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WANTED TO BUY. A BETTER Price for your Furniture .*■»-. from Coakley, Ltd.. j Spot Cash. ■ Nc cartage.—'Phone 42-238. L A DVICE that is Sound.—Ring Coakley's £■*• 42-235, if you have Furniture to Sell. atralght methods. E /V LOT depends on the firm you get tc .T. Bu 7 y° ur Furniture. Try Coakley's, 'phone 42-238. E A NSELL AND CO., Auctioneers, give best 7, n, P rices for your Furniture. — 'Phone 31-»'18. c A PIECE of' Sound Advice.—Get Coak- „, ley's Price for your Furniture before Belling.—'Phone 42-238. E A PPAREL—Mrs. Outtrlm, Largest Buyei Ladies', Gents' Left-off Clothing.—9l. Victoria St. 'Phone 42-C74. A BTIFICiAL Teeth, any condition, pre •■*■ war preferred; up to £5 paid.— Pearline Co., 0, Security Buildings. E A UCIvLAND'S Biggest Market for Furni -"- ture and Pianos, Coakley, Ltd. Tor prices guarnntccd.—'Phone 42-238. T "OOOKS, Magazines, Novels, Music wanted ■*-* Best Prices given. — Ardilaun'e, 460 Queen St.. Myers Park. E T)00T Repairing Tools, also Iron Lasts J- , Sockets, Pipes, etc.—Write W. 814(5 Star. jji "DOTTLES, Sacks. Copper. Brass. Lead ±* «ags, Horsehair.—Zealandla Tradini Co .7. Belgium St. 'Phone 42-431. ( T>INOCULARS.—Wanted to Buy Goot W Qs77~<t tate make and lowest price v /COAKLEY'S Price for Furniture an< Pianos is highest. Ring 'Phone 42-238. I (COMB AND SEE THE FURNITURI m iSSZftlg* H A oU r - WILL APPEAI 38 EQ Q R ui E n^ t i r^ Eßl Furnishln g Auctioneer T)ROPHEAD Sewing Machine, any make state price for cash.—Write H. 9445 Star. jpOR THE BEST PRICES FOR YOUI FURNITURE TRY— GEORGE WALKES, Auctioneer, 38 Queen Street. j; TTERNE BAY.—House, 5 or 6 rooms ■*-*- wanted, with Government Mortgage must be sound; about £200 deposit.—Par tlculars, write B. 4304. Star. io( T ET YOUR OLD FURNITURE PAY FOI ■%* YOUR NEW BY SELLING THROUGH GEORGE WALKEB, Furnishing Auctioneer 38, Queen Street. j riUR SHOWROOMS ARE ARTISTICALLY }/ PAPERED TO SHOW YOU HOW THI FURNITURE WILL APPEAR AT TOME GEORGE WALKER. Auctioneer, 3S Queen Sfrppt. I "DING Mrs. Kelly—Buys Left-off Cloth •*■*' ing. Evening Wear.—Darby St., of Queen St. 'Phone 42-60 G. I C<AFE, reliable make; interior measure ~ ment not less than 20 i 12 i 14 Send full particulars and price to Safe P.O. Box 1514. _^ SELL , YOUR PURNITPRE through v AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE GET TING THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE.GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 38 Queen Street. 1 CSEWING Machines, Drophefcd, at once *3 cash waiting.—Terry and Barker, H.E Bides.. Newton. CSTAMPS. —Wanted, old collection c Stamps, must be cheap "D." Laurel! Rosebank Rd., Avondale, Auckland. TWI QUITS, Dinner Suits, Musical Instruments Bags, Tools, Goods every description.— Meltzer. 8r05y.6,5-67,; Victoria St. . I rnANK, 400-gallon, second-hand, wantedJ- Price to-Tank, P.O. Box 928, or Phon 45-326. npRAPPED Rabbits and Dried Skine, ii - 1 - any quantity; highest prices given.— Snnford. Limited. Auckland. i E , INVITE YOU AND WILL WEI COME YOU TO OUR FURNITUR] EXHIBITION SHOW ROOMS.— GEORGE WALKER, Furnishing Auctioned 38, Queen Street. . . . \ £IjVA WORTH Furniture wanted daily d ~' aA/v ' Large and small lots.—"Bus Bee," ies-6e, Ponsonby Rd. 'Phone 27-190. ] v --" r *■ Ava iiable. McKenssie' cWXW/U p nTS Best Prices' for you Broadway, Newmarket 'Phone 43-059. j geOtSl- JJGGS FOR TOP MARKET PRICES THROUUfcI OUT THE SEASON CONSIGN. YOUR EGGS TO US, AS WE HAVE EXTENSIVE OUTLETS . : EITHER FOR LOCAL SALE OR -. ■":- EXPORT. Cjates Returned Promptly. T Prompt Settlements. ■JTORDEN ( AND pO., Tm, DAIRY PRODUCE MERCHANTS AND EXPORTERS, 65-67, FORT ST., AUCKLAND. 1 QOAKLEY, LTD., PAY TOP PRICE FOR FURNITURE. > - See Them Before You Sell. 'PHONE 42-235. ] MACHINERY" FOB SALE; ENGINE, 2i-h.p. Crossley, compleCe, witi saw, spindle and belting, cheap; als. Engine, suitable launch.—Broad' and Co., 34, Durham St. W. ' IRON SUaper Attachment for small lathe good order. Snip at £'t 10/. —Richard son, 24, Durham St. PORTABLE Engines, Bto 25 h.p.; Winche (friction, steam, double purchase) Sawmilling Machinery every description — Appleton, Newmarket. '\< T>ORTABLE Engines, 8-10-23 and 25 n.h.p A original pressures; Log: and Stean W inches, donble and single purchase; Wire Ropes, Blocks, Timber Jacks; Machines every description.—APPLETON, Arthu Street, Newmarket. - PROPERTY sold; we must quit Engineer ing Stock. DO per cent, reductionMaseneld and Co., 41, Albert St. 3, Continental, complete wit! *' - impulse magneto, pump, - running ii lnunch: £25.—104, Wellesley St. W. r? On—STUDEBAKER Engine, 4-cylindei dwt>V self-starter, dynamo, accumulatoi tank, etc."—2. Shelly Beach Rd. TENONING MACHINE With top and bottom heads and scriber. 1 CHISEL MORTISING MACHINE, With boring attachment above machine. Can be seen working at THE FLETCHER CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., Nelson Street. ii WINES FOR SALE. B BAY'S Wince for Winter.—Choice Fron tlgnac, guaranteed; 1 case, 12 quar bottles, 25/. —Bray's Vineries,- Ltd., 6 lI.M. Arcade, Auckland. I RAY'S Wince.—Nice, -nutritious, guaran teed Grape Wines, No. 1 Port 33/, 1: quiirt bottles. —Bray'a Vineries,' Ltd., «l lI.M. Arcnde, Auckland. 1 iCROWN WINES, 227, Kftrangahope Rd.No. 1 Port, 42/ cnec; Golden Sherry £2 8/; Royal Reserve Port, £3, I SEEPS, PLANTS, AMD GARDEN, PRIME Seed Artichokes; another paree at 9/6 cwt; cash wtlh order.—U. II Pattle, Ltd., Pukckolm. 2{ mECOMA Plants for Sole; £l per IOO.— .J- Apply J. Crawford, St. Leonard's Rd., Epsom. ~. ....... , . ~. : ; BICTCLEB WAWTEO. , ■YOUTH'S Bicyfclo wanted, «econdihand, in - 1 - good order*—Price and particulars to Box 1201, C.P.0..
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
844Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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