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PROPERTIES POP. SAKE. A BARGAIN.—S Large Rooms, all kl 'A- convs. ; first-class order. New shed. — uitable workshop or garage. Corner, • 7<>ft £< rontage : _ mins. tram or bus. —21. I'eel 9 ; t., Richmond. ?.- / DAltl-'OUT, Newmarket, for Remuera. *-* Epsom, and Green Lane Properties. -oloured Map of District Supplied Free. C\ 0 DEVONPORT.— Modern Bungalow, six j 0 rooms, few Tarda Cheltenham Beach : : £1650; cash, £150. -Asher, Wharf, Devon-' o port. | TTiPSOM.—New Bungalow, turn., £2 15 :i £ A— handy trams. — Vaughn;:, Talliss, Arcade, op, RcndeH's. Newton. I__ HERNE BAY—New Bungalow. 5 rooms and kitchenette, every possible cony.; good value.—Apply Builder, «:-. Cox St., Heme Kay. HOME, lnv.-ly. lmin trams. ."• rooms. £1200. £100 deposit.— Builder. o'"., j Wairiki Kd.. Mt. Eden. j _ MT EDEN. -- House. G rooms: splendid condition: J-acre.— Apply Owner, -"."^ Gordon Rd. "Phone 20-IoS. [ "VICE Villa Residence. 7 rooms, evory --> cony.-. near trams, bus: suitable apartments, boarders. Cash £!"<■: no agents. genuine.—Write _ 4107, Stah. "VTOW Building—s Rooms. £1175. small —•' deposit good man. —Builder, GO. \\ ai-: riki Rd- Mt." Eden. . j OFFER wanted —Bungalow. 4 rooms, kit- , . chenette; near car and school; view. _7, Mewburn Ay.. Mt. Eden. TJENROSE.- Sunny Bungalow. built-in A wardrobe, cupboards, dresser, etc. ; small deposit : large section.—YS rite S. os'.;_. Stah. . ~ ' rrtVKUTXA — Houses and Sections. — A. Neville Ncwcomb, Ltd., His Majesty's Arcade. Auckland. \ViNTED to Sell, in important junction >> town, close to railway, 1 Acre Land, containing modern 0-roomed House. e-I-. and all cony?.. also large shed. 40 x 30, , offers good op.-ninz for a garage or work-fiio-p: price £1425. "Terms arranged.—Write S. mail. Stah. . A* Kfi DEPOSIT, bal. £050 —5-roomed villa, convs.. Norfolk St.. "'Ponsonby.—Particulars, 44. King Edward Parade. Devonport. ' 4?TK DEPOSIT.—S-roomed Bungalow. c*IO modern convs.: immediate possession. Price. ________ S. ___. Stak. C'JX DEPOSIT—Mt. Albert, 2mins. bus. "— I—• Charming New Bungalow. 4 rooms and kitchenette, nil latest conveniences; . perfectiv level volcanic section. A Gift at '. £l(ii«i. -Alexander and Co.. Mt. Albert Ter- !_____. He-id Offic: SS. Oneen St. X?-|O|A. DEPOSIT — Kinzslnnd. — Good -f*>X.\J\.} Kauri House. 5 large rooms, all in perfect order: elevated section; glorious views. Price only £1050. A real bargain. Alexander anil Co. SS. Queen St. Branch: Mt. Albert Terminus. AT'-jXA DEPOSIT.—You take over a c-»--L»J'U Government Mortgage, on a. Beautiful Home of 4 rooms, electrical It , fitted without comparison. The balance is | £900. I'll tell you the rest.—Kav-Stmt- I ton, eon. XeTvton p.p. iRo | DEPOSIT—One Mortgage, and' j,-, (; nv ,, rT1 _ Pr)r situation near ■ trams: Grey Lynn. Balance £000. i KAY STRATTON, ! Opposite Newton P.O. __ DEPOSIT.—Take over GovernicVA_»V nient Mortgage. Beautiful 4roomed Villa, situated Grey Lynn : elevated position, few _pors from tram, schools and shopping: 2nd section. Balance £ !)00.— j | Sole Agent, Kay-Stratton. opp. Newton I ; P___ ISO | \ -t'OQet CASH, Ponsonby—l-roomed ! c - *'— — -House, 1 mm. tram : balance, ' £250: vacant: no agents.—lnquire Stak. 1 470 1 _?Q7?C—BUNGALOW, 4 rooms: second ™' < - 3 ' *-' section: £7.1 deposit.—Laycock and Fuithfull. 32. Queen St. '' £ 1 OT'A - UAKI ' 0F EKlX —Sunny Villa 0 f important appearance, with return verandah: 5 very large rooms, big I handsome bay windows. 3 open fireplaces ; j level, freehold.