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x»£J3.SO.«AJu. BOAUD wanted for two children, nine aud eleven year.--.—Wrice i-'. ;ju:», Sx.ui^ BROWN Coat, Great Soutii ICoad Car, iast nigat—Wuu-d iiKe to hear from yuu, Sincere.—Grey Cuat. j3 HJ.K. —iLvervthing O.K. Come llome • or write. Letters await you G.F.U. Lrgont.— >.. HOME. good, wanted, for baby (iO munths.i, tor G wetrUs; il weei.—lllgiiire Star. 42L ISLA KALPH.—Searching ceases as soon as address is known. Plenty help at home. .Must see you. Love. Not fair to mc. luo KIND Person to adopt Baby Boy, three weeks' old ; of good parentage. —Write F. :)653. Star. MB. —Please Meet mc same corner Fri- « day or Saturday, 7.30.—J0. MISS WHITE, —Please call Newton Post Office for letter. —B. MR. MARTIN, late or oeott and Arinstead.—Call at 33, Kins St., as promised. 31 PERSON wanted Adopt Baby Girl, two years, quarter caste. —Write F. 9073, Star. PERSON, kind, wanted to adopt Baby from birth; good parentage; about September 25.—Write F. »-:»40, star. rpENNIS.—Two ladies would like join -*- private club; Sunday play.—write f. Q.')l6. Star. WILL Gordon Berry, late Faparoa and Te Kuiti, or anyone knowing whereabouts. write P.O. Box i-tin, Auckland? WILL Ladies who ordered Paper Flowers, 62. Paice Aγ., call 113, Newton Kd., for same? WILL Albert Edward Middleton, last heard Arapuni. or anyone knowing whereabouts, communicate sister, Mrs. Sutherland, 21, West St., Newton, Auckland? ________ WILL ALL PERSONS IN POSSESSION OF CHEQUES ISSUED BY US AT THE WINTER EXHIBITION, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT THEY MIST BE USED ON OR BEFORE THE 12TH INST. SCHXEIDEMAN BROS., LTD. 64. YOUNG Morningside Lady who lost Ring in Rugby car from show last week, ring 43-009. 13 BUSINESS PERSONAL. A J. PARK AND SON, Registered Patent Agents (Estd. 1895), Campbell's Building, Vulcan Lane, Auckland. Patents. Trade Marks and Designs. D AMATEUR Theatrical and Fancy Costumes on Hire or Made to Order.—L. Kirkby. 46. City Chambers. D IF you require a Pretty Hat. with Frock to match, cail on Miss Dison, Victoria St/ KEEP It Dark.—Clarke's Hair Dye restores Black or Brown: -/, 3/6.— Clarke. Chemist. Hβ. Victoria St. PATENTS — All information Henry Hughes, Ltd., Box 376, or Exchange Laner opp. Fort St., Auckland. MF4. PLOTOL, the great Liquid Dubbin, can bo procured from all Boot Stores. Half-pints. 2/. A USMA Kills Hair, Call for Free Trial Treatment. —Mrs. Hullen, Melvern's Buildings, Karangahape Rd.. Auckland. D (} -J A REDUCTION on Typewriters; cw-Lx: inspection invited.—Office Typewriters Co.. Ltd., 503, Ellison Chambers, Queen Street. D M * TRIMONIAIi. MAN, young, tradesman, woulu like correspond Young Liidy, 21-24, view matrimony.—Write F. 0554, Stab. MECHANIC" (41)., smart, clean, abstainer, with own home and fair amount capita]. Southern town, wishes correspond smart, pleasant home-loving Lady (30-35), view matrimony; confidential. —Write F. 9612. Star. "VTUMEROUS Widows and Single Women, credentials, personality, with little opportunity of meeting congenial com-panions-hip. await Introduction, view Marriage : privacy maintained.—Phone 45-504. 3f>. Phornix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. 