11 ' ■ "| What WOULDN'T it be worth to forget i K$ the humdrum of an everyday existence for |j luvAml'j nI | 'lII'HM i WmMm f fA one whole glorious summer —to visit the h 'nuVwf I I ff/ffyf§|P f »lfjffli 4 M world-famous spots you've always longed to 'I \ww)( ,I' A. I I H *--■- lr i see—the ancient glamour of Egypt; the old- | Jl || H^lw - '^J m world loveliness of Venice ; the thundering ' \s!! |5 j$ majesty of Niagara ; the moonlit, langorous W/ ' III) *d fA beauty of the South Seas—satiating at last /,■ j j / / m b^ J the wanderlust that lies, deep down, in all U\\\ lh \| V M//////m i Jα wkmrnrS I I Ist Prize = - £1000 '^S-laj J 2od Prize £500 4 Prizes £25 each p ( « 0 « «„,( „« ; I 3rd Prize £100 10 Prizes £10 each # SS&%Sj 1 4th Prize £50 20 Prizes £5 each ™ m °°"- I sth Prize £50 WmßKi Name : 1 TICKETS 2/6 (or 9 for fil) I IT (Each Ticket has 39 chances) aai " eSS ' J h (To be drawn November Uth, 1925.) "*™ \ VS Remember that the object of this Art ///^rV^J^*^^**^* - ™™"^ c ' — **^^'^"^"""™*^"' 1, ** ~^ B Union is to raise funds to build and equip //////jr* r BtlV VOUT Tickets From .*— 11 5 Yd a Lewisham Hospital in Wellington, and — m. n i. a 11 j » t. •• * "■ I mfvfw T»r vni! T>n rrXiFYOITR Mr. Buchanan, Auckland Boolwtall, 5 fc»" P«LJ£?»£r>f» Jr&i"S Corner Forl and Q« een Str «t». Auckland. • J MONEY WILL* DO SOMETHING! ,, "• C!eal - Q ueen Strcet > Auckland** • TM — PS7Qt/ r * e^> ' > » Corner Queen and Customs Street, Auckland. ~ <S *** ~ Geo. Jackson, Tobacconist, Queen Street, Auckland. * -mxr ««sC^W r » w Ol • ltlli(«iii»..-.. 9
IM % x f A} iVr *\ \ hub v*EbT Af9w JeM bbb !»o|<P lAST YEAR For that cold you have now, for lk. | M MMM^ Influenza, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Jffit fl !■» Asthma, get Pulmonan. These cure- M I|l CTjIWH H B tive pastilles give quick relief be- X ■■ _ Ih cause they impregnate the breath , • "■ with penetrating, soothing, medicinal vapours. You breathe relief right to fIV .Brflfl the seat of the trouble, where liquid remedies could not penetrate with- ■ ■^Efl^B' out choking you. The sooner you . ... n 1 ' kl.B^B>^^BK^^ try rulmonai, the sooner you will _\ V ■■ Hi be freed from your chest or throat >BF .^B^B^^B^l^^^bV trouble. Get a 1/6 or 2/6 tin from T HJ bW any chemist, or send price to Stacey ■B jB aßsm IST wk Brother., P.O. Box 882, Auckland. W V rfl Hff «|w Jβ AT ■■ r c maS3 wS&m oBW W^^^^^^^^o^^^^ Mw iF EDMONDS BAKING tamable would thousands upon thousands of New Zealand housewiveS persist in as^in § definitely f° r it f every time they visit the EGGS V Box 62. B!(ih«im. °" C DAli'lki/* »/\llll^—l% wL^KS&k "SURBTOWSEIf
Page 11 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 11
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