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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. QJKi TION, 3D x 145, Alba Rd., Kp«om.— HI, Parkllcld Ter.. off Khyber Pass. ___>S _u(\~ A—.HOUSE, 0 rooms, Virginia Ay. sZ.OO\J (off Eden Terracei; about £:!00 cash. -Avenue. 08, STAR. 234 TJiirsE, 5 rooms. Ist section. Pnrneil; -*-*- price £150.—For address, apply 07, Manukau Rd.. PainelL o___ CASH—ponsonby, close Three uv -"" Lamps —0 Rooms. linthrooni. p.w.c Bal., ±'575. Cheap.—Kirkcaldy, 10!!. Queen St. 2:1 xWJAA— 'IT. CHEVALIER—BungaIow, -i rooms, sleeping poi-eb. sideboard. wardrobe bulli in. beam ceilings, etc.: garage: large sectiou; lovely views.—Address. ai STAR. Uu. "[-? HICK Shops 12), dwelllngs. city : fortyAJ three years' leas". Deposit required, £100(1.— Ileddaxvav. 271, Karangahape ltd. 1.-.l (IAMPBEI.L'S REACH. TAKAPUNA.---XJ Small (.'onage. built of kauri. Section of nearly .-acre: beach frontage; some grand pobutukaxva trees. £475. I.H FRATEII BROS.. 113. Qneen St. "MONSONRY —House 5 roomsTwlh.. c and x r. £72.-'. Deposit. £225.—Ballard, 10. Phoenix Chambers. 150 "XfT. EDEN—Sunnyside Rd.--Bungalow 0 JX ,-, lorns every cony. £ISOO. Cash. C-,00.—L. and J. Ballard, in. Phoenix Chambers. 1 50 -T'llfMl — M r. ALBERT - Bungalow. 4 ■ vIUU rooms, b-uh. all convs.. etc. I £550, at _<i weekly.—Spain, 103, Svmnnils j.St. 150 I <?KAO I-QUITY'In Solid - KaiiT-niouse. 7 IJ\J\J ronlns ; spleniliil view. good 1 locality. Oon.l Mortgage or Sections 1 xvanted.—l.e Grice and Wilson. 5, Palmer I still Buildings, opposite G.P.O. 170 BAOH. partly furn.. "level Section. gas and water, on Uike Rd. Takapun-i. Mr Broxvii Dominion ltd . Takapuna. 502 OPEC— 2 Good Sound Houses, 5 and 0 rooms, level sections. 3 minutes 2nd section. £SSO and £800. Terms arranged.— . Sam. ______________ anil Co.. HI. Wyndham St. 168 —-"IMMEDIATE POSSESSION— i cvUUv r Cottage 5 rooms, level section. near 2nd sex-iion; just renovated. Deposit. I£2oo. —Sam. Alllsrin and Co., 18, Wyndham St. i«r, HOUSE, every possible cony., beautifully situated: £2225; mx nc r leaving Auckliind; terms arrjujred. —Address Compact. , G.P.O. _ 221) MODERN 11-ro.iuied .Residence, vacant; all cxiiixs.: workshop. t<ir t "-.ecpi;;; vi'ialidab. tl::'«i fur .pink sale Apply 1.1. ■Burnley Ten inc. ' ' .">■;) J i HIIMOKK UD.-(!*7nTiined Mi.'lerii Villa: I- » li i-civ >. -;.,,n , -iirneri. 0< y. 120. £105": • 'i-'i f.i.-.n. .Nn agents. IVrite Villa, I'll. i.-TAX. 553 ! JC'?;7~ -£22-"i r r AsFrTi-" 1 m-e.!i ! ,t,. Boss"*"- ---■ » IH '" sii.iii. Kauri Hniise, 5 rooms an* , ..invs -:-.,:,-Ulcv anil 1.1. Snieet.m-.