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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. A?f\(ifl CASH—HERNE BAY—Lovely tV " uu Home of S large rooms: all conveniences; delightful water views: handy to cars. Bal., fl2<X). 5 years at 6 per cent.— J. aud G. Lovegrove and Co., Smee;ou's Buildings. ( KKllli. B £ OKA—HOUSE. 3 rooms, in good order, d-u_>U W i t _ j. uerP Section, 3mUi to suburban station: give terms. GREAT NORTHERN AGENCY, 11. H.M. Arcade. B T7JPSOM.— Well-built 6-roomed~"Bungalow, *-* xvith convs.. motor shed, xvorkshop, fowlhouse and gardens. Nice volcanic Sx-c----tion. Price £1373.—GREAT NORTHERN A(WNCV. 11. H.M. Arcade. 8 til. H-ELIER'S— i ROOMS, newly painted, "y_2mins ferry: £7<>i). or xvith furniture *"30. Now's the time to Inn- here. — terms, etc., see STURGESS AND OLNEY. l.i. Queen Street. B A VONDALE—S ROOMS, mod. roll vs.: aTX large section: Tmins railway station: only £825; bargain; unencumbered. Terms. —STURGESS AND OLNEY, 15. Queen St. U X\ "| 9K DEPOSIT—", Rtl()M7s7"bathr<miii. ,-*-■-*" washhouse. copper, tubs, patent drainage; city side Ponsonbv: handy lirst section. Only £<HX>. Imuiedlale possession. See STURGESS AND OLNEY, 15. Queen St. B OO ACRES. neiTpapakura; dwelliiTg.'outXA+A buildings: carry 10 coxvs. Price '£3000. going concern. £1.",(X) deposit. Real handy little furm. Cheap.—SlT KGESS AND OLNEY. 15. Queen St. B 0 ROOMS,, copper. c~U\J\J rubs . oinins Mt. Edeu niilxvay stntion and car. ."uuins walk Symonds St. lid section. Possession at once —STURGESS AXD OLNEY. 15. Queen St. B VQKA— 0 ACRES, an ploughed and —aii7UV grassed, subdivided, shelter trees. Good 4-roomed House, 2 sheds; C mins station. North suburban.—Great Northern Agency, 11, H.M. Arcade. B MT. EDEN—About 4-acre good volcanic land and nice House C-large rooms and cony., in good order; beautiful'view. Price, £1750.—GREAT NORTHERN AGENCY, 11. H.M. Arcade. B IMMEDIATE POSSE-SSI ON—Bouso ii Good Home of G rooms: usual conveniences; everything in splendid order. Price, £800. Terms arranged.—.l. nud G. Lovegrove and Co.. Smeeton's Bldgs. iP. 101KH. B X'tlXlX — CHELTENHAM BEACH*"" IvILJU Lovely (J-rd. BUNGALOW. patent W.c. electric light throughoc'.. liutnediate possession guaranteed. £::"U cash. Balance at (1 per cent, for 3 years. COWARD AND BALL, 05, Queen Si. £204_4A._ __ 4-lOAA-AIT. EDEN - Lively Ord. BUN iS-A—UU UALOW; beautiful section "f over half-acre. An al'solule bargain. Only £2(HI --ash required. Immediate |n.s-e--i.' , i s;-ua.ranleed.—COWAßD AND BALL, -...",. Queen St. 2044 A. i_.-| AiyX— EPSOM—Beautiful 5-rd. Mod. d~X'±4dO BUNGALOW: large level sec, laid out in lawn and gardens. A Snip. - COWARD AND BALL. 95, Queen St. 2044 A. ~ REMUERA—FuIIy-rnriilslied ■»-I'*l 'J 0-rd. BUNGALOW: larire level section, garage and one-stall stable. The furniture is all good and sound. An ideal home and xvorth double. A splendid bargain. Immediate possession. --COWARD AND BALL. 05. Queen St. _ _£2!H4A. XrQPCA — GREENLANE — 0-nl. Mod. HOME: patent: newly papered, and owner xviil paint house. Easy terms arranged. Immediate possession guaranteed.—COWAßD AND BALL, 115. Queen St. T OVELY HOME. MOUNT EDEN. AJ Handy to Cars. Beautiful VILLA in perfect condition. 7 large rms.. artistic papers and friezes, pore bath, h. and c xvater service, gas throughout: Venetian blinds; section 03 x 175.
