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x' _. xv_ Al^. VNioNE knowing James William Mc- I —*■ Kerrow. please write to Mrs. Al. L'auiuo-.:. ■) -tsonvii;e, i asinaiiiii. i>ABY, yonug, good uume, will :>oard, aau > care j.->r :,■: experienced ucrsou.—Write ._U c. . STAR. i-v | JJUAKII want'd for two children, nine j -*-* and eleven years.—Write F. pons. Star. | S.—Received letter; one awaits you! -■ G.P.O.—Jack. l'Jti ' HJ.R, —Everything O.K. Come home • •■;• write. Letters await you 1i.P.0. HUM;:, gooil. wanted, for baby ill monthsi, tor 0 weeks; i'l week.—ln - quire Star. -t'-l KIND Person to adopt Baby Boy, three weeks' old ; of good parentage.—Write F. ;m.-.M. Star. LADY, refined, adult family, would Board Girl, 11M4. view adoption.—Mrs. Bennett, P.O. iKiiuluioii RiL LADY, young, with baby ten months, wants Board with refined, educated person. Person to look after baby during day while mother at business. Ponsonby or i Grey Lynn preferred. Good remuneration. | Write s". PS. - !.-,. Star. iAIISS MARJOKIE BI DWELL— Kindly | ■»■*-*- send your address to E. E. Leaning. I :i.i2. Queen' St. ! TJEKSON wanted Adopt Baby Girl, two jJ- years. quarter caste. —Write F. 9570, I Star. PERSON, kind, wanted to adopt Baby from birth : good parentage ; about I September 35.—Write F. 9540. STAK. I —! , TENNIS Court wanted to Rent by private club; handy to city.-Write S. 1)81)7, Star. rpENNTS.—Two ladies would like join -*- private club : Sunday play.—Write F. H.-ilO. St ail . TTTILL Ladies who ordered Paner flowers.
iA/u.,1., _nuies wno ornerea i-ajier r«™n», 0 »» 02, Paice Ay., call 113, Newton Rd., ; for same? _^_ \TTIi-I-i Blind Gentleman who sold M lit rum j »'» Fluid, please call S7, Burnley Terrace, ] Edendale? . TTTILL Mr. Frnnk Cooney, or anybody . »' knowing liis address, please enmmuni- ( catc -witli Box 17. HowickV Important. . | TTTILL Albert Edward Middletnn. last ''» beard Arnpuni. or anyone knowing wlierpahr.uts. communicate sister. Mr*. , Sutherland. 21. West St.. Newton. Auckland? { YVILI.. Passengers Dominion Road Bus on *'» Friday nisht. Ausnist 21. when collision I occurred with City Council Pus. nle-se ; eonimonicate with injured one, Mrs. Parks, Boundary Road. Mount Fden. or to Mr. Leahy, Solicitor. Short's Buildings? Especial request to lndv mssencer with ' •whom the above was converslnj: when same ( occurred. WILE ALL PERSONS IN POSSESSION j' OF CHEQUES ISSUED BY US AT| ' THE WINTER EXHIBITION, TAKE NOTICE THAT THEY MUST BE : | USED ON OR BEFORE THE 12TH INST, j I SCIINEIDEMAN BROS., LTD. i C 4 . BUSINESB PERSONAL. ABSOLUTELY reliable Watch and Clock Repairing at W. Mills, iuA, V icior.a _t_ _________ Ail W___ gu______>__ . ABSO_LIE_i the best assortment oi j Engagement Rings. See my w.ndow j ! u-iiy evtmuc.—Norton. Karangulmiie KU. B
-ii.v e\eumg. —.Noriou, ______j__i__ uu. i; A J. BARK AND SON, Registered Patent j • Agents (Estd. lSlf.), Campued s, Building, Vulcan Lane, Auckland. Patents. Traiic .Marks and Designs. D ALL the family will enjoy the wholesome goodness of Koefoed's, Ltd., Heal Tomato Sauce. C A MATEUR Theatrical and Fancy Cos- j ■**■ tunics on Hire or Made to Order. —L. , Kirkhy. 46, City Chambers. D AMBERGRIS Bought. Best price for , cash. W. H. Mason, 4, Smith St., oft \ Hepburn St.. Ponsonby. B i ART Needlework, Latest and Choicest ■"• Traced Linens and Transfers. —Pene- , lope, 44ti. Upper Queen St.. above Dixieland. ASTHMA, Catarrh, Stomach Troubles, Rheumatism positively cured without drugs.