—Barfoot. Newmarket. S:i |X? ~ HERNE BAY. — Grand 0-I 0-1 J " roomed Villa, half mm. trams. • . P.b. and b., city drainage; stands high, j "I We know this is splendid value. Good ! , mortgage. — Vuughau, Talliss, opp. Ren- j , ' dell's. Newton. 15s I • A SQUITH AY.. Mt. Albert—Pretty Bun. j ■**■ galow, Hearing completion ; large j rooms, sleeping porch, every cony. : fine " j section : fruit trees : only 3 mins. trams. j "Well worth inspecting. Price. £130(1. ; Terms.—Tozer and Tozer, Dominion Rd. j Terminus. ' r>s i:A> XQ DEPOSIT—WESTMERE ESTATE I —we can show yon one of the I prettiest New Bungalows ever erected ou this elevated harbour view estate. Five rooms, electric light, patent w.c, beam ceil- ' ings. eupboarfls, bins, c(e.. etc. You just ! 1 see it : Balance only £1125, as reut. I Owner's Sole Ageiils, j MURRIE SPIERS COY., : 35, Fort Street. 170! ; "DUNGALOW, nice, new, 6mins trams, 5 IAJ rooms, all modern conveniences, built-i lin wardrobes, linen press, sleeping porches, | electric hot water and light, nicely deco-' rated : drainage and p.w.c. Just completed. I Top side Powlds Ay., Edendale. Inspection 1 week-end. or Apply P.O. Box 200. Very easy terms. " 1 ■ , ——————— — I
BUNGALOW, Now, 5 rooms, p. bath ana basin, gas. califont, and tiled-in stove, j • Good cupboard space, etc. Electric Jlgbt . ' and power points. Sewer drainage, p.w.c. ,£llsO. Easy terms. Consider section as I part. SPEARPOINT. Albert Road. Point Chevalier. TTILLA, 0 LARGE ROOMS and bathroom, * c. light, gas. p.w.c. h. and c. water. Section. 42ft x 160 ft. approx.. laid out in lawns and garden; six fruit trees bearing; good paths. The whole soundly built anU in good condition. Must sell, transferred South Island. Deposit £250. or near offer. Total Trice, £1200. No agents. INQUIRE STAR. 3SI A? 19ft DEPOSlT—Balance Only £950— MAGNIFICENT LITTLE BUNGALOW HOME. 5 rooms, electric light patent w.c, hot water heater, china cupboards, wardrobes, heavy beam ceilings etc. Fine elevated Freehold Section Soft frontage. Just off Dominion Road, a lone way city side of terminus. Best Bargain 3o; d For7ir tS ' MURH^ PRETTY BUNGALOW, NEAR ROYAL OAK. ONLY £1150. SMALL DEPOSIT. \ TTRACTIVE Appearance. 4 Rooms and JTX kitchenette, nice sleeping porch modern bathroom with pore, bath and basin j p.w.c. gns stove, wardrobes, cupboards! presses: in good order throughout: section' 06ft frontage, well laid out in lawns, trees' i shrubs, gardens, etc., and nice motor gar- '■ ;ige. Immediate possession. A sure j seller. Let us motor you out to inspect. ' CLOSE GREENWOOD'S CORNER. ONLY £150 CASH. OWNER TRANSFERRED. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. CHARMING BUNGALOW, 4 large rooms and kitchenette, beautifully fitted wltth : glass-fronted dresser, built-in wardrobes, I sideboard, provision bins, cupboards, etc. j Motor garage. Lovely section. 60ft front- ' age. Close tram. A bargain at £1500. | Key at oflice. TOM HADFIELD AND SONS, 5, WINSTONE'S BUILDINGS. DOCTORS, PROFESSIONALS. £2200 — EPSOM — £2200. MAIN MANUKAU ROAD, WITHIN THIRD SECTION. BEAUTIFUL MODERN BUNGALOW, of C large rooms and kitchenette, bathroom, pore. b. and b., califont, electric ' light and heating; every cony., built-in wardrobes, bins, presses, etc. Large verandahs front and back. Beautiful section, 1 level and laid out in lawns, gardens, rockeries, etc. Motor garage, drive, etc. Title, Glasgow lease ; low ground rent. i EASY TERMS ARRANGED. Properties in this locality are very seldom I on the market. See us at once. : NEWTON AND KALMAN. 250, SYMONDS STREET. | OPPOSITE MOUNT EDEN ROAD. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
Word Count
1,050Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
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