beautifully laid out: double motor garage, concrete floor and pit: large loose b,.x I'rice ouly £ISSU. Terms arranged. NELSON AND MARKWICK. rj 04. Endean's Buildings. YEW LYNN PROPERTIES FOR SALE A> THREE SECTIONS, Quarter Acre 6dft frontage: ."mins. from station. Price £S0 each. Terms. Also. CORNER SECTION Threequarter Acre, on main road; in g-i aud water area.—A. J. THOM, Kew Lynn s X7IOR Private Sale, in best part Reuiuera X n o-rd. heart kauri. Semi-Bungalow built G years, under tiunervision of arch! tect: every modem cony.; in fii st-cl.nst order: section SO x- IDS: nicely elevated lawns, shrubs, fruit trees, tarred paths etc. Price £1775. Terms. Phone 522 A I) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION—Now Emptx —Semi-Bungalow. 5 rooms, bathroom, p.b.. pantry. scullery. large kitchen. dressor, supboards, washhouse, c and t.; voi. sec. free of stone. Price £1175. cash £250.—TYLDEN, Hallenstein-s BUgK.. Auckland". B EPSOM— In Deceased Estate.—A really nice Home, built under architect, con tainlng 0 rooms and all convs.. iv perfect order, having just been complete,y renovated. Section of 100 ft frontage, in _'ardcn. etc.: close 3rd section. I'rice €. .'OOO, a in! possession can be gixvn at xincc SECTION'S (2), both level, and Jmin train. Unix- £5 foot. W. S. RALPH. 22. Shortland 'Street. _ E N T L E M A N ' S RESI DEN I*4-:, BUNGALOW, 7 LARGE ROOMS, Casement Windows. 4 Verandahs. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. £2000. SELECT, 754, STAR. ti /~ I T V F A RULE T. CeOD VALUE. RESIDENCE. 6 rooms, and about ONE ACRE Choice Volcanic Laud, smlns f nin tram line; elevated position: cowshed, : ra pshed, etc.. Keep a cow nnd live cheaply. PRICE £1600. CASH -7(«0. A. E. DEWAR. B 17, Union Buildings. EPSOM— ACORN ROAD. ROYAL OaK ESTATE i?. mins. from tram sf.upl — TWO FIUST-CLAS-fl SECTIONS; deep vol canic soil, splendid views: OHft froutage. £4 5/, or less for the txvo. Very easy ter:u*. BEN BOLLARD, Darby's Buildings. Queen Street. E I'ARTMENT HOUSE, as a goiiu con cern: all heart kauri (no borer): Ilarge rooms, balconies, verandah, bathroom, pat. w.c, 5 fireplaces, washhouse, c and i. and all conveniences. Lovely xiexv of liar hour. One minute to cars and h.-iudy i. Queen St. Price, £2500. Terms arranged ti'. 'J:: J. AND G. LOVE-ROVE AND CO., Smeeton's Buildings. 1' 9 Qftftfl^' ,Ti ' INVESTMENT - Kill -il SwOUUU BRICK HOUSES, ea.-ii cm taining 0 rooms and cm vs. Khybor Pa-.-. close Symonds Street. Showing ,s_ p f . r ~,.,, Interest present rentals. Easy worth :,J • xveek each. Cash required. ±15(»i: bal.-itn-e 3 years ai 5 jier cent. owner ieaxin--country. Application Tuesday, 2i>, AUCKI.-AND cham.:u:::s. i I lgh St ree r. _ "J ; r R" 1L1;,: *" £5000. BEAUTIFUL PROPERTY FOR SALE. G ACRES VOLCANIC LAND, with «'-vn roomed Dwelling: porcelain Imth. :..i-:n. hot water rtervi c, 2.-is. city ;\:i:"y. ;: .-■ drained throughout, pi.tent w.c. st.-iMc and nuthouses: the grounds in LAWNS AN." GARDEN, balance in pasture and N"ATI\ • TREE*: about IOOOft frontage can be -■..!. leaving 3* acres with hnu-e: liar ir view.-: within few "f the TRAM I .-..:- MINES, .in.i 1 minutes ■■' '■'•• P,";; : . ' ,^;; '; RAILWAY STATION. THIS ll."IM. I Id lieing siicritiie'l oxvinj :-• 'lie bad .lealt.i .ft:■ own-. v.- .is i - I il-.v::y ,-• li ■' me.'.ical adviser L.-i-y lerai, arraii-x I. -TiUILDERS AND Si-ECCLATOKS AND AJ OTHERS. rONSONBY-Two 4-roomed House--. Prl-~c COLUNG WOOD STREET - 5-roo:ued House, all '-onv. SUMMER STREET-4 Rooms, washhotwe. ',-. and t. Pric, £375. ENGLAND STREET -7-roomed House. £s"i. Deposit, £200. IRE' 4.ND STREET-i Rooms, on concrete foundations, xvei: elevated. £075. £::») depn-i: i.ihiiiiii. TUitN'ER STREET. ClTY—Valuable Site rem. 40 x: 120 i.-lbout). Price, £'»). About i2'JU .-ash. or any near offers. J. C. SHARPLES AND CO., 11, Straud Arcade. D
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
Word Count
1,086Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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