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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. EPSOM. —4 Rooms, every convenience; large section; Government mortgage, tliXMj; price, £14o<i.—Write F. t>7o4, Stab. GOVT. Mortgage.—Bungalow, j rooms, kitchenette: every convenience; nice section; lovely view; price, fl-'OU; £-WJ cash.— 11. Uolipiton k>l., Avomlale. I£> MT. ALBERT.- I —Bungalow, 5 rooms, convs., sleeping porch; section laid nit. £1250; £200 deposit.—First house, Springl* JL-li Aγ.. off Woodward Kd. r-O—.-r—CLENMORE—4 Rooms, scullery, iOI'J i la th etc.: Bay Villa; terms.— Butler's, n> , ,. Gt. North ltd. 141 f?ff)f)X DEPOSIT—Grey Lynn—s-roorued S»—c> Bungalow, all c-onvs.; tl-'75. —BucWs. :;n. Ct. North ltd. 14t| f.-AA —ATTRACTIVE Cottage, Avon 3i< tUU dale, splendid lotting proposi tion ; dose concrete road; terms. —Write B_ 440 U. Star. 4i fi -I "AA-ST. ANDREWS KD., Epsom. .--•-L'JUU Modern Buncalow. S rooms »vpry pony.: volcanic section ; Govt. Mort. Ingiiiro Star. 44£ f'-lAfJ DEPOSIT— MOUNT ALBERT— or-LV/U Bungalow, 4 rooms, all convs.. Government mortgage. Price £1030 or neat offer. Vacant. Must dp sold. THODE AND CO.. 17. Phoenix Chambers. r-rrx DEPOSIT —Total price. £770 ; bal. »(J very easy.—Cosy Little Home o! 4 rooms and kitchenette, bathroom, califont. svashhousc. copper and tubs, city drainage fpw minutes to school and tram. Come in about this rijrht away or you will nevet ;et such a snip.—Sayers, 10, Vulcan Lanp, A WELL-BUILT HOUSE. IN SPLENDID CONDITION. Under One Minute Trams. X ROOMS, kitchenette, bathroom, -wash «J house, p.w.e.. all under one roof. Leve volcanic Section. TOTAL PRICE, £1100. SMALL SOLDIER'S MORTGAGE. Balance Cash. Inspection Invited. Apply on Premises. 6, WARD TERRACE, Off Edendale Road. BUSINESSES FOR SALE. BAKERY, doing Bread and Smalls ; rising locality ; cash trade; all convs.; full inquiries can be made.—Write H. 92U0. Star. "DOARDINGIIOUSE, 12 large rooms, c.1.: -*-* t> mins. from city.—lnquire Stae. 4oS TSOARDINGHOUSE, City, good business: -'-*' rent £3 5/; lease, price £110. No ageuts. Write F. w>47, Star. T3OOT and Shoe Business for Sale in pro- -*-* gressive suburb; siocs at valuation: good reasons for selling.—Write Stab Agency, I'apakura. 45 pIIAIiMI.NG Residential Flats, beautifully / furnished: glorious harbour views; Soaring ill) week. Gift. —Morrison, strand Arcade. CONFECTIONERY, etc., 5 living rooms partly furu.; prominent position ; bar gain : no agpnts.—lnquire Star. 43? pO.Vt'ECTIO.NERY, good stand, tram stop ; long leasp, cheap rent; living accommodation. Price £400. —Write B. 4354. Star. 144 "p"'-KUIT and Confectionery, on main tram line ; good living accommodation ; lease £100. 12b, Ponsonby Rd. FRUIT and Confectionery, heart city, doing £2S to £33 weekly; C living rooms; moderate rent; must sell; £250 Inquire Staii. '_ 410 HIGH-CLASS Boardinshouse, Symonds St.; old established, 18 rooms; £1130; bargain.—2s, Strand Arcade. )__ - TEL, bar takings £200, house £94; "- lease 41 years, £12, right renewal.— IVhlttaker's, Phoenix Chambers. Ij UTEL, doing £SO; rent £7; furniture, *-*- everything: will finance on £800 ; full )rice, £1050.—Whlttaker's. QUEEN ST. Centre—Luncheon and Tea Kooms, old-established business; £300. >Ole Agents, Morrison, Strand Arcade. 2NIP — £175 — Confectionery Business, City: stock, fittings; living rooms, >artly furnished.—Write F. 0728, Star. rOBACCON'IST, suburban, turnover £45; long lease, low rent. Snip, £ 300.— inquire Star. 444 rOBACCONIST. —Turnovpr £45 wevk, pxcpllent stand, splendid stock. Price •educpd for quick sale, £300.— F. Ripley, 12. Winstone Bldgs.. Qupen St. £*X(\— FISH. Chips: good sstand : living =wiJ'U rooms ; must be sold this week.— inquire Star. 422 ■£'19:0 —confectionery, Fruit Busi - -3&J-&V ness; good turnover: very nice living-rooms; rent £2; gift.—2s, Strand Arcade. VriCE LITTLE GROCERT BUSINESS, on a Main City Thoroughfare: satisfactory turnover, and business improving daily. Prospects good. Price, £I(VS. —ALEXANDER AND CO., SS, Queen Street, over Cooke's Tearooms. 57 BOOKSELLER AND STATIONERY BUSINESS. In Most Thriving Town of the North. Stock Clean and Well Assorted. Good Lease, Low Rent. BUY NOW AXD GET THE CHRISTMAS TRADE. Full particulars to— STATIONER. Bos 203, G.P.O. A P A R T M E X T XT O U S E. (NO BOARDERS.) TREASURE TROVE. SET INCOME £350 YEAR. PERIOD For S Years. SOOMS 19 Fully Furnished. SITUATION 3 Minutes Queen St. iVORK Only Early Morning. LIGHTING E.L. Throughout PRICE £650. PRICE £050. SOLE AGENTS, "V7AUGHAN mALLISS AND (~10., ST. KEVINS ARCADE, OPP. RENDELL'S, NEWTON. NOTE.—To begin with, this Business ias been in the same hands for the past ;ix years and has a grand connection, so hat' if ever a room becomes vacant there s a long waiting list to choose from, and ilthough it only shows £350 a year clear >rofit now, yet if it was run as a boarding louse with a good table and a GOOD COOK, i comfortable competency could soon be icquired here. . 01 SARAGES. SERVICE STATIONS. r\ ILLETT MOTORS, LTD.. BuU-k Service Uf Station, 166, Albert St. (opp. Town 3all). Garage open continuously. D rHE DODGE Owners' Service Station for Flecrrlcal Repairs i 3 Watson, Steel ana 3anlev. Ltd., 41-600. D ELSfcTRTCAT,. ETTGIKEEBS. pET O'CONNELL, of Islington St., Pon«JT sonby. Where only the best is good enough for all Electrical Installations. Phone 2C-S">. ±t TURNBULL AND JONES Repair all Electrical Machinery: our Rewinding Department guarantees work. —'Phone foi mmediate service : 42-SlO. A lyro'T'OT*. "*?.'^» s #.TRe. IN Case of Breakdown anywhere. Ring 42-367. We'll be there at once.— ypxtiin Motors. MAGNETOS : — Guaranteed Repairs to any make. All Spares carried : special insulation. Special expert staff. Note our guarantpe.—TumhiiH and- Tones. • A CJHORTLAND Service Station, top ShortO land St. —Specialising in Tuning. Car uno-up, 10: TPmovinjf carbon, grinding raITCB: 4-cyl £2 2/. JJ-cyl £2 .8/.— Air. Flornaes, Expert. "Phone 46-114.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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880Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 3
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