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SITUATIONS WASTED. [New arrivals and all others tvill iind this j < column the best means o£ reaching I Employers. Fifteen Words, One Shilling.] 3 \ CHIMNEY Sweep, practical, clean, con- ( ■"• scientious; minimum dirt, disturbance. . £■ Ilanuag, 28, Belgium St., riiy. D A BADLY Cleaned Chimney Means Fire. H ■**■ Practical Chimney Sweep—Cokiuhoun, i , 3. Totara at.. I'onaouby. Phone D : ABOUT Chimney Sweeping. —No dust guaranteed ; also work. —Write Smith. , 5. Exmouth St.. off Newton Rd. D ■ A BOUT Concrete Paths, Tarring. Sand- - i ing: first-class work : reasonable. —E. " Crosa, 1:2. Randolph St.. Xewton. A CCOUNTANCY — Experienced Legal —*- Accountant (Registered), requires Part Time Work.—Telephone -i;;-fl»O. ACCOUNTANT of undoubted integrity i and efficiency desires small Merchant's . Books to keep; reliable.—Write S. 5493, • Star. ALL Brickwork Repairs. Coppers, Fancy Fireplaces and Paths (speciality), estimates. —Brown, 10, Ireland Street, Ton- ( son by. 97 ALL. Kinds Garden Work by experienced ( Man, can give references. —-, Sunnyside Rd.. Mt. Eden. "DRICKWORK. Fancy Fireplaces, Coppers, •*-* Tiling- Repairs; no work too small. - Write F. Ofifio. Star. BRICKLAYERS (2) want work: any kind of brickwork; labour only t>r otherwise.—Write B. 43SS. STAR. 22 fXiRPENTER'S Handy Man seeks Situarion, own tools.—Write 11. 0454. STAR. pARPEXTER wants Work, Alterations. *—'' Repairs; workmanship guaranteed.— Write W. 0045. Stab. ("IARPENTER wants Alterations, Repairs, 20 years' experience, -0 per cent below others; work .guaranteed.—±, Greenwood St., College Hill. ("IARPENTER Builder wants Houses, Alterations, Repairs; reasonable; workmanship guaranteed ; plans prepared. — 106 a, Park Rd., Grafton. D /CARPENTER wants Alterations, Additions ; anywhere ; workmanship guaranteed ; reasonable, prompt. —W. Stauners, Alexandra Ay.. Mt. Albert. ; D "T\RESSMAKING.—Frocks, Evening Wear, •—' Costumes, Children's Clothing, by competent dressmaker; 11/ daily; quick.— Write B. 43»2. Star. 84 "TvRESSiIAKER, experienced, Latest -L , Parisian Model Designer, exceptional prices; Cotton Frocks from 7/ti; satisfaction guaranteed.—Phone 40-503, DRIVER Ford or other light truck ; garage experience, best refs; aged 26. Write H. 9451, Stab. a GARDENER, experienced all branches, wants 1 or 2 Days' Worfc Weekly; refs. if required.—Write W. 9049, Star. GARDENER, 20 years' American, Colonial experience, handy with tools; by day. 14/. fares.—Write B. 4357. Star. GARDENER, experienced. wants day work, weekly, or casual; hedges, lawns, laying out.—-Gardener, 175, Grafton Rd; . GIRL, experienced, wants Position, shop, confectionery preferred.—Ring 24-s-'sS-l.">4 GIRL, young, wants Work, confectionery shop, help with housework. —46, Crammer Rd. S7 GROCER'S Carter and Assistant, S years' experience, desires Position in general store; country preferred.—Write H. : 7948, Star. , | HOUSEKEEPER'S Position wanted by | refined young widow, competent and trustworthy ; good cook.—Write F. 9579, Star. JT. HOOKER, 210, Balmoral Rd., Mt. • Eden, for Draining. Tarring,, Sanding, and Concrete Work. 'Phone 21-474. D LADY Bookkeeper, keeps small sets books, or does relieving work.—Write H. Oo'M, Stab. LADY, refined. 2 young children, quiet, seeks Work, Domestic or Nursing.