHOUSE CUCUMBERS, CELERY, NEW POTATOES AND GREEN PEAS. 1000 SATKS SOUTHKRX POTATOES. t>o SACKS TAURANGA KUMARAS. 500 SACKS CABBAOK. SACKS CAULIFLOWER. •jno CRATES JAPANESE ONIONS. 200 BAGS SWEDES. 100 SACKS PUMPKINS. RHUBARB, LETTUCE. PARSNIP OAK ROTS AND ALL VEGETABLES. SUPPLY UNLIMITED. 11 AM pOULTRY. pOULTRY. pOULTRY. I -J O NOON. ■pRESII "piiESII T^GGS. GOOD SUPPLIES. ! G IUIN. G .KAIN. Q.HAIN. FOi"i PRIVATE SALE. ' WJIKAT, MAIZE, POLLARD, ETC. I ; FIVE AUCTIONEERS SELLING. mUKNERS AND p ROWERS, JTD. CITY MARKETS. ji J. R. R ODERTS0 *- L- TDAT THEIIt SALEROOMS. QUEEN ST., mO-MORROW (TUESDAY), SEPTEMBER (,> AT O'CLOCK, j ~v"i:w Qak and T>iiit: i ' r CHESTERFIELDS, TTPHOLSTEItY. j I-PIECE OAK BEDROOM SUITE, Ward- ■* robe. Dressing Chest. Cabinet and Pontic Bedstead, with B.P. Mirrors, | Bow-end Hod. . 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELDS in Moquette, aUo in Figured Damask, newest designs. Independent sprung fronts. 7-PIECE OAK MISSION SUITE, uph. in MoquottP. sprung sears, solid job. 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD iv Moo.uette, well upholstered, spiral-sprung seats in brown and grey colours. 8-PIECE OAK DINING SUITE, latest design Sideboard. Oval Table. 6 Oak Chairs, tiph. in Rexine. 3-PIECK OAK MISSION SUITE, dark, with fawn. Moqiiettn upholstery. DRESSING CHESTS. Sideboard?, WardI robes. Settles, China Cabinets, Occ. I TnblPS, Chairs. i j CONTENTS OK .", ROOMS. \ LT.ISON UPRIGHT PIANO, full iron -"*- frame', beautiful tone, perfect condition. TAYLOR UPRIGHT PIANO, as new. h-Qn frame, sound in every way. Polished Kauri Sideboard. Dining Tables, Chairs, ?.-Piece Chesterfield iv shadow tissue. Gatelpg Tables, Settees and Squabs, Couches, Easy i Chairs, Seagras? Chairs, Cheval Mirror, •' Comb. Chests, Bedsteads. Kit. Dressers, J Chairs. Pedestals. Linoleums. Oongoleums, I Hall Stand, Rocking Chairs, Mirrors, Office Desk (kauri i, Chairs, Radiator, Callfont ! (Fletcher Bussell;, Gas Stoves, Ver. Blinds. I Also, I UNDER BILL OF SALE. Without Reserve. -J INDIAN BIKE AND SIDECAR, 5-9 h.p.. -*- 2-cylinder. in Rood condition. Now on view. 1 ELECTRIC MOTOR and Accessories. 1 U.!>.. Ci.c, perfect order. 1 Oolili- ! LKRS , P.fFFER. enmplere. and Bench. ] LKATHF.K KOI.I.EIt. goo-1 ~nl.-r. TKKMS CASH. J X K UP,ERTSON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. 7
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
Word Count
737Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.