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TJSEP CARS FOR SALE. BUICK, 5-seater, 1921 model, in good ' order; £ 210, terms if required.— Winger, opp. Town Hall. BUICK. 5-seater, £120; perfect order; take £50 deposit.—Mayhill's Garage, 0, Lower Albert St. : phone 42-367. BUICK. under 4000 miles, newly painted, overhauled: any trial: cheap at £200: deposit. terms suit purchaser.—Grand Garage. Princes St. BUICK. 4-eyl.. 5-seatei. good rubber, painting, and hood: mechanically sound. A Bargain. Only ±130 (one hundred and fifty pounds). Come and have a look.— Cooper and Curd, Ltd.. I'ukekohe. 20 BUICK CAR, C-cylinder. 5-sea»er, for Sale, only £130 (one hundred and thirty pounds). Come and inspect, and let us demonstrate. COOPER AND CURD, LTD., Pukckohe. 104 CHEVROLET Car Cases, £1; delivered between City and Otahuhu. —H. Mudgwny. Carrier. Otahuhu. etHEVKOLET, 5-seater; paint. rubber ' good : c.1., starter. —51, Tawera Rd., Green Lane. C CHEVROLET. 1923 model. 5-seater, •> several extras: very little used and in excellent condition: ________ 4407 - Star - C CHEVROLET, Baby Grand model. S.s. ■> and c.1.: a great puller; at £125 a bargain.—At Ilolliday Motors, S, Lome St. . 37 /MIEVROI.ET, U-seater. newly painted. "-' 1923 model: any trial: owner leaving: £145 or near offer. B. 4408. Star. DODGE, 5-seater, fair order, good puller. Winger, opp. Town Hall. DODGE, £50. self-starter, good tyres; runs well. —2, Shelly Beach Rd., Heme Bay. _________________ DODGE 3-seater, c.1., starter, renovated ; what offer?—2l, Selbourne Rd., Grey Lynn. 134 DODGE Body. 3-seater, £14; Chevrolet Van. good order, good tyres, starter; 135.—Write H. 9308. Star. , DODGES, £185, _100; Chandler, beautiful order. £175.—Derrick and Barratt, 19, Durham St.. City. Inspect. TYODGE 3-seater. elec. lights, starter; >X-r reasonable offer.—S. Union Lane, bottom Union St.. Freeman's Bay. T\ORT. 5-seater. e.I. and starter, in perXJ feet running order; £ 100.—Apply 33. Brentwood Ay. DODGE, 1918, £150; 1923, £230; Others, £ISU, £140 ; Dort, £110.—Edgar Pearce, 35a. Karangahape Rd. "TiORT. 5-seater, 1923 model; worth Xf inspection; In perfect order; privately owned. —15. The Drive, Epsom. 4. 1023-4 model, excellent condiA— tion, mileage 5700, privately owned: cheap for cash, or consider terms, niortgnge or property.—l'lione 24-928. 30cwt Truck, guaranteed in perX feet order: £05.— R. J. Grainger, 46, Wellesley St. W. 72 FORD. 1924, £100 ; 1923, from £93 ; Others, £45. £50, £70.—Edgar C. Pearce, 35a, Karangahape Rd. "PORDS, perfect condition, £110; 1923, A £ 95, £75 : many others.—Derrick aud Barratt. 10. Durham St. "CHORDS, 5-seaters. £27 10/ and £55 ; other ■*• Cars nt bedrock prices.—Henley's Garage. Fanshawe St. 1923, privately, owned. self A starter, spotlight, automatic wiper: good as new: £90.—luouire Star. 45_ TTi-ORD Touring Car with convertible body. A suitable liirht. delivery, in good order right through: £75.-—Write. B. 4401. Star. T7IORD. 1924 model, in beautiful order: ■X painted fawn : s.s. and e.I. Price. £100 cash.—At Hollidny Motors. S. Lome St. 37 T7«ORD Tourln-j Cars from £35. Inspect X our stocks. Exceptionally easy terms can be arranged. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD.. Chancery Street. D TjM)RD Runabout S.S. 1923, £95; 5-Seaters. X _late starter models. £S5. £95. £100 and £115. All Re-built and road ready. Easy terms arranged. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD.. Chancery Street. D /"JJ.RAY, 1924, 5-sealer, new rubber, perfect order; £140; terms. —R. J. Grainger. 46. Wellesley St. W. 97 HUPMOBILE 5-seater; excellent orde'.and recent model: owner driver; bargain. £21Q.—8. 4405. Star. JEWETT, 5-seater, de luxe model, small mileage, excellent order: Hartfords, and all accessories: £200 off quick sale.
