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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. SPECULATORS and Others—House sultable torapartmente; good prospective value: city end.—36. Manukau Rd.. Parnell. _____ p " "ATAYBECK" Estate, Mt. Albert. — -"-■-Choicest Sections in district, alongside tram stop.—Owner, GS9, Nexv North Rd. ox;j "V/TACKELVIE ST., Ponsonby—Nice House aaa. 0 f <; rooms, and Sectiou. Price, £1000. Possession at once.—Owner. -555, STAR. 51) "P-I'PTY HOUSE, £1000; Building Sections, AJ sunny Euston Estate, Mt. Albert.-H. Mayhill. 317, Queen St. 050 TJEMUEIIA-Modern Bungaloxv, 5 rooms A-* and kitchenette; good section. All cash. Abbott and Elmsley. 05, Queen St. 165 TMMEDIATE POSSESSION of Superior A- 8-roomed House, all convs.; large section, private; handy to all transport; splendid orchard und garden. Price right. Terms easy.—Apply A. F. Carter, fi, Rothesey St., Remuera. 150 SEASIDE Farm, 25 acres, 6-roomed House, "O 2 »-ows, horge. cart; £1500.—George Mitchell, Phoenix Chambers. 157 PIG Farm, good; S Acres; close to city; 5-roomled House, outbuildings; £1475. Mitchell. Phoenix Chambers. 157 .£'7oo— GREY LYNN—umins walk Newo»» I Uvf ton—s Rooms, convs.; beautiful views.—Buckley and Bull, Smeeton's Buildings. 228 r —MEDIATE Possession —T-xvo 4-roomed Cottages, £410 each: also 6-roomed, Ponsonby. — Irvin, Richardson Rd., Mt. Albert. __* 6 MILE'S Town—6B Acres. 2 Cottages, outbuHdrngs; good prospective value.— ; Irvin, Richardson Rd.. Mt. Albert. 33 REEN LANE.—Owner leaving, will sacrifice Modern Bungaloxv. good gardens; £1050, terms.—Write Immediate Possession. xlreenlnne P.O. _" "\7"IEW RD.. Mt. Eden.—6 Large Rooms V and eonvs. Section, 08 x 132. Bargain. £1250. Terms.—Thode Bros., rhoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. _|_{ 8 DEVONPORT.— Villa. 6 rooms and kitchenette, every possible cony.; handy wharf. Bargain. ' £1000. Terms.—Thode Bros., Phoenix Chamber-, opp. G.P.O. 508 "\rT. ALBERT.—S-roomed Modern Bunga--1?_ ] ow ;,n convs.: motor garage; level section. ' £1150. Terms.-Thode Bros Phoenix Chambers. o° s HERNE BAY.—S-roomed Bungaloxv. every modern cony.: bandy cars and school. £1000. Terms.—Thode Bros., Phoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. _ s r« -I (\f\ DEPOSIT — Glenmore. — Seml3JX\J\J Bungalow, ti rooms, hot and c. water, pore, bath, p.w.c. Bal.. £350. — Thode Bros., Phoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. __?
n-i'TX. DEPOSIT—Near Reserxoir. News*XiD ton.—o Rooms, all convs.; immediate possession. Price, £950. —Thode R- r °_;-- Phoenix Chambers. ___? BUYERS unsulted City. Mt. Eden, all Auckland Suburbs. Cash or Terms, will save money obtaining prices from .lOLLY AND CO., 49, Mt. EMen Rd., or Phone A 740. D "yORTHCOTE.— 6-roomed Residence, on beautiful freehold Section, adjoining harbour, and having a magnificent water view.; 3mln walk to wharf. I'rice only £1000. Terms arranged. —A. G. Fraiikiiam, Ltd., Hellaby's Bldgs., opp. G.P.0., Auckland. ' __" HERNE BAY WATERSIDE.—Very Pretty and Substantial 5-roomed Modern Bungalow ; good section, good position ; perfect order. Great ooportunlty: £1000. Terms. F. Sinclair Yates and Co., Union Buildings. Customs St. E. ' C
BAYSWATER, Handy Wharf. — Very Pretty 0-roomed Bungalow, well built, perfect order ; conveniences ; nicely situated, large section. Bargain. £1050. Terms.—F. Sinclair Yates and Co., Union Buildings. Customs St.* E. C MT. EDEN.—Pretty Semi-Bungalow, beautifully situated, best locality; G rooms, convs.: nice section; perfect order ; exceptionally attractive. "Cheap, £1600. Terms. F. Sinclair Yates and Co., Union Buildings, Customs St. E. C EPSOM, Nicely Situated.—Elevate Large Section. Good 0-roomed Semi-Bunga-loxv. nice order, hamly tram. Oood proposition ; £1750. Terms.