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an v ax .tun » CHAIR Frame Maker, and one Upholsterer wanted. —Apply P. Furnell, Jersey St.. ■Newton. Rhone 43-eSO. ii! T7INGINE-DRIVER, first-class ticket: mill boiler; slab firing-—Collier, ilangapehi. li G~ AKDENEK, competent, wanted.—Apply 10. Ugar St.. off Grafton Rd. 117 ARDEVER. reliable, wanted, for BenwVT era. 1 day week.-Write B. 4410, Stab.. IKL, 13 to lc. wanted for wallpaper 'J shop.—Apply. 6t07. to 3til, Queen St. GIRL wanted for Art Department.—Apply the Uoldnnen Co., Ltd., Wellesley St., Auckland. GIRL, strong, for factory work. —Apply before 10 a.m., Hemingway's, Gundry St. §i HAIRDRESSER or Improver, willing help with watch repairs: board founu: state wages and age.—Write Ball. Kaikotte. T EAT HER Bag and Trunk Maker; also Female Stitcher; first-class hands. — Shenkin and Co.. 22. Kingston Sγ. MAX, young, wanted as Working Partner for good, quick-selling house-to-house lint-: good opening for smart young man with £20 capital.—Write V. 0586. Stak. MILKMAN wanted, drive Ford delivery, usual wage and commission, must be i-eliablie. trustworthy, energetic.—Write B. 4an.'{. Star. 100 OFFICE Boy wanted, for large Wholesale Merchant's Office.—Apply by letter to Box SI. C.P.0.. Auckland. OFFICE Boy. —Apply Messrs. Wynyard, Wilson. Vallance and Holmden. Solicitors, Harbutt's Buildings, Victoria St. East. 100 PAINTERS, good all round Hands: job Rahiri Rd., or H. HeAdain, 47, Grange Rd.. Mt. Eden. lli PAINTERS— Good Brush Hands; start Monday. Apply Friday or Saturday. Levin Job. SO. Grey St. PASTRYCOOK wanted, thoroughly competent man, for few weeks.—G. Peckham. 43. Richmond At., Grey Lynn. PATTERNMAKER, capable of taking charge: applications treated confiden-tially.—-Write H. 9338. Star. PIANIST (gent) wanted for orchestral day work, 9 a.m. —23, Middleton Rd., Newmarket . OHORTHAND-Typiste, with knowledge ~ general office routine; previous experience necessary. — Apply with credentials, P.O. Box 1259. __ STRONG Boy wanted for Office and Warehouse.—Write P.O. Bos 599. rpAILOR wanted, must be first-class Coat J- Maker.—F. G. Phillips. Hamilton. 37 TAILORESSES, Trousers and Vest Hands, wanted immediately.—R. .Taffe, Ltd., 344. Queen St.. near Town Hall. rpAILORESSES. — Wanted, first-class -*- Hands for Coats. Vest and Trousers: no Saturday work. —Hugh Wright. Ltd. 85 TTPHOLSTERER. used to best work: no *-J other need imply.—Greig and Estermnn. *24. Qnpen Street. "VOCTH. smart wanted for shop.— JL "Sucklings," The Camera People, Ltd., r>2. Queen St. _____^_^____ TIMBER SALESMAN. FIRST-CLASS, WANTED. Experienced in/the- Trade. Apply c. and a. odlin", ltd.. Timber Merchants, 145 v JJewmarket. WAJTTED TO SELL. \ BARROW, Ladder, Washtub, from Pelham's, 150, Victoria St. W., last a lifetime.—Phone 40-654. 2 ABOUT Prams. —Smart designs, best workmanship, '"'ftiw 33, Great North Rd.~(near Reservoir). D \ NCHORS, Rowlocks, Vices, Tools, ■£*- Ship Lights, Garden Hose.—62, Albert St. \ SSIGNED Stock Ismail), in one lot; -A. Toys and Fancy Goods. Offer wanted. Inquire" Star. . -*2o \ UCKLAND SCALE CO.. Little Queen •"■ St. —We Repair and Sell Scales of any description.