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AUCTIONS. TEONARD pOAKLEY. j TD . Q.IGAXTIC E NTRY OF JJIGH-CLASs ■pURXISHIXGS. rpO-MOHKOW, nrtUESPAT. at -«-j A)[ Removed from thf , RepldpuoP* »f MRS. CARTER, Eden Crescent MISS CT'TTLE, Eflfnvalo tfoert MRS. LiRXEY, Great North Roa.l MRS. ANDERSON, Balmoral Road! And many other Clients, we will g e j] AT OUR SALEROOMS. CUSTOMS STRFv-n WEST (Next Waileuiata Hotel), rpilE FURNISHINGS OF THEIR HOMES, ' # DETAILS : j MAGNIFICENT OAK BEDROOM SUITF of -1 comprising Mastta Wan! rohe. with Oral Glass. Cheval DressinTable Mirror-back Cup& and tull-size Bow-end Bedstead. SOLID WALNUT EXTENSION DIXTvp SUITE. .", Pieces. Seajrass $«v? Shadow Easy riiair. Inlaid Whatnot' Ornaments. V.isps. Bric-a-brac, Ocvi , sioual Tab}<*. O.K. Lounge with Squibs Heavy Wilton Carpet. 12 x 12 Oafc Gramophone and Records, Cushion* Silk Electric Light Shades. Harls Pol , Escritoire, Glassware, Tumblers pi., tares. Paintings, Curtains. Blinds Tar dinierPS, Palmstentls. Indian Rn»s' i and B. Chairs, Canadian Chairs Dp Dinner Wagon. Crockery. Cutlery Soi' arose Mats. Linoleums. Rockin- Chii'r Hall Portieres. Seanrnss CUalrg, Monk Chairs. Fenrler and Brasses \\? •lefifrned Sideboard, with Beve'lW Mirrors, fi-Pee. O.R. Suite, Round TahlP Folding Chairs. SMpmat*. .Solid Marti, (.look with French movement, C,nod Reading Lamp. Platform Rocker Minifioent Bow-front Sideboard, BeaiiVi" fully Carved, Ova! Rimu Dinin? TaM.t etc.. etc. s '• CHEVAL BEDROOM SUITE of 3 Pj,, OP ~ Kapok and Fibre Beddlns. Combination Chests, Bedsteads in Rimu and Oak (ill sizes). Pedestal Cunhoarrip. Toiletirn™ Be3room Chairs, Chests Drawer?. Spajriass Matfinc. Combination PiiirV Institution Bedpteads, Commode Bo's Ottoman. Blankets. Quilts, Bedside Mats. Bedside Tables. Wardrobes (Oak and Rimu). Folding Bedsteads. 4-P OP Oak Bedroom Suite, Stretchers) Fire" screen. Washstnnds, Bedroom Furnklil ings of all kinds. KITCHEN DRESSER. Kitchen Chair* Croekerv. Pots. Pan*. Potts" Irons, Gas Irons, American Clock, W.rincpr, BaUis Bnekets, stoplnfiflcr. Garden Tool--' Flcctrio Tron. Aluminium Kltchenwari;' Teaset, Dustbin, Brooms, Mops, and ' HUNDREDS OF USFFUL HOUSEHOLD SUNDRIES. NO RESERVES. TERMS CASH. X TD., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS. PHONES 42-235, 45-201. JOnN D. SULLIVAN, Auctioneer. 2 Q.IGANTIC TpURMTURE OALft f^ EORGE VT7ALKER WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, mO-MORROW rpUESDAY. AT -1 -J A.M. AT HIS SALEROOMS, 3S. QUEEN ST. milE /CONTENTS OF A QUBURBAX TTOMES. Removed from the Residences of:— MR. NEAGLK. Symonds Street. City. MRS. CARRICK, View Road, Mt. Eden. MRS. GRIFFITHS, Union Street. Citr. MX. BANKS, Chamberlain Ay., Mt. Eden. Details :— TTPRIGHT GRAND PIANO. '•Clarendon. -, *-' by Coas. Bckjt and Co., overstrung, sweet tonp: Piann Stool, HANDSOME OAK SIDEBOARD. etJWfire deeien: OVAL OAK DINING TABLK, Vnpes, Ornaments. Cutlery, 6 11.8. OAK DINING CHAIRS. Dinner Warp. VERY FINE CHESTERFIELD SUITE of 2 Pieces, in MoquettP: Oe<\ Tables, Seaerasß Chairs. PicturoK, MAGNIFICENT POL. KAURI BARREL FRONT SIDEBOARD. Shaped Mirrors, KAUItI DINING TABLE. Vases. S-PIECB FIGURED VELVET DINING ROOM SUITE. Books, MARBLE CLOCK, Palm Stands, Jardinieres, Bric-a-brnc, Etc. BEDROOM.—CHOICE SOLID OAK BEDROOM SUITE of 4 Pieces, comprisins; Oval Mirrored Wardrobe. Ch p ™i Dreeing Chest. Pedestal Toilet Cupboard, and Full-sized Bedetead to match : H.S. Wire Wove. Good Kapok, Bidding ;iticl Pillows, CnrtniDP. Toilet Ware, Pictures. Ay. and Rev. Fluor Huss. CHOICE POL. KAURI BEDROOM SUITE of -1 Pieces, comprising Double Mirrored Wardrobe. Coeval Dressing Pair, and Carved Bedstead to ! marten; Wire Wove and Kapok BHdinc. Duchess Pair. Scotch Chest, RIMU WARDROBES AND COMB. PAIRS. D. AND S. ' RIMU BEDSTEADS and Wire Woves, HI D. and S. HEAVY B.M. BEDSTEADS and Wire Woves, Kapoks to match: TolK Ware and Other Bedroom Plenisliments. KITCHEN.—KITCHEN DRESSER. 5 KitcheD Tables. A.B. and Canadian Cbairs. Leather Couches. Picture*. Full Ranjw Crockery and Cooldnp Utensils Vei)>'tjan Blinds. Meat Sate. Garden Tool", ci LAWN MOWERS. FLETCHER BT : *- SELL GAS STOVE. AJin. Ki'ttlo. En. Tenpot. Cutlery. Gas Griller, BOY> BICYCLE, Vacuum Clenuer. ScwinS Machine. PERSIAN CAT. Book*, and i Hosia of Sundries tuo Numerous Tγ. Detail. AND AT i) O/j P.M. On EfbaU" of Union Steamship Comparv. Of) PACKAGES OF UNCLAIMED OU LUGGAGE. 9-T PAIR MAIDS' CANVAS SHOES — '-' fCrepe Solesi. pEOEGE txrALKER. THE FURNISHING AUCTIONEER. j SALEROOMS : US, QUEEN STREET. < ; I CQUI'iIItKLL AM' I y- 1 -, rpO-MOnUOW. mUES., AT -J -I O'CLOCK IN THEIR MAKT. i)AA SH.KETS CORK. IRON, 8 and B": £\iU i :>fx ORION RANGK. «ith BoiU r <as new), 2 GAS STOVES. - CAU FONTS. 1 Rez. Orate, a Cycle*. 12 >•'" Primus Stoves mow), KH Volf. ('Novels. Etc-.). A!^o, THE CONTENTS OF A SUBCIUJA- ,, HOME. IN OAK AND RDil". O PIANOS (Suitable for Learners). EVERYTHING FOR THE nOME. Ti:i;Ms cash. : C-.TIKKI-l.!. A Nil IyiLLIAXia, AUCTIONKKHS ANH VALUERS, 14, VICTORIA ST. FAST. .
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
Word Count
719Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.