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LOST AND FOUND. j I UST. Wiihl Uo'.U Fountain Pen; kindly ; -* J rrmri:. — Inquire St.m:. 441! I • f OST, :.:-; Tee-day. several Bank Notes;!' _ reward.— Box -.7", <;.:•■". ; T OST. Tuniuoisu and Silver Drop Ear-!' -*— riujr.—Kinder please 'phone A- (.-' I ' riiijjs;. ; | i »st, between ttVll.-sley St. ami SI. j *■* Stephen's Aye 2 Kcvs on ring.— Inquire I .s-r\it. 4MI I T "SI, l:i Cit.i. ltuni'li Keys, one Yale anil -t- 1 .uji.ut six —Finder please impure , ; Stak. 4__l ; | T OST, I'liiw, with £0.- —Reward <>v j i- 1 - return!!!},' I" Mnvhlll, Edendale T.-r- j | minus. SoTi : |T OST. last night in Queen St.. Silver Wrist-, -*- lei Watch, keepsake: reward.—Phillipps j »___!____ LuST. i 'hikl's Black Hat. last Tuesday. I>ftween Mtadowbank School and 01. . j Lucerne Kd. j I 1 I >ST. Sunday last, Round Metal Ear- j -t- rliif:, Avenue Kd.. Otahuhu; reward. — j Inquire Stak. 4BQ j 10ST. Gold Watch Chain, with French, 1 coin and Uev attached: —41. Karakii St. Ml j LOST, Silver Wristlet Watch, near Newton j I'oict ((nice; good reward. —Peat, Crncer. Newton. LUST —Will person who called with lyreon rim kindly call again V—Berridge. !!>.-.. Ronsoiihy ltd. I T OST. Cold opal Bracelet, between Parnell | - 1 - and llolv Sepulchre; _1 reward.—3l. | St. Ceorcre-s Bay Rd. I . | T OST, Purse, fastened two safety pin-", j pound isilveri. Armadale Rd., Thursday. Reward. — Inquire Stak. 4~< LOST, £1 note, new, Ilasleit St. and top of Symonds Sr. ; reward. —Ann-strong. Bootmaker. Kilen Terrace. 07 T 11ST Sn-inr of Pearls, between Customs
LO» I , Mring OI leans, oetweeu < usiuuib St. and Shortland St.. or in Remuera Bus; reward.- Inquire Stak. 4tis T 11ST. between Station. Beaumont Street, -*— and Newton. 1 Green Wagon Cover. — Return It. Tidball. High St. LOST, Odd Shoe, nigger brown, between Staphs and Hardy. Lome St.. and Ferry Building.- —Kewurd return above. T OST. between Court's Tea Room and | -*-- Khyber Pass. Small Purse, containing rude and'ticket ; reward.—lnquire Star. 4!iß LOST. Umbrella, short handle, yellow knob. Symonds St.-Mt. Eden ear: reward.—.".. n_din__v___ St.. Ponsonby. 2!H T OST. Fleet Week. 14ft Centreboard -*— Dinghy, while, red bottom, green inside : reward.—2l_ Wallace St.. Heme Bay. r OST—Will Person who took Purse from - top of cupboard. Orange Hnll, Wednesday ni_ht. be a sport anTl return contents? Impure Stak. 4<_j J OST, Purse, grey, :i flaps, containing - money and tickets, probably ton Wakefield St. : reward.—27. Gibraltar Crescent. Parnell. Phone 48-298. 209 LUST. Small Purse, containing £.'> note. receipts and dispensary prescription. £1 reward on returning to Catholic Woman's Hostel. Symonds St. LOST. In Onehnmra bus Thursday night, Chubby Umbrelle. with coral handle ; reward.—Finder please return to 373, Upper Queen St.. Onehunga. T OST. Small Black Note Book, vicinity -1— Upper Queen St.. Grey St.. or Newmarket : notes only important to owner: good reward.—lnquire Star. 485 LOST —Lady with girl picked up Fur in front Auckland Meat Co.'s shop yesterday afternoon, please return to compnnv's shop as she is known. 177 LOST. Ford Spare Rim and Tyre, in Auckland Suburbs. Will the finder please communicate with the undersigned?— Secretary, Auckland Electric-Power Board, i
