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WAWTEP KNOWN,rTI,rURPHYj ; Chemist, "Junction Pharmacy!" ■"•*- Broadway.—Prescriptions made up only by fully-qualifled Chemist.—Phone 24-340. C»AY " Anchor" and bo satisfied. In cartons, "Anchor," the world's best butter. All Grocers. D C<EWI2vG Machines, New Uome, latest models; sews silk and carpets; cut prices.—Globe. 154, Qneen St. D CUS.GER Latest 66, 7 drawers, bargain; *-* 4-drawer Drophead, £7 10/. — Globe, Short's Buildings, Queen St. D OOME Honeys cost less, but the buyer of Imperial Bee 1 icy is always satisfied. D rpHE " Golden Cow " Carton is the sign of ■*- " Anchor" Butter supreme. All rnORALINE clears the Tubes and savei 'and 2 bC 6 LuDS3 ' cbemists an( i Stores. l/( mUTT'S Remodel Ladies' and Gent's FeltE - 1 - and Velours, any shape. Countrj orders promptly attended to. E "VTANCO, the perfect hand soap, remove! T grease and dirt instantly; dd per largi tin at Hazard's, Queen St. j( KNOWN THAI CRUICKSHANK, MILLER AND CO., LTD (In Liquidation), Are Sacrificing the Remainder of theii Great Stock of Ironmongery and Sporti Goods at their shop in Queen Street, opp Smith and Caughey's. N-B.—The early bird, etc. i -\Y OTJ LD YOU gELL TJS piOR £-J_9 If you could make as much as £1 in onlj two and a-half hours of one evening would you be willing to sell us that time' YOU can do both; sell us the time, and mnke an even £1 between 7 o'clock anc 9.30 of "a single evening. EXTRA POUNDS FOR EXTRA PLEASURES. You may not feel the need to foi a '' ra , in y day"; lucky ior you if you'n right! But you can surely use extrs money, whether it is for necessities 01 pleasures. And you can earn it too, jus) like hundreds of others are doing in theii epnre time day or evening by makint NATIONAL CONFECTIONS for us. Motor trips are great iun. Hunting j word meaning cat is diverting A good movie is worth the price of ad mission. But motor rides, movies, ever ■crossword books cost money. So dc Tacatlone. So do countless other thing; pleasant to have. To earn that money—easily, pleasantly without experience—for these or am . other wants—there's no better offer thai the one that will come to you if you lust MAIL THE COUPON NATIONAL CONFECTIONERY . ■ -- INDUSTRY, 77, Queen Street, AUCKLAND. I wo.uld like more money. Please tel me—without obligating of course—how can earn it. ■ Name... ».. Street Town " ""* S I MUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS ?Ott SALE. AUCKLAND PIANO AGENCY, 372 —* Queen St., will gladly demonstrate th outstanding qualities of "Sonora" Phono graphs. - _I A MBEKOL and Edison Diamond Dis -£•». Records and Phonographs only a Edison Shop, 153, Queen St. . I TDEAtmFUL Floor Cabinet Gramophone •*■* powerful motor (new), sacrifice," witi records; £20, near og-er.—Inquire Star. 43' TJEAUTIFUL Solid Oak Floor; Cnbint ■*-» Gramophone, as new, with Recordi for Sale, cheap.—6, Ferryhill Rd., Epson "ROWS Repaired. Special Hair. Try m; -L* Violin Strings.—Hewitt, Violin/ Mak'ei 18. Swanßon St.. Auckland. "OUY. and Exchange your Records at 1$ ;**- Darby St., corher Elliott Selections available. "iC ARRARD" English Gramophone Moton "Verlock" Tone Arms, world's fines Direct ImpotteraPhonerlcs, 18,. Darby St. 1 new,, sniendi tone, for Sale.—l2o, Parnell Bd" Paj nell. t (C RAMOPHONE, beautiful grey oak, bran *-* new j offer wanted.—'Phone 45-414; 2i Symonds St. r ar.-u rfC RAMOPHONE, oak, double spring mote S s *" (Rex6phone), with 20 record; £4 10 ]o.t. —Inquire Stab; •-■■-: -43 rfCRAMOPHONB Motors, tone arms7soun " boxes, all accessories. Write for list>-'Phonerlee,-14, Darby St. . •—*a«f. .'. /SjRAMOPHONE, - brand new* beautift grey oak; owner leaving; offer wantet Phone .45-414. 25. Symonds St. /GRAMOPHONE, oak, floor cabinet,' new *-* with Records; £70 model; for quic sale, £27 10/.—27, Ardmore Rd., < Ponsonby ■ _2 T EARN About Latest Gramophone Ides -*- Make' • money, save money; ~-. .Writ Phonerles. 18. Darby St. 7 ] TJECORDS, large selection; 2/6 each ■ M -* > exchange 1/; Gramophones from £ 10/ new.—t2a. Pon«on'hy Rd. '■ OAXOPHONE, ' juerin," E flat, alto *-> «olid . leather case; perfect condition sacrifice.—Meltzer Bros., 65, 67, Victori St. ; JJENRI "yERBRUGGHE: AND rpHE Ew L A Q.-LORIA rjTHE' "VTEW T A ; Q.LORIA (The Best Toned Gramoptione in the World). . ~" L ~* HENRI VERBRUGGHEN passed throug Auckland on- the b.b. Aorangi on his i< turn to Minneapolis, U.S.A. REMEMBER that the LA GLORI GRAMOPHONE was one of the fe cherished possessions taken by HENB VERBRUGGHEN to his HOME i AMERICA. The following is this famous musician' opinion of the NEW LA GLORIA, whic can be yours for 2/6-. A W^*2/6 'W™*HENRI VERBRUGGHEN, Conductor c t*e - famous MINNEAPOLIS (U.S.A. ORCHESTRA, and formerly Conductor c the N;S.W. STATE ORCHESTRA, cays:- - xvith the reproductiv qualities' of the . instruments, and I wa particularly - struck with the niellownes of tone, also the clearness of detail., should say that it should prove to be valuable contribution to the developmen of : the talking machine, which, I am sure will soon be recognised as a' powerfu educational factor.—(Signed) H. VEB BBUGGHEN. SURELY ONLY THE BEST SHOULD Bl GOOD ENOUGH TOR TOU. T A Q.LORIA Q.RAMOPHOi<_a, LIMITED (The Firm that puts the KE's in EASY TERMS I) 107, . KARANGAHAPE ROAD, '•'" Opposite Bank o£ Xew Zealand, NEWTON, .... "• •:■• JB BIRDS TOR BAKE. PIGEONS, Nelson, Dobson strain 7; wtanew eilver cups and medals,—F, -•McTJRe. Church St. West, Oneliunga, l-i
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
850Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.