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domestics WAJrrsa. (Woman), experienced, wanted. -> Holly's Tearooms, Melvern's Building?. .arangahaoe Kd. <_j General, tUorougMy competent.— ■J Apply Mrs. 11. A. HurrovSs, :ua. Arney resoeut. Kemuera. Phone 2.5-17". __; >OOK General wanted immediately, cauable and trustworthy.— Apply Teacher. ■akotuku Schoolhoiise. Kaetihi I'.O- ;_Ji "\OMESTIC Help. capable. fond of children : small family; country town; ■■fa.—lnquire Star. 40----■|OMESTIC. good, wanted ; all duties. — J Appry 42, Owens Rd., Epsom, between and s p.m. 'Plum.* 21-453. 3_4 "DOMESTIC Help, mornings only.—Apply -' Mrs. King. "Stanbury." Symonds St., tnval Oak, opposite Kingston Ay. ENERAL. all duties : two adults ; quiet -*" home; plain cooking.— -, Btllevuc Kd., :t. Eden. GENERAL Household Help, young; small J family. —Apply Manager, Colonial tutor Co.. Fox St.. Parnell. 147 1 IRL, capable, fond of children, good -*" home. —Inquire Star. 3X■"l IRI. wanted as domestic help: three adults. —Inquir.- Star. 414 "1 IRL for Housework, capable; 3 adults; easy place.—l, Northcote St., Grey ■ynn. 9_j > IRL. capable, housework and cooking.— ■* Mrs. W. Piokens, Richardson Kd.. :t. Albert. reliable, mind child two or three J afternoons weekly.—Mrs. Coutts, 11), rairerc Rd.. Remuera. "1 lEL. refined, wanted for household T duties: no conking; good home. —34, Ibany Rd.. Heme Bay. . ~i IRL, about 20, for Housework; must J" be used to all duties; business people. >"riie H. 0300. STAn. "I IRL. young, for housework, Cheltenham : J mornings, 8 tiil 11. Apply evenings, T ■> 9.—lnquire Star. 23 11RL, capable, wanted, domestic duties. sleep out. —Apply between 5 and 7 m., 14, New St.. Ponsonby. ""1 IRL wanted for domestic duties: 2 adults. 1 child. —Mrs. Pope, 30, Grange d.. Mt. Eden. 'Phone 20-331. 51 TELP. reliable, wanted for country ; good -*- wages suitable person : refs. required. pply 31. Woodside Rd.. Mt. Eden. ITOL'SEKEEPER, capable, as good cook, -*- wanted for business couple; not over 1 years.—Write B. 4414. Pt-ar. 12!) wanted: younz girl pre- -*- ferred.—32, Princes St., City.—Phone 2-637. ___. ' ADY wanted, mind 3 children, alter--i noons: refs.—Phone 20-4:2). ~ 3ERSON wanted, for seaside ; all duties : good home ; easy place. —Apply mornnprs. 82h. Grafton Rd. 13S rXTAXTED, Superior Girl, just left school. »» for household duties.—o, King Edward venue. Ensom. SITEAD WAITRESS, EXPERIENCED, WANTED, For Leading City Restaurant. P.O. BOX 576, CITY. JELL'S Registry. "Winstone Bldgs., Queeu j> St.—Cooks, Waitresses. Rel. Maid*. lousemaids. Cook and Housemaids (private ousei. Housekeeper, Lady Helps, Dornes-i<--3. Chef. ?je<*oiid. r>ELIABLE Registry. 13. Queen St.— C* , Cook and Second. Waitress. House-nakl-Wuitress, Parlourmaid, C.-<Jenerali, loy. able mill;. Registry, Strand Arcade, ground 3 floor.—Cooks, Waitresses. Housemaid Waitresses, Housekeepers, Lady Helps, Hands. WANTED KNOWN. A LL quality stores stock Imperial Bee •*■ Honey, because it makes satisfied ustomers. tj, A LL Linen Towels. Tablecloths, Serviettes. Handkerchiefs, lowest prices.