— Write r>. 4412. Star. Sti LADY, young, would like Work. Friday nights and Saturdays; shop work prefprred.—Write H. i>474. Star. LADY, two girls (11 and 16). would undertake Care of Invalid for Free QuarI ters.—Wrire Warren, c/o Mt. E.jen P.O. T ADY seeks Occupation, companion help, ■—* morninss, or few days weekly; Royal Oak or Epsom preferred.—Apply Inipey. Stationer. Greenwood's Corner. 94 MAN, with 2 good dues, nrants Work on a sheep farm.—Apply to Mr. Carter, Point Chevalier. "VTAN, young, seeks Position (hiving -ltA grocer's, baker's delivery cart or milk float.—Write W. IVJ.'i.S, Star. MAN, young, sober, motor driver's license, some experienre grocery trade, eet-ks Employment any capac' y.—Write H. 9407, Star. _^ AI"ARRIED Coiirle want Position; wife -«-»- cook-general, man pmlener, useful; rt»fs.—Wrirp 11. 1)415. Stah. ATARRIED Couples, St.-ition Hands. Farm ■"■*■ Managers, every class, waiting Engagements.—Xorton's Registry, 30, Strand Arcnde. MOTOR Mechanic, good: maintenance, complete overhauls; late charge of fleet motor buses; refs. —Write F. 9620, Star. PAINTER'S Brush Hand wants Work, aloft or ship's work specialty.—Write H. 9371. Stab. FAPERHANGIXG, by reliable tradesman : rooms from 12/0 : workmanship guaranteed.—Write W. 907(>. Star. POSITION wanted as Housekeeper.— Inquire Star. 403 POSITION wanted by Barmaid in city hotel.—WriT H. 9412 Star. POSITION wanted as Handy Man. Domestic Dutip<= and Gnrden: rrnorl home; good refs: reliahle.— Writp W. 0000, Star. POSITION" in Solicitor's Office rpquired by Lady Accountant with 8 years' e:cDeriencn in leg.i! offices. —Write Legal Accountant. W. 9093. Star. . TJEGISTERED Plumber wants Job in -" country town, Xorth Island.—Write I W. 9210. Star. SEAGRASS Work wanted by young man. with experience of weaving and bindj—Wrifp n;r H. 93.~>7. Star. I 1-rXTASHIXG. Cleaning, by reliable younjr IVY Woman : washing done at home. —8.. ■\r>. Wynynrd St.. DeTonport. '. TXTASHING or Cleaning wanted, for VV Thursdays or Fridays : whole days preferred.—Finney, 31. Cobden St., Ne-w----ton. 135 W" ' ELL - EDIT GATED YOUNG MAN, First class Credentials. DESIRES TEMPORARY POST, 3-4 "WEEKS. , Salary Unimportant. . Write F. 0610. STAR. . vonng, seeks Cleaning by tne .. VV fiiiv: rpliahlp.—Write H. f>3l4. Star. WORK by day or half day, competpnt worker and laundress.—Bl, Alexander St.. City. ton end. [ TTTORKING Housekeeper. Scotch, seeks \ T Position bUjSinesrs gpntleman or elderly i couple.— lll, Western Springs Rd., Morn- • inggjde. YOUNG married expprienced yardman, tallyman, seeks Position snwmill; refs . last employer.—Write B. 4400. Star. 13f> PABTTOBSHIP3. OPENING for Self and £300 wanted that will stand investigation.—Write H 9269. Star. PARTNERSHIP and Investments arrangpd in Genuine Businesses.— Onr only address. Business Sales Co., 32, Queen St. i "PICTURE Show, thriving town, fully . X equipped, np-to-date machinery; part- " nership offered energetic man ; £350.—Particulars Cinema House, near Trades Hall, - Hobson- St. - 122 * TOURI3T AND WEALTH REBORTB. - "pARAKAI HOUSE —Phone 35, Helensi ville.—Electric light throughout; good h table; bright fires. Rimmer, proprietress, x>
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
896Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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