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PROPERTIES FOB SALE. IMM EDIAT.E POSSESSION—IRose Road — 7 Rooms, electric light, all couvs.— ■Conk, IPS, Ponsonby .Road. __7_> O BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SECTIONS, W MORNINGSIDE. Each 50 x 165, elevated, commanding lovely extensive views of surrounding district's and harbour: lomin from tram and railway station. ADDRESS AT STAR. 14 FARM — £400 DEPOSIT. AA ACRES, close Hamilton; handy to «?y railway, school and xlairy factory. HOUSE, 5 rooms, barn, concreted coxvshed an<l piggeries. Will milk 40 cows now. Immediate possession. Owner will take House or Mortgage in part payment. Your chance! Be quick! (101) MOORE - JONES BROS., G, SHORTLAND STREET. Also 'HAMILTON. 100 MR. BUYER! WE PUT IT TO YOU— CAN YOU BEAT THESE? ■PIAA DEPOSIT —PONSONBY — Five »-Ll/v Rooms, xvith usual conveniences. In lirst-cluss order. Balance £375, arranged. (M/ 33) X?-_KA DEPOSIT —PONSONBY — Five Rooms, with usual conveniences. Handy to trams. In fairly good order. Balance £375, arranged. (M/ 34) ■Pd-AA DEPOSIT — PONSONBY • — Eive wio" Rooms, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, copper and tubs, p.w.c. The rooms are very large, and the ground well laid out. Balance £050. POSSESSION GUARANTEED.
■C'J-fiO DEPOSIT —MT. EDEN —Seven ct-_UU Rooms: xvashhouse, copper nnd tubs: bath, califont. etc. Fine large level section. Balance arranged. POSSESSIONIMMEDIATE. p-|i)"<ft CASH—OTAHUHU, handy to (rains —Groomed Brick Tiled Canadian Bungalow, reception halls, tiled fireplaces, oiled rimu finished, grained Oregon doors, built-in wardrobes, linen press, etc.: bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, h. and c. service; 1J acres volcanic soil, xvith half-acre In potatoes. 100 fruit trees. Fowl run. vegetable and flower garden. Total price £2100. Our report reads "THE BEST IN THE DISTRICT." These are a few samples of the properties we can offer, and the disappoint—lent ls yours if you miss them. PLEASE NOTE.—Owing to pressure of business xve cannot arrange Inspection over the telephone. FRANKLIN & MARCUSSEN, THE SILENT SALESMEN, RESERVOIR CORNER, NEWTON. 502 EVERYBODY'S AGENTS. KOHIMARAMA, 10 Minutes' Boat-5-ROO.MED BUNGALOW; p.b. and basin, mirrors, plenty cupboards; 2 sleeping porches. Fibrous plaster ceilings. Sheds, foxvlruu (concrete floor), motor garnge. ,PRIOE, £1250. CASH. Please don't miss this If you are looking for a real Scasido Bargain. (N.F. 1051 3 Minutes' Beach — 4 -*- v ROOMS, JSEMJ-BUNGALOW. Tiptop little place. ££00. Half Cash. (N.F. 103) GREY LYNN. Handy Cars—l ROOM'S, perfect order, new range. PRICE. ffiGO, or offer. I>oposlt, £2GO: balance payable £1 week, p. and interest. (N.F. 33Si DEVONPORT — PRETTY LITTLE PLACE—O Minutes' Wharf-6 ROOMS, bathroom, electric light throughout. PRICE. £1150 Cash. Unencumbered. (Fol. 471 P ENRO.SE. 5 Minutes' Station—BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. '3 rooms, h. and c. water, p.b. and basin, p.w.c, linen press, wardrobes. Splendid section. 53 x 200. PRICE. £V_>n. CaSh, £500. Splendid train service; x-heap fares. (N.F. 321 i PONSONBY. 2 Minutes' Car—SPLENDID 8-ROOM'ED HOUSE, all conveniences, under one roof; tarred and sanded paths: perfect order; p.w.c Immediate possession. PRICE, i'l2.*o. Terms.
WHITTAKER AND CO., EVERYBODY'S AGENTS, PHOENIX CHAMBERS. "PHONE 3733. 273 ■PI Afllfk - UPPER ONEHUNGA.—First". *ioiW das* New VUla of 6 rooms, all modern convs.: lovely harbour view; motor garage, concrete paths, lawn, flowers and shrubs. 'Must sell. Owner Ixought larger House. Immediate possession. Good terms. DON'T DELAY TO INSPECT. ' AQKA— GOOD HOUSE, 5 rooms and convs. Section, 50 x 300, close to cur. Good terms. C' "_ f».AA —EPSOM. -First-class Concrete o-AUUU House, b'olloxv walls; mini's room, all modern convs.; plaster ceilings. Section. 75 x 180; -lawn and garden; fiinln from Newmarket, tram and train. Good terms. MOFFATT & BALLARD, 05. QUEEN STREET. Thone 2215. 250 •('I Oft CASH.—Good 5-roomed House cvlw _ a ,i conx-*. West St. I'rice only £650. r?rrOA CASH. —Nice Large 6-roomed dJOOKJ Villa. Easy possession: e\-ery cony. Price £1030. Well worth £1150. O I) AA CASH. -Large 6-roomed House, Crummer Kd. Usual convs. No trouble over possession. 'Price £875. _P9AA GASH—S-roomed House in Barrie St. Fine, large, level -Section. I'rice, £650 or offer. A? _AA CASH.—S-roomed House nnd "wiW couvs. Top end of Lincoln St. Immediate possession. Price, £772. J. C. COOKAND CO., 103, PONSONBY ROAD. 270 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. £750. £750. £750. -MEAT 4-ROOMED COTTAGE, in real -iN good order. Newly papered anil painted. Good view. Section alone worth £450. This little Home ie the best value in Grafton, and only I—in to car. TERMS ARRANGED.
Sole Agent, LIONEL B. TAYLOR, 1, PALMERSTON BUILDINGS, Phone All3l. 2_S ■Pll fMY~ <SiIIEY LYNN. — Seml-Bnnga-o^JLlx/U 1 low. 5 rooms and every modern cony.; close cars aud 2nd section. or7X{\0 r 7X{\— PONSONBY.—1 Large Rooms, c ' *J\f gas, patent w.c, all convs. Immediate possession. _Q -I AAA— NEWTON. — 7 Large Rooms, wluW gas, all convs.; newly renovated; bandy to cars. jp-i tyf_(_— ELLERSLIE.— 6 Rooms, all —»<—•—-UU convs.; (awns, hedges and fruit trees, etc. Section i-acre. A snip. _Q -t -J PA-DOMINION RD. —5 Rooms, tj^-LA— 'v unen press, hot water service and all convs. Terms, £300 cash. O-t A=_A— MORNINGSIDE. — 4 Rooms, cMjxVJtJi' hot water service, all convs.; stables and trapshed; suit carrier. H. E. BUCKLEY, 140, KARANGAHAPE BOAD. 278'
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
Word Count
809Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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