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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. rpAKAP-U'NA—Bach and Section, near X beach; level, fenced, and grass-sown; price, £250: cash, £-125.— E. H. Hardy, 32, Phoenix Chambers. 022 "jVTIL FORD—Shop and Bach, close to ■JX beach; good section; price, £000; cash, £225.— E. H. Hardy, 32, Phoenix Chambers. 022 C-xiH-OIQE Sect Mt. Eden, J Devonport, Milford. Takapuna, Edendale. Prices to suit.—E. H. Hardy, 38, Phoenix Chambers. 622 A VONDALE.—Large Corner Section, near ■aX railway station; level, fenced; fruit trees; to be had cheap, owner xvants to sell. E. H. Hardy, 33. Phoenix Chambers. 622 T^ORTIICOTE.— Handy Wharf.—3-roomed L. Cottage, in good order; large section. Price. £510. Terms arranged.—Parris-h. Morrison and Co.. Waitemata Chambers. 320 SWANSON.— Two Govt. Leasehold Sections (xvell watered), about 15 acres in all: handy to station: suitable for fruit farm, already .containing number of fnilt trees: 2-roomed Cottage. Price. £450, for lessee's interest.—J. Longland, Walrikl Rd.. Mt. Eden. 55 MILFORD— Small Shop, xvilh large room attached, 4m Ins. beach. Would make good summer bach. Price, only £550. De[oslt. £125.—NELSON AND MARKWICK, 04, Endean's Buildings. 4___4 A/lILFORD —.New Buagaloxx-, 4 rooms and aaX convs., gas stox-e, bathroom; J-acre section. 'Magnificent views. Handy to tram and bench. Price. £525. Terms. — Nelson and Markwlck, 'Sole Agents, 04, Endean's Buildings. 414 rjALMORAL RD., 3mlns. Terminus—Nice V*' Semi-Bungaloxv, 6 rooms, p.b., h. and c. water, artistic papers and friezes. I>ex-el volcanic sectiou, 50 x 130. lawns, etc. £1500. Terms.—Nelson and Markxvick, 64, Endean's Buildings. 414 "pvOMINION" RD., 3—ins. car —Semi-Bungn-XJ low, 0 rooms; p.w.c, sexxerage, and all other conx-3. Section. 50 x 15(5. Everything in perfect order. £1325. Terms.—Nelson anil -Mark-wick, G4. Endean's Bldgs. 414 A,rr. Seml-BungaTow, 5 aax rooms; p.b. and b.. h. and c. water; garage. Lewi section. 50 x 130. A cheap home at £1150.—NELSON AND SIARKWICK. 64. Endean's Buildings. 414 ATT. ALBERT—Good Sound Villa, 5 rooms aaX a nd xx-asbbouse attached, bath and basin, califont, p.w.c. sexver, built-in Bideboard and \x-ardrohes; good papers and friezes, and only £1350. Terms. Imln. car, .'imins. terminus.—Nelson and Markwick. (14, Endean's Buildings. 414 "V"EVV LYNN—Good Villa, 0 rooms nnd -*-xl usual couvs. In perfect order; good seclion, J-aiTe. in laxvn, garden, and fruit trees. Handy to staiion. £1130. Terms. — Nelson and Maikwlck, 04. Endean's Bldgs. 413 AFT. ALBERT (fexv minutes tram)—£loso. aaX Bungalow, 6 rooms, h. and c. water, verandahs back and front, Venetian blinds. Immediate possession. Terms. (845).— Collier and Smilber, His Majesty's Arcade. WS
A roRNINGSIDK— £1300. —Neat Seml-Bim-■JX galow, 6 rooms, pore, bath and basin, h. and c. xvater, p.w.c.; reception hall. Large Section, nicely laid out. Terms. (Flfl) Collier and Smlther, His Majesty's Arcade. WS Ct II ELI ER'S- Immediate Possession.— £1150. —Modern Bungalow, 5 rooms and kitchenette, pore, bath, h. and c. water. Overlooking harbour: go<d bathing. Terms (1.24).— Collier and Smlther, His Majesty's Arcade. WS
