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SITUATIONS WANTED. '[New arrivals and nil others will And this : column the best means of reaching Employers. Fifteen Words, One Shilling. 1 \ BADLY: Cleaned Chimney Means Eire, t —"*■ I' fhimi.ev Sweep—Coiqubouil, ! .'.-:. Tolara Si., ponsonby. Phone _*'.-'i U'■ j \BUI.T Chimney Sweeping. — No dust' -•'*- guaranteed: also work. —Write Smith. ! ■■■ Exmouth St., off .N.-w.ou Rd. D j V t'JUMNEV Sweep, practical, clean, con-. I*- si-ieiifiotis : miiilnutm dirt, disiurba::c-«.'. j ; 3 "-- HarutiiL'. .s. Ilelgiutu St., city. X i j \ BOI'T fonerete paths. Tarring. Sand- !-*■ ing: lirst-class work: reasonable.— E. I ''loss. 2_ Randolph St., Newton. j A Biil'T Tarring, Sanding. Tenuis Lawns, [-»- (.round Laid Off.—Ring U. Bishop. 7. • Ring Edward Ay., Epsom. R j A iTOPXTAXCV — Experienced Legal —*- Aei-nuiitiiiu IRe.isteredi. requires part j Time Work.—Telephone 4:i-'.i"!». \ LL Brickwork Repairs. ( oppers, Fancy -*• Fireplaces and Paths i speciality i, estimate*. —Rrowu, I.'*., Ireland Street, Ponsonby. b7 \ LL Kinds Garden Work by exp-rienc-d Man, can give references.—"J, Suuuy- • siile ltd.. Mt. Eden. A TTABOY—Nelson Pros., fonerete Paths. —*- Tarring. Sandi".-;. Lawns, etc. : Stone ■ Work Speciality.—'Phono _U-_3S); evenings ' ti to 7. Wairiki ltd.. Mt. Eden. B T3LACKSMITII. used mill and bush work, ' -*-* also station, shoer, too] sharpener. wants Work. —Write S. 71. Stak. BOOKS Written-up; system thoroil-'hl.v explained your own time: small monthly charge. --Write S. '.lU7':. Star. BRICKWORK. Fancy Fireplaces. fopperS. Tllinz. Kepairs; no work too small.— Write F. '.Hlo.*!. Stak. BRICKLAYERS (_1 want work: any kind of brickwork : labour only or
otherwise. — Writi- I!. 4MSs, Star. 22 BRICKLAYER wants Chimneys, Coppers. ] Open Fireplace.-. Tiling. Alterations. Repairs.—Hawken, 111, Somerset Place. J Howe St.. Newton. ' T>RICK Work—Expert Repairs; 20 year-' " ■D experience jobbing work: specialist j " coppers.—Brown. 13, Ireland St., Pon- , - sonby. 271 "I>USINESS owners — Grocer-Hardware t Jj Working Manager available shortly: - experienced ; town, country.—Write B. ____. Star. 140 / CARPENTER'S Handy Man s-eks SitnnV-- tion. own tools.- Write 11. ___ STAK. /"CARPENTER wants Work, in country.— y Apply, stating wages, etc., to S. 3S, , Star. CARPENTER wants Repairs: -a-hcord nplaced. sash 2/: others 1 <".: any distance.—Carpenter. 2__ Hobson St. 21S / CARPENTER, Spring (""leaning. Get '—■' yoi-r locks and wish cord- put in order.—Smith, 14. Lincoln St., Ponsonby.; 101 j I pAKI'KN'I'KII wants Alter.,tions. Repairs, j V-/ o|, y,. ilrs - experience, 20 per cent below j • others; work guaranteed.---!. Greenwood St.. I'nfe-e Dill. 1 piARPENTER Bui : der want-- Honfes. j" Alterations. Repairs: reasonable; work-] man-bio guaranteed : plans prepared. — ' U\r n Purl- i;,i , t; r ,fi,u) D ' ptAKPEN* EX wants Al'eraroo.s. Aildl- , tions: anywhere: workmanship guaranteed : reasonable, protnot. — W. Planners, Alexandra Ay.. Mt. Albert. D CONCRETE Paths. Tarrinir. Sanding. Stone Work. Draining: experienced tradesman- estimate- »iven. —VV. Vennall. Edendale Rd. _____ f ] \ O M L S 1 I C 11 E L P, I ■*-' Young, thoroughly Capable. Seeks Position Kenned Adult family. city preferred. Particulars to S. His. Star.
