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LOST AND FOUND. T OST, Vv'ahl Gold Fountain Pea; kindly ■*-* muni.—lnquire Star. 442 T O=T, Lady's Grey Gloves, .Me. Kden Kd., - LJ between Peary and Selwyu P.Js.— i. I'eary Kd. S T OST, Gold Watch Chain, with French -*-* coin and key attached; reward.—ll, Karaka St. gy TOST, Silver Wristlet Watch, near Newton i'ost Office ; good reward.—Peat, Grocer. Newton. T £1 note, now, Ilaslett St. and top - Li of Symonds St. ; reward.—Armstrong Bootmaker. Eden Terrace. 157 T OST, Tarpaulin, about 8 x 10, greasy -*-' appearance one end. Reward.—Return Mp.tli'. Harrier. Kitchener St. T OST, Lady's Grey Silk Umbrella, in J ~ J tram car, between Remuera and Mt. Albert; reward.—77. Symonds St. 48 T OST. £10 Note. September 3. between -" railway station and vicinity Milne and rtioyoe. Reward.—lnquire Star. 4-M T OST. in I'apakura train yesterday, -*-* I mbrella ; valued as keepsake : reward. '.lobe. i.-) 4. Queen St. 'Phone 40-2:>o. T OST. Grey Suede Shoe, Pitt St., Kirk St., • AJ Great North Rrl.—Finder leave at FawkP's Wood. <"oal Yard. Great North Rd. T OST, £20 Note, between Hamilton Rd. - LJ and 128. Ponsonhy Rd.; jrood reward offered returning to 12S. Ponsonby Rd. 153 T OST, .Small Purse, containing £5 note. recMpt3 and dispensary prescription. £1 reward on returning to Catholic Woman's Pqstpl. Byroonda St. LOST, Gold Wristlet Watch. Thursday 1 nijrht. between Dominion Rd. Terminus and St. Albans Ay. Reward. —6. Ngnire Flats. Terminus. 3T> FOUND, Bunch of Lever. Lock and other Keys, vicinity waterfront. — Bins: 4.~-044. 32 Goat. Jervois Rd.. Pon-sonby. Ii *- not claimed within 7 days will b<= sold.—Ring 26-068. STRAYED AND IMPOUNDED. OTRAVED, Light Roan' Jersey Cow. black face; milking.—Apply P. Johnson, Henderson. QTRAYED. Greyhound, vicinity Farnell ; reward. Detainer liable prosecution. 14, George St., Newmarket. 16 WANTED TO RENT. BACH wanted, town or anywhere.— Write H. 9494, Sta». BACH or Cottage, seaside, wanted two weeks Christmas, easy access uv car.— Dervan. c/o. P.O. Bos 117. BUNGALOW, 3 or 4' rooms, for tejni '2 years; North Shore.—Write H. 927G Star. BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, in good locality ; jrood tenant.—Particulars to Neville S'pwcomb. Ltd.. His Majesty's Arcade. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, for long term ; Mt Eden, Epsom, Remuera preferred.— Vrite Bungalow, P.O. Box 506, Auckland, 7C pVOTTAGE, small, furnished or part furn., within '2nd section. —Write Bos 137'J, X.PO. FLAT, furn., living room, bedroom, kit chenette, bathroom.—Reply 49, Shellj Beach Rd. HOUSE, 4 or 5 rooms, Newton. —Write 3, Harllow Terrace, Grey Lynn. HOUSE, 5 rooms, wiinted to Rent; moderate rental.—Write B. 4305, Star. 150 HOUSE, 4 or 3 rooms, partly fnrn ; handj to Ist section. —Write H. 0522, Star HOUSE, o rooms, or Flat: must have cart entrance; close city.—Write H, 94eg. Star. HOUSE, 5 or 6 rooms-, handy tram immediate possession.—A. Moor,; 32 Hayclen St.. City- \ 12; HOUSE, large, wanted, suitable apart ments. Newmarket or Khyber Pass.— Write F. 0551, -Star. . HOUSE of- 5 or (J Rooms; • handy. 2nj section. Rental to £2 10/. —Home 10..Shortlnnd St. . HOUSE, furn., on. beach.. 4' to .6 tveeli from December 20. careful tenant Write F. 070 S. Star. HOUSE, small, unfnrn.: handy trams careful tenants (3) : no young children good rofs.—Write H. !)."72. Star. MOTOR Garage for private Par, an SiAnrh.—Write B. 4411. Star. 6 PRIVATE Garage wanteil. 1 car: liand ton Svmnnds St. —Inquire Star. 41 SEASIDE Barh. large, for holidays: mns be on daily bus line or ferry.—Writi w. 0211. Star. SMALL Workshop. suitable installin small motor: must be near City, an low rent. —Write H. t>452. Star." SMALL FTonse wanted, last week Sep tember by yonug m.c. within 3rd ser tion : reasonable r"nt.—WritP W. f>l2o. Stap rpiTJBAXGI. —House wanted. P. weeks J- froPi Dec. 24: or would House. Devonport.—Wrifp F. 071". Star PTTPIIS -WANTED. A SHLEIGH Coaching Collegp. N.Z. Insuj ance Bldgs. — Public Examination: Backward Education; strictly individua attention : definite results. t "pvRESSMAKING, Cutting, Fitting -*-' Instruction, Home Finishing, from 3/ Modern Dressmaking Salon, Ellison Cham hers. Qupen St.. - p EXTLEiUX. Mt. Edtn. has Vjieariele young Pianoforte Pupils : homea vieitei if required; terms 30/. —Write H. 9179 Star. GENTLEMAN has Vacancies Pupils Piano terms moderate: homes visited if re quired.—Write Teacher, Rnshton's, Pon son by. ■j JOHN MANSON, Teacher of VioHn 'l>llo, nnd Mandolin. 243. Symonds St. onp. P.O. (Mrs. E. L. PerkinsK E MOTOR Car Driving.—Council CertiScatc guarnnteed. — MnyhiH's Garage, 6, Lower Albert St. Phone 2367 A. ■ E SHOWCARD Writing offers congenial, remunerative employment. Easily learnt. Moderate terms.—"X" System. 32. Queen. St. D PROPERTIEa SOLD AND WITHDRAWN. AGENTS.— Please Withdraw my Pro- . perty, 34, Laurence St., as it is Sold. — Percy G. Ensson. HBALL AND CO. have Sold 3. Burgoyne • Street. Agents withdraw same.—M. A. Johnston. LAND Agents,—Please note, that I have appointed Messrs. Harrop and Medley [ sole agents for my Property, 31, Woodside ) Rd.. Mt. Eden. —Signed. Mrs. E. Ponglas. EOBERTS AND CO.. Jelliooe Chambers. : have sold my Property, 2, Selwyn Rd., Epsom. Agents please withdraw same.— M. G. Barnes. 134 D"ENTISTHT. and Extreme Care. jT\ ENTLENESS and Extreme Care. vXeNTLENESS and Extreme Care. Gold Fillings Guaranteed Eight Tears. " What is worth doing is worth doing well." TTOWEI WALKER, Dentist, 209, QUEEN STREET. ;; ■ ■ ■ D HOEIPAY ACCOMMODATiO». WAITAKERE Ranges, Summer—Fnrn. Cottages; teojiis court, garage.—Paxkin- : son - Monanieaifal- -Masons, Victoria St. 66
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
Word Count
859Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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