-ll'.iiildincs. ;-o j fi iTeltTTnli.v>rTicinr*iT.7oT.iiic,i Empiv I V ii.,-■-..; cie.-irlc light: price £1150. £350 , i-.-i-'i v. i'lii-'.'-i ham Ter.. Devonport. >-fl 'a? 1 rtj *) '"- : P«'"si T-1 "Acres. vIW 0".--c 4 rooms, etc Ilandv .station, siiliiirlian urea tickets. Big road .frontage Ideal poultry etc Splendid seil, | Level. Ureal bargain. £Ssu. -Sturgess and 'olnc.v. S. Rcv.s Chambers. 15. Queen St__B : -pAR.VEI.I.. " near Nt Sect ion -S-roome.l A 2-Sti.rc.v Kauri House, all convs. balcony and vpraniluh: iiuignlllcent vi»'xv of harbour. Suitable boarders or apartments. i Price. £1100. Cash. £40ii. Very cheap.-----j T'!'lc!i._H__illensle!_ir.;_ Buildings. B I (""■">*: A ONLY "DEPOSIT—Good Kauri ■- >,_,OU ll.nise, Northcote. handy beach J ami wharf; 7 tine rooms, modern convs.. 'p.b.. califont: large section, garden, fruit itrees. Early possession. Price, £1130. Balance 'eiiM-.—Tylilen. Ilallenstein's Buildings.., B -If 1 1 O*XA—DOMINION ROAD—Charming j *rXmJO\t Bungaloxv. 4 rooms and kit-
,'ieiie.:,.; hirsre dlningroom 20 .s 15, p.b. land b., califont. p.w.c Built about 12 'months. £1150 cash.—FRED. BALL, 15. • ,Uii__en___St.. opp. G.P.O. Phone 2654 A. D •!JPI7fVn— MT - KDEN, 2nd Section- .. vII UU Beautiful 7-roomed Residence. - well nnd faithfully built: califont, gas . stove, etc. Corner section. room 'or I •-irnge. 11l best locality.—FßED. BALL. ,15, Oiteeti St.. opp. G.P.O. Plume 2654 A D ■ I jC'ftRA-I'°NSONI!Y Immediate Posses- . -*,\)O\J sion—Neat Little Home. 4 rooms: ' ! x-'iishlwus- tc and t.i iiinler one roof' • , verandah bad; and from. All iv perfect ■ order inside and nut. £300 cash. Bnlani" 'tl per xv.'cli reducing nrln. and Int. Cue:".. .FRED. BALI.. 15. Queen SI., opp. G.P.O. | Phone 21J54A. D _?1 CYTX— 2n«I SECTION Ideal I'roposiXl_/(_» tion for Letting Rooms. PusIs.wsioii Ist Nov.—lJ Large 1:,...ni5. h. and .-. 'wilier, -is slove. Corner si-lion. Terms ! arranged.. FRED. BALI.. 15, (Jueen SI . lopp. (!.I'.o. Phone 21.54 A. n I jpl'fiAA-RKMUERA-H'alf acre Section |T-_.UUU fp-to-date Bungalow 5 room-: lib. ami b.. li. anil c water, p.w.c. pis •.:,,ve. telephone etc Two frontages. A | snip. - FRED. 8M.!.. !■".. Queen St.. opt.. i-.P.0 __ l__i..n» 2054 A D 1 x-OAAA— CITY FREEHOLD—CmprK-'-_A)UU \ n i (l-rnnmeil Residence I'M'l i:-,„,.,- y Business. Walk lv -.x-Ik out. £'.<i ,vi ..klv' cish iiusiness. A genuine bargain. iI'KKD. BALL, 15, Queeu St.. opp. G.t'.o. 'phone 2(V54A._ ___ D ! l' r iCtf\ « ASH-200 Feet Beach Frontage ! i.1UU.,,,,1 Cot.age 2 rooms and -cnli l-rx-. Point Chevalier; £400.