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■ EDTTCATIOWAL. -g-NOCKING AT A'OUR T\OOR. I A grand chance for a young man to start a successful carter is to study with Bower's Engineering School. We give complete Tpchnical Training ir J Steam and Oil Engineering. covering i Stationary, Traction and Marine Exams I Competent Tuition also in Electrical Engi npering. Past examinations show biggpsl percpntagp passps for Bower's students ; Send for free prospectus to ■gOWER'S TTiNGINEERING CCHOOL (.Registered under Marine and Education Departments since 1915). PRINCIPAL: JAS. \Y. BOWER. I Certificated Mining and MecU. Engineer, with -4 years' experience ip coaching. 131, COLWILL'S CHAMBERS. SWANSON STREET, AUCKLAND (And at WELLINGTON;. RA I TDRAIN'S i^OLLEUE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE BUILISING AUCKLAND. We specialise in the following subjects PITMAN'S SHORTHAND, TOUCH TYP ING. COMMERCIAL ENGLISH, BOOK I KEEPING BURROUGHS ADDI.No I CALCULATING AND BOOKKEEPING MACHINES. Classes are all separately conducted each Class is under the supervision ol Certificated Teachers—the keynote of oui ■ success. We concentrate on personal in I struction —no Correspondence Courses. MISS E. B. M. BKAIN, A Prmcipal. INDIVIDUAL Tuition, Herbert Mason M.A. Honours Mental Science.— H2 ! King Euward btreet, ofi Dominion lid. SECTIONS FOR SA.LE. A 4 * * J,j^ v Ic^^u^ 0 ; tleVi.Li.-u. •-, m t*j.-iij^i l' otJCtiuuA. — i_lciiut;i.3Oi-i h^mttt) acccaeiuie irum, tram, uua— t i \s • vii 1 i> U 1 i(_l ill '* SttCt-loLl) i-'tllii, I luuaiutrioe. v.asll or lciiuo.—auu.css I ,»,j u»..uu»iut —1 Minute Car— sectiuu ; guoil view , —o-j*j. auiy.— jV| I*. iLbhtti —tlevuceU Section, ai i.-, St. Atartin s j_,um:, Bjluuuus s[. i-i »,| X. ALiStttl', .Mouuiain ltd. —Choiut; ■*-'J- Le\el Sec-lion, ouiy iuw ; teima. — AiexauQer_ana_Lo., Tenniuns. jc JY'i 'J >--N a' ii.»Jt.A. — lwo Elevated voicaiiic -"-L Sections, one in auucKieloii Uu., out tuOunary at. — v> rue n. UuJti, aiAH. PANMURE, Slopes Mt. Wellington— iiievated Volcanic Sections; neuest soil; £105 downwards, terms. —Warren City APATOETOE GARDENS " — i-Acre. £100; station mm. —Owner (ie;t phone 40-243), Colosseum Office, Queen St P APATOETOE GARDENS " — Spiendid Shop Site, facing station, £330. Owner, Colosseum Office, Queen St. I'ele- ■ phone 40-243. PAPAxOETOE —Sections adjoining new Railway Station, £100 each; beautiful situation ; put down £10 deposit and apply Government Loan.—Write for special particulars to H. 0475, Star. SECTION, valuable. Great North Rd. near Grey Lynn Public Library ; 5S 3 130.—Particulars 10, Ponsonby Rd. SEASIDE Sections, 40 minutes metalled road from Auckland: easiest terms: lovely vipws.—Write B. 4374, STAR. t SECTION, highly elevated, for Sale, waterside. Heme Bay, on carline. — 3'aiticnlars 16. Lawrencp St. jCECTION, C(ift x lCsft. Green Lane Rd.: level, fenced : 3 mins. Remuera tram; £7 10/ per foot.—Write F. 9550. Star. SECTIONS, Weston Estate, Mt. Albert Splendid opportunity for Builders and Home Seekers. Easy terms. —Owner. P.U. Box 1483. 'Phone 43-247. D EJECTION. Epsom, town side tram barn, 50 yards cars, level, 60ft frontage ; price. £775.—Richardson and Co., 81, Karangahape Rd. 1 ?,'! TT^ESTMERE. —Ownprs of several Choic< »» Sections will build and finance.— Stephens. 38. Gnrnet Rd.. Oi-py Lynn. 14-J f*A -[()/ PER FT, 50 x 180. close c **'* -*-"' Upmuera Terminus, rpducpd for quick sale ; bargain ; terms. —Write H. 0413." Star. fOX/ FOOT, fronting Mt. Albert Rd. c^'t * *-'' Victory Estate. Grout views. 31Q VWorin Awn lip. Phonp 20-S.SO. X?X DEPOSlT—Splendid Spction. ManC7 »'' gere Bridge. Price, £223.—Home, T,ni. OK DEPOSIT—LoveIy Sections. Point =*'" Chevalipr and Lndjes' Mile : free car inspection.—P.O. Box 210. Auckland. WESTMERE EXTENSION NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION OK SECTION'S at "WESTMERE" LOW PRICES, AND UPON THE EAST " WESTMERE " TERMS. GOOD BUILDING SITES. FINE HARBOUR VIEWS. PLANS NOW READY. GRAY AND COCKROFT, WINSTONE'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. D 4 BUSINESSES WANTED. MILK Business ; must be genuine : with 2 or 3 rounds preferred.—Write H. 0296, Star. NEW CARS FOR SALE. A CAR you should inspect la the "Ansaldo," Italian mate. — Grau and Hipkins, Aiizac Avenue. D A GOOD investment—A Rugby Car purchased from Rushton's nugby Motor Sales Garage. Albert St. ) I) A SK a Kugby owner his opinion, then ask Rushton's to demonstrate the famous Rugby. D HOLLIDAY MOTORS, 8, Lome Street, for Rugbys. __A KUGBY, tie Proved Light Car. The Car that has made Holliday Motors, 8, Lome St., so well known. a RUGBY Salesroom at Holliday Motors, S. Lome St., just past J.C.L., is open p-rnrr Friday evening. Bring the wife. 36 TVTESTCOTT Six, 5-passenger, replete with • » every modern device: just unpacked. We are instructed by the Liquidators to sell at £363 (landed cost £794) : terms to approved clients.—R. J. Grainger, 46. Wellesley St. W. 96 MOTOH CAT.S WATTTED. CIYCLE Car or Light 2-seater, condition : immaterial if cheap.—Write H. 9305, Star. LIGHT 2 or S-seater, exchange 7-seater, Continental value £100.—Roberts, 11. Great North Rd. 130 rpRUXTUN Chassis, complete or in parts -L Cash price.—Write S. 6819. Stab. WANTED Urgently. English 3-eeaters Rugby, Dodges, late Fords.—Derrick! Barratt. 10, Durham St.. City. d MOTOR TYRES AND ACCESSORIES. ALF. WILLIAMS, Importer. Redmond St.. Thrpe Lamps.—Large Stock Car Eugines on hand and arriving shortly. SPARTA Batteries for Fords, £6: Dodge t . £9.— G. W. Barker. 464. Queen St. D rrarCK, back axle. Smith Former, com" -»- plete with wheels, solid tyres, also wheels for pneumatic tyres; cheap. Broady and Co., 34, Durham St. W.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
Word Count
832Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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