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LEAGUE FOOTBALL. I T E A G I" E ■pOOTBALLj • ! THE AtTKLANP TOURING TRAM WILL MEET AT CAKLAW I'AKK SUNDAY MORNING, lv A.M. ; j BIUNG GEAU ITCH riIOTO. j IVAN CULPAN. 144 Secretary, A.R.L, | TENDERS. j AUCKLAND HARBOUR BOARD. suitlies of metal CHirs, SAND, ETC. SuperintPndrnt's Office. 4th September, 1023. Quotations, addressed to the Purchasing ' Officer, will be received at this Office till Noon of THURSDAY, 17th September, I!K>3, for the Supply and Delivery o£ : (a) JIN. SCREENED BLUESTONE METAL ! CHIPS. 1 (b) SHINGLE SAND. ! (c) I'AEKOA SAND. | Full particulars may b° obtained on application' at the Office of the Purchasing L>ei>arimfnt, Quay Street. I By order, j H. P. BURNETT, ; ISC Superintendent and Secretary. I MINING NOTICES. HOWARD SLUICING COMPANY, LIMITED. All Shares in the above Company, on which the Call, due and payable, on July ; 20, 1925, has not beeu puid. will be sold by Auction by Messrs. li. C. CARR AND \ SON, at their' Mar:. Swanson Street, Auck- i , land, on WEDNESDAY. September 10, | : 11)25, at 11 am., unless the Call be paid on ' or before the previous day, at the omee of the Company. • 115 H. GILFILLAN, Secretary. PSEJ3 FOR SALE. "DUICK, 5-seater, 1921 model, in good ' -*-* order; 4£ l>lo, terms it required.— Winger, opp. lown Hall. ' TJLICK. 4-cyl., 5-seatei. good rubbe., v*-*' pointing, and liooa; vie- uauicully sounu. A Bargain. unij il5O yone uauiued auu j fifty puuuds). Come and uave v look.— Cooper and Curd. Ltd.. l'ukesoue. 2<) | CHEVROLET Car Cases, £1 ; delivered between City and utahuhu. —11. Mudgyay, Carrier. Otuhuhu. oO OtIEVHULET, Baby Urand model, s.s. | and c.l. ; a great puller; at ±125 a bargain.—At llolliday Motors, S, Loruo St. 37 DODGE, 5-seater, fair order, good puller. Winger, opp. Town Hall. DODGE, £00, self-starter, good tyres : i runs well.—2, Shelly Beach Kd., Heme Bay. DODGES, 1923, £iioO ; IUIB, £150. Dort, 1917, £115. Cleveland, 1923, £250.— Penrpp, 3.ju. Karangahape Kd. DODGE Body. 3-seater, £14; Chevrolet Van. good order, pood tyres, starter; ■ 3.').—Write H. 9308, Star. "TkODGES, £185, -IUO : Chandler, beautiful order, £170. —Derrick and Barratt, 19, Dnrhnni St.. City. Inspect. TyODGE 3-seater, elec. lights, starter; »*-' reasonable offer.—S. Union Lane, hottom Union St.. Freeman's Bay. I 5-seater, c.l. and starter, in per- j -*-' feet running ordur ; £ 100. —Apply 33, Brentwood Ay. "TiORT, 5-6 eater, W23 model; worth -*-' inspection ; In perfect order ; privately owned.—ls, The Drive, Epsom. 30cwt Truck, guaranteed in perx feet order: £65.— R. J. Grainger, 4G, Wellesley St. \V. 72 TpOKDS, 1W23, £100, £105; 1922, £85; ■*- others from i"so.—l'earee, 3oa, Karangatmpn Kd. TjVJRD, 30cwt. Truck, guaranteed in per- -"- feet order: £65.—X. J. Grainier, 4C, i WellesLi-y St. West. 73 FOKDS, perfect condition, £110: 1P23. j £ 95., £75 : many others.—Derrick and Barratt. 1!). Durham Sγ. "CHORDS, 5-seaters, £27 10/ and £3-"); other -*- Cars at bedrock prices.—Henley's Garage. Kanshawe St. FORD, 1!J24 modPl. in beautiful order: painted fawn : s.s. and P.I. Price, f 100 cash.