98 ! rXTOMAX, single (38 , Irish, wishes meet, [ •*' view Marriage, clean living Man I (43-.j6).—36. Phoenix Chambers. 98 HOUSES ANP XAITD WAJTTED. I" A BILITY to Sell!" "Ability to Sell I" [ ■"- Appoint a "Salesman" to handle your I real estate. —Chnrles Coward. 1, Phoenix [ Chambers, opp. G.P.O. "Phone 43-131. D ABOUT 6 Rooms, Ponsonby. about £1400 ; deposit £100: substantial weekly repaympnrs.—Thode. 17. Phoenix ChambPrs. A BSOLUTELY Conudent can Sell your Property if value.—Browne and Co.. Dominion Rd. (opp. Valley Rrt.K D A LWAY'S Busy.—Moore, Estate Agent. ■£*- Onehiinjra. D A ECHIBALD, late Secretary to Land Board, is Selling Farms. Houses, and Businesses. — Settlers' Inquiry Centre. Gleoson's Buildings. High St. D ATTENTION"! Soldiers' Land Bureau. Hellaby's Bnildings, urgently requires Houses. Farms, Farmlets, with Soldiers' Mortgages : buyers waiting. D BARFOOT, Newmarket, for Remnera, Epsom and Green Lane Properties. Coloured mnp of district supplied free. THF "DUXGALOW. 4 rooms, kitchenette: close -D trams: cash pnrchaser.—Details W. Frnter and Son. 12. Fort St. FARM, small, wanted: milk 20 cows: £250 deposit.—Send particulars to Christie's, Piilmerston Bldgs. Auckland. HOUSE, 4 rooms, handy to car: pay good deposit.-—Write H. 9503. Star. HOUSE. 4 rooms. Parnell. Epsom. Grpy Lynn : about £1000.—Hurrey and Co., Premier Bldgs.. Qnpen St. HOUSE, 6 or 7 Rooms, City (freehold), wr.nted : abont £1300 cash.—Crichton and PollPtt, B3". Qneen St. HOUSE. any suburb, not more than £ 030 ; £75 cash.—Send particulars Bnypr. P.O. Bos 1473. City. - HOUSL , wantedl level corner section, with workshop preferred, vicinity Eren Terrnce . —Apply B. 4415. Stab. 142 IF you want to sell your Property call on -T. E. Calwell. 205, N.Z. Insurance Bldgs- Auckland. D ~VTEW Arrival. f6OO, wants Small House. —M urgently: handy city.—Particulars 10A, Vermont St. No agents. I_2 SECTION wanted, any suburb: will exchange t>rand new Baby Table Grand, with cash.—Phone 45-414. SECTION urgently, Epsom, Remuera, within 4d section: reply immediately. ■T. H. (Don) Miller, Brunswick Buildings. 60 rpAKAPUNA — Houses and Sections.— J- Neville Newcomb, Ltd., His Majesty's Arcade. Auckland. YOUR Property for Sale? We want it. Immediate inspection. —Griffiths and Co.. Ltd.. 6, Palmerston Buildings. D r> -j |"W\/| Rooms, Mt. Eden dbJ-UtfLf or Edendale: good order; handy trams.—Write H. 0403. Syah. X? "I QfIA CASH - — Good 6 or 7-roometl c*±t>UV House. handy position.— Crichton and Pollett. P3. Qneen St. -pROPEBTT OWNERS. ROBERTSON BROS. (AUCKLAND), LTD., S, Quay Street East (Opposite Northern. S.S. Co. Wharf), Respectfully invite you to forward particulars of any Property you desire Sold, Leased, or Exchanged. Four Salesmen. Properties Inspected. 'Phone 46-772. D tthtiow wajiisi?. /■XRICKETEB. wants extensive Bowling , Practice; would give services daily to batsman who can ar&inge..-ground; would meet expense.—Write. F. 9500, Stas. STUDENT requires -Personal Tuition in Bookkeeping - and . Accountancy : first class coach only.—Write F.'9772, Stab.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
918Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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