—F. Sinclair Yates and Co., Union Bldgs., Customs St. E. C Gi RAFTON. Best Tart. Splendidly Situf ated.—Very Fine Home. 8 rooms, perfect order, all conx-s.. electric light. Nice section. Bargain, £2800. — V. Sincliar Yates and Co., Union Bldgs., Customs St. E. C HERNE BAY. Best Part. Watervicw.— Sound. Good Semi-BungaUixv. (i rooms, nice order, every cony. ; deep section ; mm. tram. Bargain, £1800. Terms.—F. Sinclair Yates and Co.. Union Bldgs., Customs SI. E. C TJEMUERA —Beautiful Groomed Modern ■*-* Bungalow, water front. line view, well built; perfect order: every convenience: tine section. Cheap, £2200. Terms.—F. Sinclair Yates and Co., Union Bldgs.. Customs St. c £1475 ~ M° CST A lbe::t ' pr -ROOMS, linen press, wardrobe, all *J modern convs.: motor garage, trapshed. drive, double gales. lawns aud garden: good cow can be bought; also use 2 acres land. H. E. BUCKLEY. 140, Karangahape Road. 27S i'9l OH — HBKNB BAY — £2100— IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Six Rooms, gas; bathroom, porcelain b. and b. : built-in wardrobes, etc. Everything in first-class order. Motor garage. Section, S3 by 150. Get in early. W. M. B. MOWBRAY, 22. Shortland Street. C
SEYMOUR ST.. Ponsonby.—o-roomed House, etc : corner section : good view ; lmin from cars. Price £1060. Easy terms. Off Orakei lid., Remuera —Several Good Building Sites, from £5 per foot ; .iraius C. P. MARSHALL. PI 63. Queen Street. ft B E E >" W O O D ' S COBSE R. *-*" Owner Will Sell NEW RESIDENCE. 7 rooms, entrance ball, area; rough cast, h. kauri: brick foundation and fountain; pore. bath; every convenience, and garage. No Agents. FREEMAN". 25, Orakau Avenne, Epsom. 48 "pxMPTY.—UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW, six AJ rooms, kitchenette, verandahs, linen presses and wardrobes, cupboards, coal stoxe and grate, gas stove and (ires, porcelain bath and basin, califont, copper and tubs, detached room and shed; concrete paths; lawns. All in best order. Address, 00, CLONBERN ROAD, Remnera. Phone 3274 (3 rings). 535 FOB PRIVATE SALE. (No Agents). At Three Damps, Ponsonby. NEAT, WEDL4BUILT 4-ROOMED HOUSE, with scullery and bathroom pat. w.c, copper, tubs aud porcelain bath installed; tarrexl yard. £650 TERMS. £025 CASH. Apply P.O. BOX 704. 622 CiPDCIAL BARGAIN-We have a Nice ~ 5-roomed SEMI-BUNGALOW, about . minutes from the car, large section. 50 x 200. Everything in first-class order. higjVi. and volcanic soil. On the unusual terms of £175 cas_, £175 iv 12 months the balance arranged. Total price. £1.175. This house is empty, and immediate possession can he given. Might xve suircest to hurry for this—A. J. WILSON AND CO . The Quick Sellers, 44, Ferry Buildings. 48 T> I R X - N II E A D. DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE. 6 rooms and conx-eniences. recently painted and papered throughout. Well-drained tennis court, outbuildings, 2 glasshouses, one 75 \ 24. xvith grape vines, and one 65 x IS, full of tomatoes, all in splendid condition. Total area or land about 5} acres, in fruit, lloxvers. and strawberries. Mail delivered, excellent road, motor bus passes the rionr. (I'tod living can be made out of the property. Price, £2500. Sole Agents, GRAY AND COCKROFT, Smeeton's Buildings. 507 BALMORAL ROAD —'BEAUTIFUL 7ROOMED GENTLEMAN'S RESI- ■ HENCE, newly painted and renovated 'throughout: combined drawing and dining--rooms, with beautiful kauri arch: bath '. room (pore bath and basin), hot water I service; front ot house, two bay xvlnd.>ws and bungalow x-erandah; level volcanic sec tion. Price, £1650 cash, or terms, half cash 3. C. SHAR.PLES AND CO., 11, Strand Arcade. D 4
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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1,058Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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