A DVERTISEMENTS INTENDED FOR OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SHOULD BE IN OUR OFFICE NOT LATER THAN ONE P.M. DAILY. ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED AFTER .EPS .HOUR WILL BE INSERTED UP TILL 2.45 P.M. IN LATE NEWS PAGE. FARM HANDS. BOY wanted for small farm, machines used. Apply B. Byan, Waihou, near Tp Aroha. 36 MAN. for general farm work, £.2 3/ and found, state capabilities.—X Churcher, Pio Pio. Te Knlti. ___ MARRIED Couple want Position Oα farm : good milkprs. own house; state wages.—Wrtie F. 9615. Stab. PIAJTOS FOR SAU. AGODDARD Piano for Best Value; 24,875 circulated among music lovers. Sly's, 144. Symonds St. , l> A LLISON Upright Grand, magnificent ■£*- tone, urgent sale; £40; equal new; late model; absolute bargain. —149, Symonds St. ALLISON, Spencer, Sames, Haake; any piano from £ 1 deposit.—Sly's, 144, Symonds St. BETTER Piano Values obtainable at the National Piano Co., Ltd., corner VTellesley and Albert Sts. T> ENGLISH, nearly new, lovely little instrument; any guarantee; sacrifice £55; worth £75.-32. S.t. Mary's Rd. XpNGLISH Upright Grand Piano, iron frame, check action; splendid instrument.—33, Remuera Rd. 'Phone 25-254. 3!> GERMAN, overstrung, underdamper, Lμ- -* right Grand; sale price £49 10/, wortu double.— 14fl, Symonds St. /"iOOD Practice Piano ; good tone £14 ; no dealers need apply.—lnquire Stab. 411 OFFER wanted. Allison Piano ; no borer; splendid condition. —Apply 27, Mewburn Avenue. Mt. Eden. OXFORD Player at Sale Price; beautiful models just unpacked. Inspect.— Moore's, next Waverley. Customs St. "piANO, German, iron frame, (rood condt--F- tion: £25 cash.—lnquire Star. 44i; PIANOS (2), splendid condition: 1 Orasan. combined, sell very cheap; leaving.— 'JT. Paioe Aye.. Dominion Rd. l^ PIANOS. Brinsmead. Sale Price: Britain* Best: easiest terras; make inquiries.— Moore's, next Wiiverley. Customs St. E. "DRACTICE Piano. £T>. : \v £1 neposir. £1 monthly: snip.—Auckland Piaui> Agency, npp. Town H.-ill. WE have the latPßt and finest PlnyprPianos in Auckland.—Auckland Pian.> !,,„„„ nnnrvsit" Town Hull. WIRELESS APPARATUB FOB BALE. A BSOLCTELY Latest. Best Radio Parts. .A. Materials at lowest prices from Radio. Buildings. Au-bland. D -TiO you know that ships in American L) Fleet are nslns Burgess Radio Batteries? The Nary uses nothing but the best. . —. — D . TF its Radio, jive ns the order—we'll do X the rest. —'Tricity House, 15, Customs st . East. THE' LEASE OFFERED. BROADWAY, Newmarket—Lock-up Shop, suitable hairdresser, mercer; long term : roasonable rental.—F. Wade, Agent, Newmarket. /""tRAFTON — Boardinghouse. 12 rooms: vJT splendid furniture: near bridge; lorn; lease: £373; terms.—lnquire Stab-. 44:) TYPEWRITERS "WANTED. npYPEWRITER, second-hand, portable.— -»- Apply S. C. Gurney. 18, Lawrence St.. Heme Bay. WASTED TO SELL. 1O A BLUE Amberol Records for Sale: - Lt *'* choice coliectloa: 2/6 each, or £I'J lot.-Write H. 0487. St-ar. TTAY, GOOD QCALITY. BALED, OX J - L TRCCK, PAI'AKCRA. £4 12/6 TON. PHONE 21-070. 49 .. AuckJand. •
Page 1 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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