--Warrvn. I Ifliigsl.-iiid. _H j X'QOX CASiII —Roughcast, 4 rj.'TLs and --,•>—-> kitchenette: elevated section: _■:.-.(> — Warren. Car Sr..n. Klngsland. -1-t j j-n.osi-: to roya f~> aiT-"sin:~ \h u»is. ' * x-.iUi nil modern conveniences: lir--«. COOll xieXV. I 111 111, -rib. IC poM>ssi.Ml. I'ri.-e. lllilHi. Terms. GRAFTON lIOAD, ■ ■•'• <c tn trams—TWELVE ROOMS, sun- : n'.le for nursing home or cpattments. All .■i.uvs. Price. t 2W)ii. £*i.ii cash. W. STOUPE. 2_s _________ ,; f o '■ Phoenix Chambers. I ' X , o7'_-I»f:vo\|'(ii;t M.izlov >-•'«•-» cuiili KAURI HOUSE. 7 i ms '■■ oiivs.; gas, sexv.-r draii.-ace. | Se.-Uon 50 x 15ii. 11..ii-e thoroughly wm-l ami in good order. Eni-lx possession. C.i.-i recoiuini-uil. Appiy Sole A_i-td, .1. HENDERSON AND CO., ! 155 n;-|, Victoria Rnad, Devil; ■ ,-:. ' 7 M'NGAIToxVT"-"'"r-. m7i-." n.-.t.irv " i-ciillery, XJ pore li. and b . In.i water - -vii c. S'-c----■ii -hi .ii. \ 132. i.-xi-l. ..'ic-iii;.- -'li. Early ; I. :. '-il. . . lmi ■ .li £U.m. -A. Ui.H.sii.N, 1 ~-.-. Ilui..ii:i..>. near P.u . - St. ."-'M : £s6tf',:::;:: y u^^r±r::i li.ili. li s I i.".;'.'. 1...-: "f ■''■ -• -i x.i nn -... Il n-.-i nn i .:-• ••' -■• vt i•! ;.-... - ' A R- -I-.M IV. l'i-l B-lllii.n ..-. 11. II- P.O . .-w ~-. >~ na 1 1:100 I'Z. _','.. : ! ';;;,Ir:;: ' Sytn<'pd*s*\s'.' ' "'"' ■ j \o\IINIO.\ Ro.'Ji -• C"il.-ig'.s_ -' :■■ i ■'• <;{HH> V'' s \:: ,M ;-:V-: ;: x-;1-;/' ! ::' , .:;; r ■!';: ..'., Ivi'iV ".'s'/'roi'.'--';.'-'. 'u: '■■■- i'-"ii'!i"--- '••;.•, jiUAuTTi'Ti" - " ii. s'.-'.i.. -'-■ '■'' ';■'.! ~; ~.' j"' I.V'S -•'__"■_ 'il'"" '' ' -~~ ' T>VNGALhW. Oxxi,. .- : ixili: :-. Afli. I. I"> _. .ti. s ■-..:- Bun- ,- ,w -- r...-. ■>.*. T.'.riei'ii'w 'tl2 : Hi."' Term-'. £4."..l 'cusli - .m1.1.v.-- -i -. mi [__"___'-'_ _■*_'*' TTIrTTToN- «:■ 'RE ROAD. Grarton-'.Mtr [■.'.'■ '-, " -:'x 14-ft -''■«•' I ■-:•"'- - '..mi.i.v. i-i Mi F.ii'ii iii ""a -r-xx.i:\i-tic, i,. r ..s linissi. Ad.ioiiui "B.ip.nv i' ~|en" N-. house Rea.-h»d fr..m M..-. . r I.i.xv pri.— under £S acre. Terms. rm.i cash. Will *üb,:iv;.|c i four if r,e.-e>s.. r v __mi ilmn eat-h.— JOLLY. Ie Mi. Eden lid. _■_"• \V EST & T ' x EWTo x - I HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS, Washhouse l-.opper and tubs). Section,;; 2 i i no. PRICE. £500. ', £150 Canh. Bal. 5 years a: 0 per cent. I C UAS * "c 7 B AKEIt | (Lute Ewlngton and Baken. i"_ DURHAM "STREET EAST. Dl
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
Word Count
1,064Page 5 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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