—Write B. 3»11. STAR. C j BREAKFAST not satisfying without ; Baster's Royal Cambridge Sausages \ To be had from all Lending Grocers. D i CORSETS to Measure. Be litted. Be j comfortable. — Madame Gover, Corset I j Expert. Colosseum _________ Queen St. C j |TF you require a Pretty Hat. with Frock to -*- match, call on Miss Dixon. Victoria St. INDIAN ROOM. —Embroideries, Brasses, Elephants, Ivory, Wood. Crystal; an exquisite display. Sec window. — Strand Arcade. C JG. PEAT, Dyer and French Dry ; • Cleaner. Eden Terrace. Thirty-six \ years' experience. Price and colour list on application— Phone 43-151. C J EEP It Dark.—Clarke's Hair Dye XV. restores Black or Brown: '-,', 3/6. — Clarke. Chemist. lifi. Victoria St. MISSES BARNES AND BEADNALL. Pacific Buildings, Wellesley St.. announce Opening Display Spring Millinery: reasonable prices. B MISS McPHAIL. Florist, 12, Strand Arcade, for Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Wreaths, nnd Choice Cut Flowers. C
IJATIENTS obtained thrnngbnut the world. | All information.—Henry Hughes, Ltd., j ; Bos 70. Oflice : Exchange Lane, opp. Fort ; St., Auckland. WS4 I 13LUVOL Renders Boots Pliant and Waterproof, and doubles the wear; * !, i pints. 2". All Stores. Bj ' I TJUSMA Kills Hair, Call for Free Trial ! 1 I -t* Treatment.—Mrs. Hullen, Melvcrn's ; i Buildings. Karangahape Rd.. Auckland. D|--1 . , —— — . TURKISH BATHS, 4, Lome St. "Phone;; 4G-Ooß.—Ladies : Tuesday, 'j a.m. lo 31' p.m. ; Wednesday. G p.m. to 'J.'M p.m. 1 I Gentlemen nil other times. C I LTNEL'RNISHED Apartments can be I - , > Furnished na Ensy terms. Lowest 1 j prices.—Grossman, 111, Karangahape Rd..l- ---| Auckland. B I . j v\r KICiIAitDS. Osieoparh. Palmerston »' • Bld-s.—Deafness cured, when all I other methods fail. All Splual and Nerve I and Chronic Complaints. I -PI J. REDCCTION on Typewriter*: i "?i.J--± inspection invited. —Ojfiee Type- , I writers Co.. Ltd., 503, Ellison Chambers. ! I Queen Street. D | j IMATRrAIOWIAL. i GENTLEMAN (HI), with business, wishes j correspond respectable Lady, 26-28, view matrimony. —Write S. 5:;, stab. j INTRODUCTIONS Arranged, view matri- I inouv, for approved clients, by con- | hdential" expert ; utmost privacy assured.— j Write In strict __________ ___ Box ___. . MAN, young, tradesman. woul>. like con espond Young Lady, 2124, '.lew! ■matrimony.—Write F. ___ Stak. 1 MECHANIC itli, smart, clean, tibsiainer,' with own homo and fair amount capi i tal. Southern town, wi-hes corresp.. u d; smart, pleasant home-loving Lady 1 :jtl-3o 1, ' i view matrimony; eonl.deutial.—Write F. j ' i><il2. Stah. . ; j"VTUMEROUS Widows and Single Women,; I-N credentials, persuuHlltv. will, ~;.„,.-., tunitv of meeting congenial companionship, : await introduction, view Marriage; privacy j maintained. — Phone 45-504, 'M, Phoenix: Chambers, opp. G.P.O. 2,'i'J ; PERSONS wishing Introductions, view | Matrimony, write to Manager, N.Z. j Progressive Agency, 12, Panama St., Wel- j lington. 5 j -4". no eneumhrance. Northern ! W Territory pmperty. wishes introducthn Gentleman, refined, small moans: no elfice 1 inTerviews. —P.O. Box 1707. 2_io j x-TjIDOW (20), girl 10.- intellectual, per-! *V sooallty, reduced circumstances, wishes introduction, view marriage. educated Sheepfarmer. ."0-40, with home. — .?fi. Phoenix Chambers. 17S
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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999Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.