DRESSMAKER, competent, wants Work, j by day ; experienced.—l 3. Maekiivie . St.. I*. ___nhy I ■ DRESSMAKING— Costumes. 20 Coat j Frocks. Summer frocks: home or by' day.—B. B- ig.uin St. . ' DRESSMAKING- Smart Dn-s.-o- iroin 12 ti; old costumes made latest Coat, i Frock- lo __ ■>'. B__giUUl St. \ j T DRESSMAKER, experienced, wants \ JL/ Dressmaking by the day; 10/ and fare-. —11. Emma St.. Domini, n Rd. 234 : DRESSMAKING —Exclusive Hesigns in Gowns, Costumes, Evening an! Children's Wear.—23, Carlton Gore Rd.. Graf-' ion. ii 1 DRESSMAKING. — Smart Frocks, Cos- ] luines. Evening Un»Ub. Dim mclive j •Designs. Moderate.—22l», Jervois Kd , | ! Heme Hay Tenu.iiU.-. j DRESSMAKING. —Frocks, Evening Wear, - ( Co.-tUUies, Children a Clolhiug. uy coin-,p.-;ent dressmaker: 11, daily; quick.— ,' j Write K. 4tt'.i2. Stak. S_ ( I j iLESSMAKER, experienced, Latest j -L' Pa'-isiari Model Hesigner. exceptional.: prices; Cotton Fr-.-c-Ks from i ti : sat..-taction t guaranteed. —Phone -1" .">o.i. j DRIVER Ford or other light truck;,; garage experience, b'-st refs ; aged 20. | ' Write 11. ;i4,'.1. stak. : i (GARDEN Work wanted, by competent! * man: moderate charge-.—Write J. Sey- j | ni'-ur. Green i.v !'''■ i ! / GARDENING. — llortus Co.. Expert.-. I. IVJ Uenerat Gardeners : men. solid workers. | from 12/-: own implements —_______ I /"GARDENER. 20 years American, Colo- | VT nial experience, handy with tools: by ( riay. 14 fares. -Write B. ____, Star. /I \KDENEK. experienced, wants day ( VJ work weekly. or casual: lied-H'S. lawns, laying out.-Gardener. 170, Grafton I ltd. • /~1 IRL (IS) would like work in Confoc-
T tionery or Book Shop.—Write S. liSoK. I Star. | /"I IRL. young, wants Work, confectionery vJ shop", help with housework.—b>. Crumbier ltd. _J | / 1 ROGER'S Carter and Assistant, S j V.T years' experience, desires Position iv general store ; country preferred.—Write 11. I 7i'4s. Stak. HAIRDRESSERS.— Energetic young Man l2li wishes to learn Halrdressing 1 Trade thoroughly: renly stating eo::d:tions. I Write B. ___. Star 14_ HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, good cook and manager, active: small wage for] (jtiiet home: refs.—Write S. 144, Stah. i HOUSEWORK or Washiug wanted, t Thursday, Friday, Saturday.-—Apply Miss Drain-, S, Vancouver Ay., Edendale. \ '■'■"<< I HOUSEKEEPER'S Position wanted by! relined young widow, competent and | trustworthy; good cook.— Write F. '.'."i7!i, ' Stah. I HOUSEKEEPER, thoroughly ,-.\,.cri-n -cd. desires P.isiti in. where child is.-hooi j ag_ not objected __■ Writ.- S. iisoT. Star. | j'OuUSEKEEI'Eirs Po«itj., n v.-ant-d by] I—-*- rdlatiie. irustworthy, middle-aged ! worn.i;. : good refs.; towu or country.-—I l™l "• •■'-■'■ -_-L I j T T. HOuKER. 210, Balmoral Rd.. Mt. | \'t • Eii-::. lot- Itraihih--. Tarring, Sanding.' j.-:,.; ________ _____ ' 21-171. 1> j KELLY, IM::.:;- r.— Spouting Renewed. | 1 ! I :" .■ ..- R | air -or;: doiic - I ; T ADY Book',. or. io , --s -mall mt« books ; \]f <-r docs :-.:.-.: _ -....•rk-W:-;i. I!. :•:.:■.-{. I ___________ ___. ~~T— I T ADV. young. <~-~--',~T. -.-. -jt-cs ' Position. .„'«. .„.,,.-. ~. i._ (ly j,..;'.-._;,• ' roo'tinir —Write S. !i7ir>. Stak ; : T ADV. you:.-. Would ,".;.- Work. Fri.lav '. J- r.ighls ami S.uurd.-ivs : Oi-.o •,-,„,„ nre*-1 j _j__] Write li. _47_ ST__ i | T ADV. two girls HI and ir.i. w.ild ua- | i J-* dertake Care of Invalid for Tree . >;iar- ' j ___________ Warren. c_ Ml Eden P.O. j T ADY t4oi wants position C unpaidon-! -*- Help; good cook, musical; i>ni::iier:i-I I tion immaterial, good home.—Write B i 1 ii_!_ Star - -juri j T ADY seeks Occupation, compnnin:: help ; | -!■- mornir.L--. ...- few days- weekly; Royal I Oak ur Epsoir. preferred.—Apply Inipev. ! Stationer, tireenwood's- Corner. " 04 "\rAN. with 2 good dugs, wants Work on i" "_^ neer i farm.—Apply to Mr. Carter, Point Chevalier.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
1,009Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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