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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. KOHIMARAMA. THE BEAUTIFUL SEASIDE RESORT. Nothing Tx-ithin miles to approach it for lovely surroundings. Health-giving climatic conditions, fishing and bathing facilities, finest sandy bea<-h In the vicinity of Auckland. Within the 4-mlle radius of Queen Street. "Reached by txvo good motor roads. Excellent boat service, new school, city •water, two stores, butcher, baker, milkmen, tea kiosk, and bathing sheds. Trams, electric light, gas, etc., about to be installed. Kohl. Is well sheltered, hut enjoys good healthy sea breezes. Commands unparalleled vlexvs of Auckland Harbour and Hauraki Gulf. The soil Is rich : fruit, flowers, and vegetables flourish owing to Kohl.'* sheltered position and sublime climate. Kohlmarama ls recognised as Auckland's coming Brtghton-by-the-soa. Residing at Kohl, brings contentment of mind and body. All the great financial and successful men agree that In the •suburbs of a growing city lies more secure aud certain wealth than in anything else known. Proud ls the mini who can say, "I own a bit of Kohl." Others enx-y him. The following are a few of tbe very choice properties offering for sale in this most desiruhle suburb :—
CASH—NICE COSY LITTLE cw lUU BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, on main road, only 5 minutes from beach. Nice sun room, all glass, on txvo sides, facing morning sun ; 3 bedrooms, kitchen with excellent range: washhouse, copper and tubs; bath. All on a splendid elevated section of J-acre: room for another house. This property must be sold, as owner has bought a larger house nearby. School 100 yards axvay. Now, then, get busy on this. Ffrst in with the money gets it. 4?"| "| KA—REASONABLE DEPOSIT.— <J~A-XO\J Right on beach ; Oft right-o-way on to back road. Handy, wellbuilt House of 4 rooms and scullery. Nexv range; house just been painted inside and out. An Ideal beach resi deuce, xvith a private beach fenced in. The early purchaser catches this snip. •JPI KKA—ANOTHER GOOD 7-ROOMED HOUSE, also on beach : 2 verandahs. Nice llx-ing room, xvith alcove; good range. A real good letting property. Money to be made here. X? 1 fi^A—£4oo CASH, BAL. 3 YEARS cS"_.UUU AT I! PER CENT.—O Rooms, wide hall, bathroom, and liasin, linen press, kltchenete, washhouse. large, well-built outhouse (suitable for workshop). HOUSE well built of heart of rimu, malai floors, roof boarded. felled and Iron. Fine elevated section. CO by 412; smin beach and school. A lovely Home In lovely Kohl. -Pl4-AA """" t6no — ON "EACH—NICE cV_._UU WELL-BUILT BUNGALOW. IS Rooms, well-built of best materials. all conx-s. ; well-drained section. lam out in lawn and shrubs. Facing sun all day. _, £1 "~ H °CSE. 5 ROOMS, range. " LW *'J verandah, back- and front, city w-ater, outhouse, pic. Note size of section, 213 by 330; 20mln \ Kav __ : lOmln bus, s—ln school. What a lovely place for a poultry farm! -_Oo~A—£Boo CASH—MODERN RUN <**—xrK>\J OALOW OF 0 NICE ROOMS, hall, scullery, pantry, storeroom, washhouse. meat safe, linen cupboards, large kitchen dresser and plate-rack: verandah and sleeping porch, built-in sideboard. bookcase. window seats, etc.; 2 wardrobes, tiled range: 3 fireplaces, bathroom, porcelain bath with hot water laid on, hand basin, p.w.c, drainage, nnd concrete septic tank. HOUSE well built of heart of kauri, designed by an architect and built under his strict supervision. In 1014. Beautifully situated on rising ground, and commanding splendid views of harbour and surrounding country ; near beach school, and stores: 1 acre of good land, j-acre in orchard, balance in plants, shrubs, flower and vegetable garden. HMTt frontage. L.T.T. Purchaser can hax-e a further 2J acres, opposite, useful as cow paddock, or cutting up; natural spring: for £800 : £200 cash. This is a lovely 8 home and well xvorth inspection. -ROOMED SOLIDLY-BUILT CONCRETE HOUSE, 2-storey. tiled roof septic tank, 2 p.w.c.s. Wood and coal house, washhouse (copper and tubs), with concrete floor. Itathroom xvith hand basin and towel rails. Kitchen, 19 by 13, beautifully fitted xvith numerous cupboards. dresser drnxvers, etc. ; In oiled rimu ami Oregon pine: sink, hot water, and . linen press; 2 serving windows. Large breakfast room, curved bay window • entrance ball with