LATE NEWS, f ■ __ _____ CARS FOR SALE. A T RUSHTONS Garages, 57 Albert SL. ■"• and Beach Rd., Best Used Cars. Ove» 100 to choose from. All makes, all models. Low prices ; .easy terms. "TJODGIi, 1922. 5-seater, mechanically -*-' sound : just repainted ; all good rubber; -185 : urgent.—Write S. 9976, Stah. DORT Car, recently overhauled, new' battery, splendid puller. Price £60. offer. —Harrop and Medley, 28, Shortland • St; FORD, 5-seater. 1923; original rubber; just vnrnished; engine in perfect order.—Ring 44-019, after 5 p.m. STANDARD, 3-seater. late model, perfect order ; terms. —Urquhart, Boundary Rd.. off Dominion Rd. -p QO NET Casn Duys 2-seater English *OU c_ r; bargain.—Roberts, 11, Great North Rd., Newton. 202 USHT O N ' S USHTON'S MOTOR GARAGE, QJALE3, OTOR 57, ALBERT ST. SCALES. j Inspection Invited. The Largest Used Car Specialists In "S.Z. RUSHTONS REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE. DURANT. Tourer, nlmost new ... £295 i RUGBY, 1924, Tourer £ 190> DODGE. 1924. Tourer £275 | OVERLAND. Blue Bird, Tourer .. £105 . DODGE. 1924. 3-seater £165 . NA SH. 3-sea t er. Sports £ 240 ' DODGE. 1919. Tourer £140 SCRIPPS-BOOTH. 2-seater £90 ' BUICK, 1920. 3-seater £85 , MAXWELL, 1922, 3-seater £75 '. OPEN" SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. : 'PHONE 43-050. TT S E D /> A R S ' *_*_L - YOU MAY DEPEND ON '~ r ~ ' i QCIIOFIELD AND /~VO., T TD., CHEVROLET AGENTS, NEWMARKET. I Open All the Time. Phone 511. t CHEVROLET. 1923 Model. 5-Seater: several extras; excellent condition. £145. 7 CHEVROLET. 1923 Model. Roadster; newly ~ painted aud overhauled. Any trial. £145. " MAXWEI-L. 1921 Model. Touring Car; in first-class order. Sacrifice, £110. 1 FORD, 1923 Model. 5-Seater; self starter; good order. £SO. . RENAULT, 2-Seater. An absolute bargain
at £85. HUPMOBILE. Late Model. 5-Seater; excellent order: any trial to genuine purchaser. £210. GCHOFIELD AND pO., T, TD -> NEWMARKET. Open All the Time. Phone oil. 22 NEW CARS FOR SALE. A CAR you should inspect is tha "Ansaldo," Italian make. — Grau and Hipklns, Anzac Avenue. D A GOOD investment—A Rugby Car purchased from Rushton's Rugby Motor Sales Garage. Albert St. D A SK a Rugby owner his opinion, then •ZX. ask Rushton's to demonstrate the famous Rugby. D RUGBY Sales at Holliday Motors. Rugby Sales at Holliday Motors. « SWIFT and Stutz Cars, latest models: let ns demonstrate. — Maunder and Milne. Dominion Rd. Terminus. tt W'_ invite you to inspect our Exquisitely Furnished Enclosed Ford Car Models. Attractively designed, and unequalled la comfort. —John W. Andrew and Sons, Ltd., Eden Terrace and Pukekohe. S » \SK for details of our Free Service and t -£*- Periodical Inspection following the sale i of a Ford.—John W. Andrew and Sons. I Ltfl., Eden Terrace and Pukekohe. S I JOHN AY. ANDREW AND SONS, LTD., -* Eden Terrace, for dependable Used ' Ford Cars and Trucks. Easy terms arranged. S a rnHE Cheapest 2-Ton Truck in the World A. is John W. Andrew and Sons, Ltd.'s, d Ford 2-Ton Model —a combination of strength, reliability and economy. Easy terms arranged. § RUGBY Car — Sales and Service Station at Holliday Motors. 8. Lome St. *>_ FORD pARS. ORD v__rs. <v_ ALL TITC-DEM. $5 >■ All -Models. __j v •PHONE 42-523. 4^33 r-e X TTAYDON, T TD..
, G. A. tc* v- ~ \ ST.. _____ " !^.-••«•"•s„V" ! ", l :™"" M • 2 * i„l Tins Cll!l'=S:i < anf! Dumps. Als „ £.'_' prnmpl _ CllTer y. I ' IJC "~ e Arrange" Demonstration. LttMOUR .TOLL'AND WILLIAMS, LTD., I OILMUI \: px(n[ , Roafl, Au.-kland. B LAvAN AG II AND CO. I _/ Sole ATCKLAND AGENTS j KI'ITBI.IC TRUCKS, iEHVIIJE STATION ; And ! SPARE PARTS DEPOT, 1 305-112, SYMONDS ST., AUCKLAND. H i MOTOR CARS WANTED. , QHBVBOLET Body. 2-seater, wanted, for | cash.—Ralph s Pharmacy, Symonds St 207 j f >YCLE Car or Light 2-seater. condition j -~> immaterial if cheap.—Write H li3Uj Star. T ADY requires small Car. cash available —— four months hence, meantime will ~ivo use nlnno.—Write S. 0077, Star. T IGHT 2 or 5-seater, exchange 7-seater - I —' Continental value £100.—Roberts n. Great North Rd. ' _3(> rpRUXTUN Chassis, complete or in parts. x Cash price.—Write s. 6519, Star. TTTANTED T'rgently. English Sweater*. ** Rugby, Dodges, late Fords.—Derrick Barratt. 19. Durham _t_ City. r> YX/E will Tay Cash for Light Modern VV Cars, or will Roll o n Commission.—R. J. Grainger and Co.. 4«, Welleslev St. W. c ~-SEATER T'sed «'ar wanted, good enudl- -* tion : lme model ; will pay cash; no agents.—Write S. 9710. Stab.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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