"VORTHCOTE— £1000—Nearly New Bun- ■-' gitloxv, 5 rooms, pore, hath and basin, h. and c xvater, gas throughout. Good harliour view, and second from beach. Terms. ,M 33). -Collier and Smither, His Majesty's Arcade. WS MT. EDEN -£1250.—?e_1-Bungaiow, 5 rooms and kitchenette, all convs; now empty. Immediate possesion. About }-acre volcanic Section (no stone). Terms £20i) cash. (M36).—Collier aud Smither, His Majesty's Arcade. WS *_* G!7T_— SOUND KAURI VILLA. 5 '-»»"• i> rooms, scullery, bathroom, washhouse, c. and t., range. 2 tiled grates. Large volcanic section; S mins. Te d'apapa station. QUANE AND .LAUDER, B Rew-s Chambers. IS, Queen Street. O-JOOer—(lmln. 'Dominion Rd. cars).— r-,_o—xL> bi.'N'GAIjOW, 0 rooms, h. and c water, pore. b. and b.. city drainage. range. 2 gas fires; recently painted and now in nice condition. Volcanic section, xx-ith lawns, fruit trees, and live hedges. This is pood value. QUANE AND -LAUDER, ■B Rew's ■Chamhers. 15. Oueen Street. — 'LittTTF: vUU " 'HOME of -1 rooms and scullery, washhouse, ,-. and t., p.xv.c. All heart kauri and absolutely wound. Palm and papers in perfect condition. Walk right In without any further expense QUANE AND .LAUDER, -P. Row's Chbrs.. lr,. Queen Si., opp. -0.P.0. -pUAA-riEAI-TIFUL LEVEL SECTION, L '**' w fenced, close Royal Oak. Real LLOYD AND lIEDDITCH. 1, Short's Bldgs., 151. Queen St. B £ ->ftfl A -'-' HiKAPEST HOME MOUNT ~-,\JV\J EDEN. Lovely secluded spot; i rooms; tennis lawn. LLOYD AND IIEDDITCH. 1. ______________ Bldgs.. 154. Queen St. P. ROOMS, every cony. The xJ--L-.'t»U snip of the day. Handy 2nd section. LLOYD AND IIEDDITCH. 1. Short's Rblgs.. 154, Queen St. 1? JpQ9"^—lN THE CITY.-6 ROO.\IS, '^"•'—''J p.xv.c.. hath: very handy. Terms. 1.T.0Y0 AND lIEDDITCH. 1. Short's Bldgs., 154. Queen St. B mO MEN OF SMALL CAPITAL. LOOK ! FAMOUS HAURAKI PLAINS. I have for Sale, immediate possession, two Small Farms of 30 acres each, ns going concerns, running a cow to the acre, with full stock, cows. bull, horse, cart, harness, cans, pigs, etc.. at a sacrifice price, and only —X) 0 Ingoing, balance very long term at 0 per cent. See mc immediately. Situated on main road, close cheese factory aud toxvn. Sole agent— COLIN KELLY, Puriri. Thames Valley. 523
f> -| T'TX- POSSESSION DECEMBER-r-~_.l IU SEVEN LARGE ROOMS, MT. ALBERT, well-built, near trams and train. All modern conveniences. Level section. 62 x 242. Fruit trees, fowl run. Stands high. (food viexvs. Splendid value.—Apply Villa. 572, STAR, or 'Phone 2574. " <J GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE .OF I) LAROE ROOMS. Modern. Every Convenience. Back Verandah. 50ft x Sft. PRICE, £3250. First Mortgage, £1500. Apply on the- property to OWNER. 11, ARATONGA AY.. REMUERA. HERx E B A V SEMI-BUNGALOW, G large rooms and reception hall, scullery, pantry, washhouse, bathroom, porcelain bath, range, hot water system; p.xv.c; all under one roof. Large section, in fruit trees; room for another house. Splendid motor garage. Land and sea views. House, which ls as good as new is situated close to car. in best street in this district. Yon can occupy it the day you buy. Price, £1975. Well xvorth £2500. Terms, etc., OPPORTUNITY. SCO STAR. ' f GENUINE BARGAINS. FROM OUR LENGTHY LIST. ;■. (Deposit. Price Rooms I oealitx£l(j»l £450 4 fity. £200 £1500 0 Dominion Rd 'Brick House). £300 £1025 o Remuera. £300 £1150 :-. <; rev Lvn __ £300 £1175 6 Domlnl6n Rd. PLEASE NOTE.-We have personally inspected these Properties aud find them to be absolutely sound buying. Call and iiee us now or you will be disappointed. PRICE AND JONES, 10, HIS. MAJESTY'S ARCADE. Phone ISO 3. . 300
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
Word Count
1,038Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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