, PROPERTIES FOR SALE. "D-ROWN'S "KAY. 1/-AOR- SECTION, one of the Best in /_ the Bay. lExcellent views; cannot be built out. Trice, for quick sale, £130. fi RAY AND pOCKROFT, 40 'SMEETON'S BUILDTNfi-. DEVONPORT — £1050. "VICE DOUBLE BAY WINDOW DWELLING of 5 rooms and all envs. under one roof; Smin to ferry. Immediate posses—on. Terms, £150. MT. ALBERT—£IISO. •VTEAT SEMI-BUNGALOW containing 5 -iN rooms, bathroom, pore, bath and basin. 1), and c. water, motor garage, etc. Finished throughout in rimu and Oregon pine. Immediate possession. Terms arranged. DOMINION ROAD— £II7S. IJEALL- NICE 64ROOMED DWELLING, * bathroom, pore, hath and basin. p.w.c, califont, built-in wardrobes, etc. Nice Section, hi lawn, -frillr trees, shell paths and shrubs. Terms, £350. DEVONPORT—£I2SO CIEPERIOR RESIDENCE, contalnng 6 O large rooms and ali modern convs.: bathroom, p.b. and basin, electric light, built-in wardrobes and cupboards; Rmin to ferry. Immediate possession. Terms, £050. REMUERA—£ISSO. TX7ATERSIDH BUNGALOW containing 5 ' ' large rooms, bathroom, and basin, built-in wardrobes and presses, tiled fireplaces. Large verandahs, with unsurpassed harbour view. Sectiou comprises J-acre tastefully laid out in shrubs, lawns, etc. See this early Tuesday. Terms, £550. WE WILL BE CLOSED ON LABOUR DAY. A. C. TAINE AND CO., 4.1. PHOENIX CHAMBERS, QUEEN ST. Opposite G.1'.0. 372 DEVONPORT — £800. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION,
SOUND u-ROOMED KAURI HOUSE, in nice sunny street, (i minutes from ferry. Large diningroom. gas stove aud range, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, washhouse, c. and t., p.w.c. coal-shed. Beautiful volcanic sei--tlon, 00 x 110. !x>x-ely harbour viexv. This property could be easily modernised and the house converted into a pretty bungaloxv. NOW VACANT, and possession given Immediately. Deposit Is paid. Price, £800, half cash, balance at 6 per cent. DEVON PORT, 075, 334 STAR. MOUNT EDENi SUIT TANI MAN OR CARRIER. A LOVELY HOME OF 7 ROOMS, pore bath. h. 2nd c. xvater, gas In all rooms, artistic papers and friezes, picture rails, open tires, Venetian blinds. Splendid section, 05 x 175 (volcanic), free of stone, in laxvn. garden, and vegetables. Garage room for 2 cars, concrete H"or anj pit. Stable. fowlrun. etc. Paths tarred and sanded. This is a genuine proposition, in good locality, and only 4 minutes from <-ar,"aml the price only £1850. Terms. We will motor you to Inspect any l_no at your convenience. NELSON -_~MARKWICK, 04. ENDEAN'S BUII.IUNG-S. 413 OWNER LEAViNGT - -01/, A CUES AND g ROOMED ■RESIDENCE. URGENT SALE, £ IQ ~Q ALL FURNITURE, including Piano, goes **■ with the House. Ouly (i mins. from Henderson station. land. Txvo road frontages, surveyed into 10 sections of }- ae. <x each. A cheap place, with big prospective value. I'ian at office. D. C. FRASER AND CO., IS. WAITEMATA CHAMBERS. 021 £1000 CASIL _A_ "y*ERY QIIEAI- pARJT. ONLY PA PER ACRE. OOn ACRES OF RICn LAND. 2» miles OOU railway station. All fenced Never-falling creeks and springs, Groomed Kauri House, verandah, telephone, large barn (30 X 201. ."-hall coxvshed ; school adjoining. Low deposit. £1000. THIS IS THE CHEAPEST FARM IN THE MARKET.
A lot more information from D. C. FRASER AND CO., IS, WAITEMATA CHAMBERS, (TSTOMS ST. WEST. 021 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT? 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT! 0 TTALUAULH FREEHOLD PROPERTY. ♦ situated in Victoria Street West, and only 5 minutes from Queen Street. Section has 60ft frontage, and comprises in all quarter of an acre. Buildings are as folloxxs: — TWO GOOD SHOPS. SIX DWELLINGS. WORKSHOP AND SHEDS. Position is admirably situated for a factory, warehouse, garage, or any other site. Property at present shows 10 per cent, net on the price asked, £3000. Full particulars, etc.. from SOLE AGENTS, A. C. TAINE AND CO., 43, THOENIX CHAMBER'S, QUEEN ST.. Opposite (J.P.O. 371 EPSOM. THE HOME YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. I'M MEDIATE I'OSS E S SIO N. MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW OF 5 LARx-J-E BOOMS and Kitchenette: every convenience, h. and c water, pore bath and basin, built-in wardrobes, pit fireplaces, washhouse, p.w.c. all under one roof. Splendid level section. 60ft frontage, laid out In garden and lawns; situated only a few minutes from the 3rd section. T>RICE IS ONLY -PI 7^5 TERMS ARRANGED. H. C. SPEEDY, 13, HELLABY'S BU__M.NGS, ©ppi 45.P.0. '31