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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 1 ABOUT Epsom Bungalows and Sections, I 4 consul? E. T. Fowler, '"The Epsom Jr. Agent," ____________ B si \ iu.MJ.iLE iVacant.i. —Modern Bungu- *. ! JX. i uU -. 4 rooms, bathroom, convs. ; J- '_ acre. i7OO ; deposit £75. —Ruse, Avoudale. _ A \ VONDALE.— Small Bungalows, just C ■fx completed, from £500: deposit fSO. — -. Rose, Avoudale. upon all day Saturdays. I J 134 ; , — I * \ VONDALE SOUTH—Bungalow. 5 rooms, ! _ —*■ p.b. and '... wardrobe, linen press, cup- -. boards, washhouse: J-acre: £>-'*»•. deposit -J £■"'"■ —Mealing. itoicrt"ii ltd.. Avondale. 4J ; "DAC-11, 1-roomcd, furn.. bunks built-in; - ■*-* section aHiout X acre: near wharf and _ : Murray's Bay.—4". Ci:y Chambers. . "OAYSW.iTEß—Bungalows and Sections, | ] ■*-* 10 minutes from G.1'.0.; views, value ; "l terms.—Wilkie. Phone 00, Takapuna. D J "DUNGALOW, new, 5 rooms; minute' -X> Royal Oak cars: select locality: £1425; ~. £200 deposit.—Browne. Dominion Rd. 5.) X "DUNGALOW, 5 rooms, kitchenette; motor * A-» garage: Govt, mortgage: or Exchange - Confectionery Business.-—lnquire Star. 4"4 . BL'NGALOW, new. 4 rooms, kitchenette; T Morton ltd.. Pt. Chevalier: all coins.; ' £f>o.-|. deposit £05. Owner.—Write '.1015, Stab. ———' ■ 1 . BUNGALOW, Bayswater: nearly .-.•mpleted: everything modern: 5 niins. ( boat: i!USS; terms. —Snowdeli, c, o Stole, ■ Bayswater. _V 11 N4 : "DCNGALOW. modern, 6 rooms, every eon■A* venience; level section; good locality: X.rice only ills.ju, cash ±500.— Inquire ■Stae. 4".) /IOCNTRY House. beautiful position; t fruit : near station, school : suitable chicken farm, market garden ; £025 : rent - 25/.—7. Rothesay St.. R___r_ . DEVONPORT.— Semi-Bungalow. 6 rooms. close wharf; excellent order: £1150; 1 cash. £200.—Asher. Wharf. Devonport. . GOVT. Mortgage.—Bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchenette: every convenience: nice section; lovely view; price, fl200; £200 cash. — 11. Rohortoii Rd.. Avondale. 143 /"GRAFTON, near Bridge.-Two Lots. £60U each, or £1075 for the whole area- —C. E. Archibald. Gleeson's ____ ___h St. '^ TTARBOUR Views, Remuera—Charming AA- Bungalow. 0 Rooms, sleeping balcony : elevated : unsurpassed views : sacrifice nt _1650 : worth £20uo.—Mayhill. 5, Phoenix Chambers. TTOME to lunch if this neat House of 5 •XX. rooms is taken over with Govt, mortgage of £045. The total price is £1050. and Hie deposit £250.—C. E. Archibald. Gleeson's Buildings, High • St., Sole Agent. 113 MANGERE Crossing—Beautiful Bungalow. 5 Rooms, c.1.: 1-acre section; £1150; cash £13().—Kay. Phoenix Chambers. Till. ALBERT—Modern Bungalow. 4 ""- rooms, sleeping porch : handy trams ; £1200: cash £200.—Bertram, Phoenix Chambers. 101 ATT. ALBERT.—Bungalow. 5 rooms, AVL convs., sleeping porch ; section laid out. £1250: £200 deposit.—First house, Springlcigh Ay.. off Woodward Rd. | \IT. ALBERT.—Bungalow, modern, 5\ A'A large rooms, every cony. ; Govt. Mort- , gage. Price £1250. Deposit £300. No agents.— ________ HOl7. Stah. I MT. EDEN.—O Rooms, kitchenette; good order, sound; section valued fiooo. £1330 total. £200 deposit.—Write H. 0310. . 1 TV/TT. EDEN—New Bungalow, 5 iooms ( kit- | •"-*- chenette : latest appointments ; high 1 position: £1800, terras.—Builder, B. 4340, Stah. B YJEW House of 5 rooms, close to school, ; Grey Lynn, may be l.oiignt for £1150, ' on deposit of £100.—Call for details, on <'. E. Archibald. <;iecsc.n"s Bldgs.. High St. (ii ONEHUNGA, Forbes St.—£7s Deposit. Superior new Bungalow, extensive •views; bargain.—Lloyd, down left. 19 "DARNELL — Fine 6-Roomed House, ■A splendidly situated, adjacent Park, elevated, grand freehold section, 00 x 100: snip at £1100.—Don Miller, Brunswick Bldgs. j2 "DEllUEßA—Bungalow, 3 rooms and kitXv chenette, all modern convs.; level section; harbour view.