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LAND AND BUILDINGS. DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS. For over GO years the Thames Hotel! and Tyrone Huildings !'.;ivc stood as ; • land mark at the comer of Queen and I Customs Streets, and now they are being demolished to make room for a more modern eight-storeyed structure for the Dilwortli Trust Board. The york of i demolition is well in hand and tnc 1 in both streets have taken the appear- I anee of skeleton structures. The roofs ( are otT and the workmen a'.e now strip- j the interior, and in almost every ] case are down to the first floor. A start has lieen made on the Thames Motel, but the bar i- still open and it is not yet known when that will eventually be vacated to fall under the hands of the workmen. It i« estimated that in six weeks the whole block will be down, and it will be then that operations will begin on the erection of the new blltldii!£. An interesting feature that has been brought to light since the work of demolition began is thnt, the wooden joists are as SOlllld as when they wen; put in and are all l.iin by 3in with 12in centres. The fact that kauri has been used may account for the manner in which the building has stood the test of time. ■ j ; STRUCTURES IN THE CITY. A five-storeyed ferro-concrete building ' for the firm of Mensrs. A. K. Wright and Sons, Ltd., is now in the course of construction. It is situated in Commerce Street, and is beinff so built that it, will later We connected with the present building on the corner of Fort Street and Commerce Street. The new struct ture will be faced with concrete a«d will cost in the vicinity of £0000. The ground floor will be constructed in such a manner that it will be converted into 1 shops if necessary. The remainder of the building will be'used as offices and in-. j dent rooms. The place has a frontage i Ito Commerce Street of 40ft. i The six-storeyed structure being erected ! at the corner of High Street and Vulcan, Lane for .Messrs. William A. Home. Ltd., I lis now well on the way towards coniplei tion. The work was commenced about last February and it is anticipated that it will be completed in about two months. The building has a frontage to both (streets of :54ft. It is a concrete struci ture. and the basement and first iloors I will be done in Queensland maple panI ellin", while tiie remainder of the inferior will be in lendligUt. The building is being erected at a cost of between £13,000 and £14.000. and will consist of offices with one shop facing the. \ mean Lane frontage. The Southern Cross Building Society s new six-storeyed building at the corner tof William Street and Chancery Lane, 'is also ncaring completion. This structure will cost in the vicinity of £31,000, and will be composed entirely of offices. It has a frontage to William Street of 115 ft and to Chancery Lane of approxi- ' matelv 50ft. The front entrance will be finished in marble and the exterior finishings will be of imitation Bath stone. The building will be completed about the end of January. I A visit to the secne of activities on the Colosseum Theatre site shows that the work is well in hand, and that there is little doubt that the building will be completed up to contract time. A start has been made on the dome and the flooring, is being placed in position. There >is an exceptionally large staff of workmen engaged and now that the plasterers are following up on the carpenters, the interior of the theatre is taking definite shape. About two months ago the contractors commenced operations on the new assembly hall at the Mount Albert Grammar School, and latent reports are to the efTet't that the work is proceeding with due dispatch. DUNEDIN MEDICAL SCHOOL
The new Medical School at Dunedinj i* rapidly nearlng completion ami the Minister of Education. Sir James Parr, recently Is* i* I the foundation stone. The building i< of brick ami Oamaru stone, the deinensiona being 200 ft by 100 ft-— throe storeys and basement on the street frontage anil four storeys and l>a~ern<-nt over a section in the rear. The Kin;,' Street frontage is of striking appearance, and is designed in renaissance style of architecture. The new building will accommodate the anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology, etc.. departments. The special features in the anatomy department are the dissecting room, measuring 00ft by 40ft. museum 105 ft by 31ft. and two lecture room?, the larsrer of which is 40ft by 3t>ft. tin? -ea.ts being arranged in amphitheatre iitvle. The new histology department has a very modern classroom measuring 4."> ft by 40ft. with the necessary preparation room and laboratories, all having direct communication Physiology! has a. very fine lecture room measuring' 37ft by 36ft. being on the amphitheatre j principle: adjoining are preparation, diagram. r.nd apparatus rooms. The larger of the chemistry rooms in this department measures Clft by 40ft, and! is to be fitted up on the mo.-t approved lines. The numerous laboratories, re- ; search, and experimental rooms arc spacious, well lighted and p.iry. The main room in the pharmacology department measures .52ft. by 21ft, and' has] operating and preparation rooms adjoining. Throughout the building are spacious rooms for professors and students, cloak rooms, and laboratories. There are common rooms for both men and women students; the former measure* 50ft by 1 28ft Oin, the latter 31ft by 23ft 6in: The main staircase is of concrete and occupies a central position just beyond the spacious entrance hall. HEW NELSON CATHEDRAL. A new Cathedral is shortly to be built in Nelson, and it will be constructed on the most modern lines. The external length of the Cathedral will be ISSft (iin. external width, of nave at clerestory level. 34ft (iin, and including its aisles ijlii. external length of transepts at clerestory level 33ft 3in, greatest width }of Cathedral across ve3try and parch 11 Oft> height of nave vault- above floor 37ft, height of parapet of central tower nljjve floor 124 ft 3in, spin- above floor 1 210 ft.
The entire building, when completed, i and including the ' chapel and ambula-1 ti>ry. will seat a con_2 r re"ation of 1000, exclusive of accommodation for clergy and a largo choir —at the fomfortable spacing of 2ft lOiu by Ift Bin ; but 200 more can bo assembled under emergency j arrangements. The material for the' external facinga and the dressings of I tlio walls will lie local, and will clothe j a general construction of ferro-conurcte.!
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 12
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1,116REAL ESTATE. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 12
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REAL ESTATE. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 12
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