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SITUATIONS VACANT. Prepaid Advertisements, not exceeding iii'teeu words. One Shilling '• three coaseoutive insertions, Two Shillings and Sixpence.] 4 CCOMMODATION and Wases offered £*- Boy for Motor and Machinery Main:ouance Workshops; age, rer's. —Write H. n:>-2. Star. \ GENTS. Canvassers, good proposition. Send 1 ' for sample and particulars; l.emiine.—P.O. Box S4T. Auckland. A SSISTANT wanted for Score in a pro- •»■ gressive Main Trunk town. —Apply statins age. experience, and enclosing copies of references to B. 4391. Stab. 2'J BOOT Trade—Girl, smart, lor machine room. —Apply Northern Boot Co., Ltd., "pderal St. BOOT Trade.—Wanted, good Finisher for light work.—Apply Northampton Boot r actory. Edon Terrace. O O T TRAD E. FITTER WANTED, Also. GIRT, TO LEARN TRADE. CLARK, PCEDI' AND CO.. Nelson Street. T>*)YS wanted for Bakehouse.— J. 11P Mennip. Ltd.. Albert St. BOY wanted for bottling store. —Apply 9 a.m.. 1-S. Newton Rd. BOY, smart, wanted, for paint shop; age about 16 years.—N.Z. Cars and Motors, Ltd.. Eden Terrace. . BOY, smart, assist. Apply Saturday morning.—Snow-white Bag Wash, Kin:: Edward At.. Epsom. ; _» BOX wanted lor messages, etc.—Apply Whitcombe and Tombs, Ltd., Booksellers and Stationers. Queen St. OY wanted.—Apply N.Z. Picture Suprlies. Limited. Fourth Floor, Quay Buildings. Quay St.. Auckland. , BOY, smart, wanted, one just left school, for Grocery trade. —Apply K. and K. Stores. Station St.. Newmarket. £J BOYS wanted, as apprentices for clicking and press department —G A. roles and Co.. Ltd.. Exmouth St., Eden Ter. ___ i±i BOY wanted: must he smart and intelligent to learn Cutting. Ladies' Manufacturing, all branches of business tauSht.— Apply by letter for appointment to unail. Star. ___ . BRASS Finisher, good, wanted; also Brass Polisher.— Apply Millar, Patoryon nnd Lees. Halsey St. 2__ "DRICKLAYEBS wanted.— Apply W. J. -t> Westray. new shoDs. Remuera terminus. or 10. Norman St.. Dominion Rd. BRICKLAYERS WANTED. BRICK SHOP. ELLERSLIE. H. C. CURLEW. Builder. EUerslie. 13_ /-vARPENTER. «rood. permanent job: also vy Youth as improver.—Apply 11- Old iiiu Rrt.. Grey Lvnn. CARPENTER, good bungalow hand; no Saturday work: job, Gordon Rd., Eden-dnle.-W. Platt. Builder. New Lynn. DRESSMAKERS (2). experienced: one nhle to do cuTting.—lnquire Stak. 434 DRAUGHTSMAN AND FITTER WANTED FOR OUR NAPIER BRANCH. ONE DRAUGHTSMAN (temporary). ONE COMPETENT FITTER. Apply J AS. J. NITFN AND CO., LTD., Auckland. \ rCKLAXD HARBOr-lt BOARD. OF CADETS. Superintendent's Office. 2nd. September, 1923. Applications will be received at this Office until Noon on THURSDAY. September 10, 1923, for the following Positions : — TWO CADETS, for the Secretary and Treasurer's Department. Salary to commence, £52 per annum. Conditions of appointment may be seen at the Board's Office, Quay Street. By order, H. B. BURNETT. 6 Superintendent. T>RE.\KER-OUT wanted, ursent. £1 upjX3 wards : Ropey. £1 day upwards: I Truckey. 10 ': two CroßscUttel'S, one keep own saw, l!i . mate £1 : icood men only I wanted : contractor. —Apply J. .Wilson. I Whakamarama Land Timber Co., Tauran;ra. : O O X B I N E> I >C (i. WANTED. A GOOD MAN FOR GUILLOTINE CUTTING AND BOOKBINDING. Apply MANAGER. STAR O F Fl*' E. CLEANER Wanted.—The Mount Roskill School Committee invite applications for the Position of Cleaner to the School. Tonditions". etc.. may he seen at the Three Kin"s Store. Mt. Roskill. Applications close on SEPTEMBER 5, 1923. — H. S. ANDERSON. Chairman. 2S TSLAND POSITION. EXPERIENCED " WAHL " ADDING ■MACHINE OPERATOR REQUIRED. Male or Female. Good Salary. Must be Expert To Leave 12tb. Inst. Apply SECRETARY, GEO. COURT AND SONS. LTD. 131 AfILNE AND CHOYCE, LTD. Require EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS For Dresses and Hemstitching. Apply MR. JAMIESON. QFFICE BOY REQUIREr FOR CITY LEGAL OFFICE. Apply BOX 1331, G.P.0., AUCKLAND. T? GRE E R AND SON, LTD. j Manufacturers and Warehousemen, j 38-44, Douglas Street, Ponsonby, j REQUIRE EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS For DENIM AND SLICKER COAT DEPARTMENTS. Highest Wages. Excellent Working Conditions. Y<E 2 Z >i E N Hiehest remuneration offered to first class Salesmen handling the sale of ou I Afforestation Bonds. Recommended b; j leading financial experts as a gilt-edge* investment. Personal application to Sale j Manager. New Zealand Timber Lands, Ltd. • 2-. Shortland Street. p_ C* A L B S M A N I SMART, ACTIVE SALESMAN WANTED ; One Experienced in Specialty Advertisim Prc-ferred. j This is a unique opportunity for a liv« I man to make a success of new New Zeaianc ind,ustry supplyins universal daily demand. GOOD SALARY. Applications will be treated as Confidential WrIte iNDUSTKr, F. 0706, STAB.. _
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
715Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.