—Ring 44-060. £ \ ITKLA.XD's Cheapest Place for Second- **- hand -Building Timber, etc.—Sawyer and Lowndes, Lower Hbbson St., nest I-'ower House. P \ 2 4 TIN of Rolfe's Was contains as ■"- much as three 1/ tins. —Obtainable PTPrrwhere. D BENZINE Hanging Lamp, wonderfully improved, reliable; SCO candle power; cost id per hour.—Westonhouse, Rutland Street. » A BOON to Mothers—Wonder Nit Combs free flu , hair from nits ; 5/9. —Dewar, Strand Arcade. CHAFF. Produce, Coal, Coke, Firewood, Sand. Shingle. Lime, Cement. —Fawkes, 120. Great North Rd. 'Phont 26-9SS. A /"10NCRETE Foundation Blocks, 1/ each, less discount. —Cowperthwaite Cement Roofing ■ Tile Co., Mount Eden.—Phone 20-328. D /CORRUGATED Iron, Concrete Copper ' Stands, Totara Posts, Glass Doors, etc.; cheap.—2l. Lower Hobson St. 34 ""P|EAF?" Why? Write Proctors, High ■*-* St., Christchurch, for ten days' free trial of Accousticon, _Y4 "TiOORS, Windows, Weights, Sashes. Sash- -*-' lights. Mantels, Grates : large selection. Inspect.—Sam White. Market Place. D "PkOORS, Windows, Sashes, Weights, i - J Mantels. Grates. Building Material every description.—Appleton, Arthur St.. Newmarket. 45-919. 18 "piREWOOD! —Ti-tree Block, 6 sacks £1 - 1 - cash, delivered. —Hadfield, 654, Manukan Rd. Phcne 20-514. D TfIREWOOD —11 Sacks Kauri Blocks, •*- delivered anywhere. £1. —Edwards ana Son. 2. Warnock St. Phone 26-495. V Our Improved Burner to your old -*- Primus and make it like new.— Westonhousc. Rutland St. A "FLETCHER RusseU Gas Stove, large, I - 1 - 14A. good order, cheap.—Mrs. -Mills, 7, Ruru St.. Eden Terrace. Tf.URXTTURE 4 rooms, lino.; sell sep.: -*- .--een Saturday.—s7, Calgary St., Edeadale. TTAIZE. MAIZE. MAIZE. • ux 6/3 PER BUSHEL. Sample if Desired. E. A. PERKINS AND CO.. City Markets. I£l "VFEAT Safe, Garden Barrow. —McLaren, rhiu-ch St. East. Onehimga. ~l["ILK. 40 gallons or more, available: hand ■**-*- milker; suburban.—Write H. 9253, Stah. MILK, best quality, delivered twice daily. in gallon or more lots. What offers? Write H. 0376. Star. MONOGRAM Caps for all p" 1 ' 110 schools, •2 li.—Cox, Tim Uatrer, Karangaliape Road. 2 MOTOR Car Cases for Sale, from 10/ each.—Harrison and Gash, foot of Khyber Pnss. . S i P AINTERS- Ladders. Trestles, Steps. | VTheelburrows. Washtubs —Pelham ; and Sons. 150, Victoria St. W.—Phme PERMANENT Hair Waving Outfits, home) use I guarantee.!) : posted, complete, ;jT / Mfg. <"".. 42 - FQ^γ , " l - S^FES —Thomas Withers' fireproof. 24in to 4Sin : also Strongroom Doors and i Frames. —Alp** Bros.. Fort St. SCORIA, for Concrete, delivered: 3 yards £1 7,', 4 yards £1 IG/.—E. Ball. Phone 21-49 T. D SINGER. 7-dr. drop-table, best shuttle, £4 13/ : New Horn.-. S3; Hand, 40/ Globe. Short's Buildings. I~>4. Queen St. SIX Months' Credit without Interests <=mal! deposit.—Wickins .infl Sutcliffe' 42. Knranirahnn'' Rd. jj rpiMBER.—6OOO Rough Ka^ri L m J™: P^s~ Appiy 4-0 r ! LANS - Elevations, up-to-date Bnnga•±V, lows: dainty, convenient desiirns- 5/ comp.ete.-Designers, Box 1270, WelSgton I
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
895Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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