—At llolliday Motors. S. Lorn*- St. 37 TjX>RD Tourin-j Cars from £35. Inspect J- our stocks. Exceptionally easy terms can be arranged. ; USED CAR DEPARTMENT. j UNIVERSAL MOTOR CuY., LTD., % Chancery Street. D , TjTORIJ Ruuabout S.S. 1023, £95: 5 Seaters. ■*- late starter models, £85. £!)5. fIOO and £115. AH Re-built and road ready. Easy terms arranged. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD., Chancery Street. J3 GRAY, 1024. 5-seater, new rubber, perfect i order: £140; terms.—R. J. Grainger. 46. Wellesley St. W. 07 j TEWETT, 5-seater. do luxe model, small mileage, excellent order: Hiirtfords, land all accpssorios : £200 off quick sale. ■To be seen at Seabrook. Fowlcls and Co. 127 "OEPUBLIC. 30cwt-2 ton. electric lights: -"* everything guaranteed sound : practically a gift at £300.—Write W. nOSf). Star. RUGBY, 1923 model, in great order, and only £IUS. This is worth inspection. At HoTlklav Motors. S. Lornp St. 37 STUDEBAKER, late modW, owner left England : worth £37.">: take. £250 : urgent sale. — Marhill's Garage: phone 42-367. "CTQRD Re-built Ton Truck, pneumatic •*- tyres, with open or closed hody, £100. Easy terms arranged. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD., Chancery Street. D FORD S. S. 1923. 1-Ton Delivery Van, . drop canvas sides, tyres almost new, I I equipped with extra portable scats, and has undergone a thorough mechanical reconstruction. You drive it away with the "Andrew" Guarantee.' Price £ S2. Easy terms. Demonstration will cladlv be given. JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS, LTD.. Eden Terrace. 146 FORD. 1025, 1-Ton Truck, flat top hody, ; with hinged sides, orieinal "Pneumatic" Tyres, showing no signs of wear. This truck is in new condition throughout, having had only two months careful usage. Price only £140. We Guarantee It. At this figure an immediate sale is assured.— JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS. LTD., Eden Terrace. 1 14G AIMLER 3-TON LORRY, 27-36 h.p. Type C.X.A. Long wheelbase. New type engine with latest steel sleeves. Mechanical condition guaranteed. Tyres all new. Price, complete with flat top body and driver's cab, £ 595. NORTHERN AUTOMOBILES, LTD., 154-156. Albert Street, Auckland. 14 "PORD 1922 S.S. TOURING CAR, shod -•- with 5 good tyres aud just been painted. This car has had a thorough mechanical reconstruction and should meet an immediate sale. PRICE £SS. Easy terms. For guaranteed satisfaction. . JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS, LTD., j Eden Terrace. A "piORD Re-built Half-ton Van. canvas -*- sides, £75: ready for immediate service. Easy terms armnsed USED CAR DEPARTMENT. : UNIVERSAL MOTOR COY., LTD., Chancery Street. D "PORD 1U22 HALF-TON VAN. new body, -*- drop canvas sides, 5 good tyres, extensively reconditioned in our Rebuilding Department, and ready for any amount of hard work. PRICE £73, with an "Andrew' , giiarantee. Easy terms. JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS, LTD., Eden Terrace. A EI.ECTRO-PLATERS. ALWAYS BUSY: Why-j We Satisfy Everybody. — Holtnn's Electro-Plating Works. Ltd.. 63. Albert St. Ring 45-335. A "PLECTROPLATING by Nicholas and ■*-* Whaley stands the test of time 66 [Albert St. 'Phone 41-Gii. A
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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957Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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