j Quay St! 00 j FOUND, Bunch of Lever, Lock and other |. , Keys, vicinity waterfront. — King j 4.~-044. i ; I Banknote ; say amount, when | •*- and where lost, and pay advt.—Phone I 21-247. 200 FOUNT), Motor Pump. Glenmore: owner pay expenses.—l!), Aitken Terrace. QlnnmoT-p. IS3 FOUND, Purse, containing small sum of money. nf Mellon's Bay.—Apply 17, ve'r,c»r>no- K T?lftc=. TjMTTND. Gf>at. Jervois Rd., Ponsonby. If •*- net claimed within 7 days will be sold.—Ring 20-ofiS STR»V-T) *T*T> TMT»OTTWT)'I3D. OTRAYED, Light Roan Jersey Cow, black ] face : milking.—Apply P. Johnson, | Henderson. t STRAYED. Black Cocker Spaniel Dog, ' Poval Onk. fortnight ago : good reward, j j2l Winstone'*.- P.ldgg 'Phone 40-2flf>, 280 | STRAYED. Dog. white Fox Terrier, with j b-nwn soots on bond : Auck'nnd collar ! I No. .'-.72: reward.—Hesketh. 29. Gillies Avenue. Epsom. 'Phone 2S-ISO, PARTNER wanted. with £250 : full investigation given.—Write Genuine, S. P.". Stak, PARTNERSHIP and Investments arranged in Genuine Businesses. —Our | only address. Business Sales Co,, 32, Queen St. PICTURE Show, thriving town, fully equipped, up-to-date machinery: partnership offered energetic man ; £350.—Particulars Cinema House, near Trades Unll. Hobson St. 122 PICTURE, Dancing, Skating Hall— Advcr-
X tiser Is prepared to pur IU i-.iOO section, i at terminus of rising suburb, as share in j above proposition. — Anyone interested v.-rlte s. i.~. I T) A R T N E R W ANTED.! for Old-established Non-poisonous Paint and | Oil Works. Splendid prospects: large pro-j fits. Capital required about £2000. j i P.O. BOX 7, NEWMARKET. j WANTED TO RENT. oHlir. Khyber Pass, or near Grafton j ;IO Bridge.—Full particulars to S. 122, Star. j Rooms wanted, 1- months at least ; j »0 will pay up to £100 per year; rent in advance. —Gregory, Harlston Rd., Mount I Albert. SMALL Workshop, suitable installing i small motor; must be near City, and | low Vent.—Write H. !1452. .Star. | rpiTTRANGI. —House wanted. 3 weeks, j -L from Dec. L' 4 :or would Exchange House. Devonport. —Write F. 9717, Star. I PROPERTIES SOLD AND WITHDRAWN. \ GENTS. —Please take notice, my House, -A- s(>, Kopjes EsDttc. is sold.—S. Watson. LAND Agents.—Take Notice, My Property 1, Hinemoa Rd., Richmond, is Sold. —E. Williams. 126 LAND Agents —Please note, my Property,! Pleasant St., Onehunga, is Withdrawn ; from Sab-.—E. Howard. | LAND Agents —Mr. Chinchean's Property, j No it, Omahu Rd.. Sold by R. L. Grif- ! riths and Coy.. Ltd.. *>. Palmerston Bldgs.; LAND Agents—Take notice my 2 Sec-! tions Willow St., Onehunga. are Sold.: William Yearbury. No. 10, Willow St., One- j litinga. . Ml" Business, 210 a. Hobson St.. sold by Vaugban, Talliss and Co., Newton.— W. 1,. Petersen l- l-t "V7AUGHAN, TALLISS AND CO.. Newton. ' * have sold my Confectionery Business. Onehunga.-—S. Chapman. 1 ■"■■"» PTa-yo T~r?fl— G. PHONE 43-395. — Pianoforte Tuning, Repairing. Free Valuations. Advice i Intending Purchasers.—Arthur Bree. 20. j Sr. Pawl St. c IrnHE Best is the Cheapest in Foodstuffs.— -«- Imperial Bee Honey is the Best. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
980Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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