Dutch figure leadlights; sitting room, facing sea and sun. with large open fireplace of fancy roughcast, glazed bricks, limitin overmantel anil mirror. Concrete xvalls. All papered. Four bedrooms txx-o w-tth fireplaces, live built-in wardrobes, one mirrored In best bedroom. All rooms have fibrous plaster ceilings, xxlth oiled rimu beams. Urge sleeping verandah. Two verandahs racing sea and commanding unsurpassed vlexvs of harbour and gulf Large, high, drained section, concrete paths, garage. More land suitable for coxy paddock can be secured at back if desired. PRICE £2800; £10U0 cash Balance arranged. £4°5~ i:100 CASH—MAIN ROAD, two J minutes beach—Fine Section with long frontage: new well-built garage with conx-eniences : purchaser could live, in garage while building house, '.ently sloped, ensuring good Uruln___,,J".? c - "A snip from Snfpville." £350 CASH-ELTIIAM 1 ROAD-Fino c* x_r Level Section, facing sea and sun ; one or a very few good building sed.ons for sale in Kohl. Other sections nearby recently sold for £425. Must be sold £200 CASII-UOLGATE ROAD—Fine cWW "" Elevated Building Section; only 3 vacant sections left In this road : a very desirable property: near school and beach. Get In early and avoid Hie rush. "VTMEROI'S 'BUILDING SECTIONS ON ■a-* both sides of wharf, from 1-5 acre upwards. Including a block of 8 acres xvith .'l-rooined House : range, copper, and tubs, and built-in dresser: outbuildings, etc. Make a splendid pig or poultry farm. £1.175. £:!25 cash.
ST. HELIER'S BAY. Another pretty little Marine Suburb, -adjacent to Kohl., enjoying the same line healthy climatic conditions. Splendid views and lathing anil fishing facilities. ±1 '?n0 — £<m CASH—Within stonc-<*'-•—'UU throw of beach ; S Rooms, with all conveniences : nice gardens. i?P_KA —150 CASH—Next door Lovely * wu Level .Section, In lawn and flower garden ; fenced. p-^flfi - 20 ° ''ASH— AnoVbpr Good Level <M*Jxf\J Section, with poultry run; piggeries anil motor shed. These 3 Sections adjoin, and can be sold In one lot for £2000, xvith £700 cas_; bal. 5 years at 0 per cent. f?_£AAA— TERMS-A REAL UP-TO-Jj'XVyJV' DATE BUNGALOW, gentleman's home of 7 lofty and spacious rooms; large square ball xvltti massive rimu sliding doors opening into draxvinif room. 2>) by 20 : large sun porcli, and long side verandah. 40 by 11 Four bedrooms, all opening out into \-erandah, through French casements, Fine large dining room, built-in bookcase, cupboards, and fireplace. Most luxurious bathroom, porcelain bath, hand basin, hot and cold shower. The leadlights of this house are most beautiful. Wired up ready for eiec. light. Concrete dairy I present owner never has to buy milk, eggs, butter, or frulti. coxy yard, milking shed : grass paddock, now running 3 coxx-s: 2 orchards, over 500 trees, including nearly every variety of fruit. Including lemon trees. Beautiful lawn, flower gardens, shrubs, palms, and cabbage trees ; in all, nearly 4 acre*. £4000 the lot ; or will sell house and section. £2750 : or x'ut off more or less land to suit purchaser. The most fertile spot in West Tamaki. Soil rich and productive to the extreme. This is a really high-class property, and would make a lovely home for a retired farmer. £?QCA — FINE HOUSE, 0 rooms, all <l*oO\J ;,enrt of ____„_._ . fevv minute- from beach ; every conx-enienx?e : good sec. of J-acre, laid out in floxvers and vegetables. Worth inspection. POAn —THREE SPLENDID .SECTIONS. &iO\jyj forming .fine elevated corner block. Tbe whole would make a lovely building site for a real good house : magnificent views. A snip. Agent's Note. —All these properties have been personally in.opected by the agent, -who can give every assurance that they are as adx-ertised. and in good condition. Anyone requiring a home in a real good rising suburb should call and consult the man who Is on the spot, to submit any property for inspection. Loans have been carried for new roax—i and esplanade, and the district •must go ahead. c. mTgray, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, KOHIMARAMA. Insurances Arranged. Rents Collected. -Money to lend on real estate at current rates. A lew good camping sites left.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
Word Count
1,324Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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