— effer's Irish Linen Stores, Jervois Rd., 'onsonby. A \LL Suede Shoes converted into Parent Leather: wo collect, deliver ; 3/. —C-0 'diiwUi'S. P.O. Box l'V-S. Auckland. AXCHOR " Butter Supreme —Guaranteed by the neat, safe, and sanitary Anchor "' Carton. All Grocers. D BLL'E X-Ray Oil for your ailments.— Obtainable at Saoford'a Fish Shop, pp. G.P.0.. at. -^ CAPILOGEN." Hair Colour Rostjrer aad Tonic It works. P..V. 4/. —Wiles, •hemlst. ISO. Rd.. Auckland. A "1 F. McWILLIAM, Optician, has Removed -• ro Pacific Buildiusrs. corner Queon and Sts. 'Phone 4.'i-222. A "IOCXTRY Cu.-tomt'rs post their Hnts to -' us to be Cleaned and Remodelled. — 'utts. Pymonds Stj j_| nLECTRIC Torches and Lamps of Best l-J quality. New refills always on hand at hazard. St. AWISHING Tackle. —Buy the Tackle that " will land the fish. Full selection. —W. I. Hazard. Queen St. A rpoCNTAIN Pen and Eversharp Pencil " Doctor.— J. Buchanan, cor. Queen and 'ort Sts. Repairs promptly executed. D Overseas —The British Resident at - Pahang writes: "Your Imperial Be» [oney is excellent" D ~t ET your Safety Razor Blades Sharpened J and shave in comfort. —Hazard's, jueen St. A Honey is the best of Health-giving J Foods.—lmperial Bee Honey J3 good. D ~*i OOD Jumble Sale, Monday. September J 7, 2 o'clock.—SS. Great North Rd. 3SICKWORKEES, Co-operative assisted. J Soon ranis Fonsonby Cluy nvaSlable.— .pply 13. Empire Building, Swan. J on St. Trips Daily to Suburbs ; 141b par- " eel for 6d. Delivery guaranteed safe nd quick.—Write H. 9-182. Star. REEK Leaf Salve permanently cures J Corns. Bunions, and Ecxnma.—Peter irennnn. parentee. Paeroa. Agents wanted. [TEAISTITCHING. Buttons, Pleating. Skirts Made L'p. Dressmaking. Evenig Gowns; charges moderate. —12, Victoria t. W. D TMPERIAL Bee Honey has a world-wide L reputation because always the same nd always good. D_ TNECTO " Hair Dye, procurable in all -*- shades from iliss Borgnlte. Toilet pecialist. City Chambers. Auckland. D INVIGORO." a real tonic. t,RTgti bottlp. 4/, post free.—Wiles, Chemist, IS9, 'arnnll Rd.. Auckland. A f ADIES ! To be healthy and strong use Orange Lily.—Full particulars, Dewar. itrand Arcade. D T ARGE Shipment Mullet. Flounder, GarLi fish Nets arriving, ex s.s. Kent. — ohnstone's Net Factory, 6SO, Dominion 16. D LTADAME HYLAND, Phrenologist. Char ■'■*• acter Render, see friends. —1, Waverley ■r... off Dixieland. D LriLLIXERY.—Smart Spring Models at reasonable prices.—The Parisienne. i'ellpsley St. East. A "'V'APTIIALINE '•—Death to Moths and -*•' Silverflsh: all stores, or Domestic 'nennm Cleaning Co.. 12. Strand Arcade. P effective cure, and Nervous Diborders of women.—Nurse Carlyle. 2. Si. t?eorge's Day Rd. jy 3UR Factory is busy, but we have time _ to Clean your Hat at Tntt's. D pILE Cones (Coonley's) give inatantaneL ons relief: sufferers report wonderful esiilts ; 4. / t>. —Dewar, Strand Amade. A 3ESTORED Health.—Kirk's Renowned -*> Natural Cures Successfully Practised. Cartln's, 32, St. Mary's Rd., Ponsonby. aqnire to-day. TFS DOLFE'S Wax is. after all, the best and -* most economical Floor Polish. Sold verywhere. £>
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
908Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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