To be seen at Seahrook. Fowlds and Co. 127 MAXWELL Tourer, in first-class order throughout: any trial; owner must sell: £110.— R. 4400, Star. RUGBY, 1923 model, in great order, and only £195. This is worth inspection. At Holliday MotorH. S. Lome St. 37 FORD Re-built Ton Truck, pneumatic tyres, with open or closed body, £100. Easy terms arranged. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY"., LTD., Chancery Street. D HALF-TON Ford, tip-top order, best of tyres: trial.—Mounce and Co., Hepburn St. HALF-TON Delivery; done 5000 miles: perfect condition ; cheap.—3l, King Edward St.. Dominion Rd. 45 "VTOW is the Accepted Time for a General Overhaul. — Consult Sexton Motors, Lower Albert St. RUSHTON'S Branch No. 2, Beach Rd(half way to Parnell Brldgel. Call In and inspect the best Used Car values In the Dominion.—JACK BOGGS, Manager. Phone 44-707. C TO MECHANICS. —Cash Offer wanted for 3-seater Sunbeam, sports model, 16-20 h.p.. engine, good block.—lnspect at Paint Shop, next Motor Replacements. Submit offer. Best price buys; no reserve.—Write H. 9471. Star. _ TT7ALK through our Commodious Garage » » and inspect the Good Used nnd Almost New Cars for Sale. We have taken them in as part payment for new Rugbvs, at RUSHTON'S. ."7. Albert Street. B DAIMLER 3-TON LORRY, 27-36 h.p. Type C.X.A. Long wheelbase. New type engine with latest steel sleeves. Mechanical condition guaranteed. Tyres all new. Price, complete with flat top body and driver's cab, £ 595. NORTHERN AUTOMOBILES, LTD., 154-156, Albert Street, • Auckland. 14 -CONCEPTIONAL BARGAIN.—REPUBLIC 'XJ 30cwt, 2ton Truck, complete, with body, cab, etc. First-class condition. A splendid machine, suitable ail purposes. Absolute Suip at £330, for quick sale. E. 11. GOODMAN, 26, Short's Bldgs.. Queen St.. Auckland.
_t>, :>nort s tiiugs., yueen St., Auckland. Province Representative for New Zealand Distributors Republic and A.E.C. Motor Lorries. C TTtORD Re-built Half-ton Van, canvas A sides. i 75: ready for immediate service. Easy terms arranged. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD., Chancery Street. I_ KT.SIITO.VS CSHTON'S MOTOR GARAGE NO. 2, OAI.ES. , OTOR REACH ROAD. lOALLS- j We do not accept auv make or model or j Tar for Sale IT ]s= GOOD. Wel expect nud give a Square Deal. DL'RANT. 1921. Tourer --->■•< OLDSMOBILE. 1922. Tourer ~ *+> j OAKLAND, 1023, ;:.-e.-i:er *~'/' 'BUICK, 1921. O-.-yl.. Tourer ,'.',' DOiuji-;, liii'O. Toi;iv:- iuo CHEVROLET. Rahy Grande *"•» " KoRD. 192.'!. Siarter. Tourer * l ->~ IImUT. 1M23. Tourer £I '° JSI'NBKAM. ."I-seater. .->.ri- -'-;'• i , I'ultU. Hon .-■•;:■ *-° C-o MANY OTHKH BARGAIN.-. i i Inspection Invited. PHONE 44-OTo ■'■ _______ Manager. j j IP-SNATCH UNITED CHAU-A-BANC. i AA>l92s Model, beautifully upholstered in i j soiid leather. In perfect order. Done only small amount of running. Great Bargain, itioO. I --SLATER ANDERSON CAR. suitable for 1 I Touring or la.-v VUirk. Gnat Bargain iat /10-".. I --SEATKB Of"YI.IXPIT. BCICK TOUR- . O ING CAR. 19:11 Model, i n good order. 'o-TON BESSEMER TRUCK. 1925 Model. Self-starter n-nd electric lights Com p >te with body et -. Done lejs than two months' work. lor hale at fr,o Reduction If you require a lru-k for Heavy H____» or l.ljtbt SYork we can Quote. If you reouire a Twenty or Twenty-four. Seater fhirn bane or Sedan, we can Supply. Au inquiries Promptly attended to rjARUCKS T IMITED, MOTOR TRUCK SPECIALISTS EDEN XERR_.CE. *_ C ,
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
Word Count
1,076Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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