—Owner, phone 205 REASONABLE Surely; the bus wil! hind you at the door of a New Buugaiow of 4 rooms, on a very large section, over 200 ft deep, and the price is only £SOO. on deposit £75.—C. E. Archibald, " Gleeson's _____ High St. T>EMUERA.—Up-to-date House, c.1.. C -*-*•' rooms. Sale or Exchange ; £1575.—7, Rothesay St. CJUN GLEN AY.. Dominion ltd.—Lovely K J Bungalow, nearly completed; £117.1: deposit £150.—Browne. 227. Dominion Rd. _ rpAKAPUNA —Bungalow, 4 rooms and kit- , X chenette; motor garage. £1250. Deposit £150.—Abbott Elmsly. 05. Queen St. TA7ORKERS ! Don't Pay Rent. Own Your Own Homes-. Financial aid given. Easy terms.—Write H. 7S3R. STAR. ■fi ACRES, suburban market garden land. " level, well drained, sheltered; bus passes. £500—Write B. 4171. Stab. WS4 Of) ACHES Level Land, fully improved : 5-Koomed House : mile station :
£1200; cash £200.—Francis, Agent, Papa-I kura. A7KA CASH. Edendale, Balance £1050:1 cswt/u Terms.—Bungalow. 4 rooms, kitchenette. Section, 00 x 10S.—Hadfield, 5, Winstone Bldgs. | X?KA DEPOSIT, balance £1025—Bungu-c-vtJv/ low. 4 rooms, kitchenette, Grey Lynn.—Laycoek and Faithfull, 32, Queen St. Jp 7 (U)— ATTRACTIV E Collage, AT~n~cw I \J\J dal( , splendid letting proposition ; close concrete road : terms.—Write B 4403. Stak. 47 A? "| 09=:— MT. EDEN—4 Rooms, kitchener--'-'—■'-» 1 ette: every modern cony.; easy terms arranged.—2s9. Symonds St. ! £"J nypC—ROYAL OAK.—New Bunga-1 <=*sX\J Itj ] OWi pvery cony., 3 bedrooms ; beantiful views—Builder, cor. Cameron and Ann Sts. A?" 1 9Xft— MODERN Bungalow. 0 rooms, ~«' J -—> <'-J\f reception hall : concrete paths, lawns.— i, Egremont St., Belmont, Takapuna. 4? 1 A rKfl— MT. EDEN.—New Bungalow. -wAttOU" 5 rooms and kitchenette. 2 verandahs, elevated section. 50 x 200: every cony. room garage. Deposit arranged.—Vnnghan, Talliss, Arcade, opp. Rcndell's. Newton. 15S A? 1 Kf)n— ST. ANDREWS RD., Epsom., oV-LOUI/ Modern Bungalow. 5 rooms, every cony.: volcanic section; Govt. Morf. I Inquire Star. 44:1 Ker acres, 22.miles from auck-' i-**-) LAND, suburban area : 5 paddocks : j •all in grass, suitable for early cropping: i new 4-Roomed House, all eonvs.: good j S-bail cowshed : 1 mile school. 1} mile store, i About £150 cash, easy terms. Price £2000. ; Would Exchange for any good Security or Mortgage. Take Car as dennsnf. WILLIAMS AGENCY, 102. Ponsonby Road. West End Theatre Buildings. 75 QAQ-J ACRES, 0 MILES FROM FRANKOVJX TO x JUNCTION. All in grass, except 400 acres in bush and scrub; tvcll improved; good country: CSO acres home paddocks freehold, good dair.ving land : 2441 acres cheap leasehold, long term: £G 5/ an acre : no deposit to good man able to stock property. Owner retiring. Inquire STAR. 415 A VONDALE — 3 ROOMS, Kitchenette, •lx bathroom, washhouse. p.b., c.1., city water: two chimneys. Deposit £100, balance. £000. Also, AVONDALE—2 ROOMS, porch, washhouse, bathroom combined. c.1.. city -water • 5-acre: dep. £100. Balance £400 BRIGHTWELL BROS., BuUders. S, Seaview Road. Avondnle. _go A VONDALE AND XEW LYNN. ■**- 15/ Interest, 10/ Principal. UPSTANDING NEW BUNGALOWS bath, washhouse, all convs., electric light' City water, drainage. Three minutes station, motor bus service. £650«t0 £725 including Section. £50 deposit or as arranged Three sold in three weeks. BEN BOLLARD, Irvine's Chambers. 32. Qneen Street. B "POR SALE OR EXCHANGE.! 23J ACRES IN HENDERSON. ! 15 Acres in good English grass, 2 acres in fruit trees, balance ploughed. Subdivided into 7 paddocks, and fences in good order. 1* mile to station, school, P O store, sale yard. etc. 9 Chains road frontage, and property runs back to salt water creek. Owner will take .is desposit House. Section, or Mortgage. For farther particulars write Owner, &jk_ H. 0047, Siab.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
Word Count
1,090Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
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