By Appointment to H.M. King George V. GENE R A L ACCIDENT FIRE & LIFE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE PERTH, SCOTLAND Assets exceed - - £10,000,000 Premium Income ■ - £5,450,000 Fire Loss of Profits Motor Car Employers , Liability Plate Glass Mortgage Indemnity Personal Accident Fidelity Guarantee Etc. Etc , Prompt and Liberal Settlements AGENClES—Applications are invited from suitable gentlemen and firms to act as City, Suburban, or Country Agents. Attorneys and Managers for New Zealand: NEVILLE NEWCOMB, Ltd., His Majesty's Arcade :: Queen Street, Auckland *" s Telegrams: "GAFLAC," Auckland. Telephone 40-790. The "GENERAL" is the only Insurance Company holding His Majesty the King*s Royal Warrant. Smith & Caughey Ltd. Special Purchase 900 Hand Bags In Newest Shapes and Colourings These beautiful Hand Bags represent the smartest novelty designs and colour effects for present use. Included are charming Hand Bags in the new envelope shape, with short handle on top or at back; also useful Bags in black patent, grey or fawn crocodile calf for carrying under the arm, and many other fashionable shapes. These were purchased at a remarkably low figure for prompt cash, and at the folio wing prices are Wonderful Value! 9/11, 14/11, 19/6, 21/-, 25/Early Inspection Advised. Open Till 9 p.m. Auckland's Great Shopping Centre
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 11
Word Count
Page 11 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 11
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