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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. A I"ARY ST., Mt. Eden.—o 'itooms, a_ -"--•- convs.; tip-top order. Snip, £W.O; terms.—Spain, 103, Symonds St. 285 -PftfiA— gri:y LYNN—Kauri Residence, ■" " 4 rooms, washhouse, verandah back and front: sewer drainage; in perfect order throughout. Deposit, £.00. (1140) X' 11 OA■"""" MT - . ALliEßT—Seml-Bunga- ' low, 5 rooms and conveniences, h. and c. water; in perfect condition. Large section, !U x ISO: room fur another house. Immediate possession. (1123) -PI "1 TX—MT. EDEN—ScmI-Bungaloxv. 5 " rooms, pantry and scullery, porcelain bath, washhouse, copper and tubs; l.ullt uf kauri. Immediate possession. Section, 50 x —)7 (approx.) Cash xvanted, £HSO. (17S» X? 1 " " MT - P-DEN—Bungalow. « rooitis. pantry, scullery, back and front verandahs, washhouse. copper and tubs, porcelain bath and basin, hot and cold water. Good section, in splendid order. £_ (11-5) TAA—OFF GREAT NORTH ROAD, • uu handy, to Newton, and only Imln. to cars—Solid 'House of 5 roxims and'convs.. In perfect order. Immediate possession. (1150) BUCKLEY AND BULL. 13. SMEETON'S BLDGS; QUEEN ST. D gPECS SPECULATORS, CJTECS. LOOK AT THESE! VTK DEPOSIT EACII-3 Good POTI U TAGES of 4 rooms, p.w.c.; good, level sections; handy to curs. Bal. £150. are cheap. DEPGSIT-Bringing in £2 per 1 - Vl '- R ' xveek —1 BRICK HOUSE of 7 rooms and coiia-s., p.w.c; let into flats. Also COTTAGE of 5 rooms, convs,, p.xy.o., etc. I can sell the txvo for £1000 on the above deposit. See these early. £1000. 4?QAA—MT. EDEN (Near Esplanade c-,*7UU iUD-tICE HOUSE of G rooms, washhouse. copper.' tubs. bath: builtin dresser, wardrobes, and cupboards: good level section. Immediate possession*. £300 cash xvanted.
GEORGE HALFORD, 36, KARANGAHAPE ROAD (Over Vandyck Studios). WS MOORE - JONES BROS. "DE'MUERA—£lSso—Residence, 7 rooms. J -* / very complete, commanding extensive views from main rooms and \-eranrtah. The grounds are nearly laid out in lawns, shrubs, asphalt drive, paths, aud drying space. Foxvlhousc, fruit trees, vegetable garden. A bargain that seldom offers. We are sole agents, where all particulars can be obtained. (S2IBI r\NE-TRKE HILL SLOPES—Gentleman's x-J Mod. Residence, 7 large, bright, sunny rooms, built kauri, finished with handfiressed picked rimu. ceilings heavy fibrous plaster of neat design. Diningrooni, 18 by 10: range and gns stoxe; breakfastroom, IS x 16; grounds are nicely laid out; motoT drive, garage, fruit trees, lawns, flowers, etc. A lovely home: pretty views; best locnlity: handy cars. First-class proposition from every point or view at £2750. (S210) "DEMUERA—£22OO—The Latest Modern XX Bungalow, (! rooms, reception ball, circular bays to drive and bedroom giving a pleasing effect to the design and adding extra simce to rooms. Fanlights, heavy tiled grates, wardrobes, sleeping porch, tiled range and sink, bins. attac-hed laundry, p.w.c. Nearly 2 acres level rich grass land, enslly run eoxv. fowls, etc. Another lxarcain lv best position, nlcelv on rise, pretty views. THINK, only £2200. (8173) "PPSOM— £2300—Top of rise, commanding X-A extenslx-e views; handy to tram by easy walking—Modern Bungalow, 6 rooms, xvith every modern appointment. Finished in the latest style. A lovely home, with large* level volcanic section. We can strongly recommend your immediate inspection. (5220) "VfT. EDEN. 2d Section—Residence, S aaX rooms, tirst-cliiss order Inside and out: h. nnd c -water; breakfnstroom. ljirge section, volcanic Hl_i suitation, best neighbourhood. Only £1500. 15221) "AIT. ALBERT—Bungalow Home, 5 rooms. aaX xvith attached laundry. A compact cosy home xvith all convs. I—rge vole, allot., 50 x 200, In lawn back and front. Pretty garden. All blinds Included. Only £1350. Possession 20th November. Here is a chance to secure a convenient home, handy to car or train. (5222) MOORE - JONES BROS., 6, SHORTLAND STREET, Also HAMILTON. D
N.Z. HOME BUILDERS. LTD., HIGH ST. PHONE 2110 A. pUTY, prKAFTON. Price. Tins. Urns. Trice. T'ms. Rras. £050 £150 (i £000 £000 5-1 £1000 £200 ti £ISOO — S £2250 — 7 £20/10 £1000 0 £2501) £1000 10 £450 £KV> 5 £:1000 — 32 £1200 £100 5 £2500 — 8 £3100 £10110 7 £300(1 — O £625 £b-_T. 4 £1400 £700 S £025 £025 4 £1500 £200 0 £1050 £750 0 £600 £200 (i TYE-VONPOKT. .Prb-c T'ms. Ilinx. Price. T'ms. Rjns. ,£I2HO £51K) 0 £251 n> £1000 — £1250 £500 — £1130 £350 0 TJIPSOM. Price. T'ms. Rins. Price. T'ms. Rms. £20110 £750 ti £2500 — 0 i£B2oO £KHIO 8 £1800 £«00 0 £2000 £1000 7 £ISOO £800 S £2551 > £1000 S £1550 £8110 0 £IK.VI £650 0 £3000 £1000 0 £12.55 £585 5 £14(10 £500 5 £1500 £50l> 5 £2000 £1000 6 £1550 £."iOll r, £2000 £1000 fi £1550 £700 0 £1500 £750 0 £1(550 £700 0 £1600 £700 fi £1800 Terms 7 £2500 £850 7 £2300 £1000 7 £1.'47.> £775 O £5800 Terms 10 £2575 £1000 7 £1750 £7(10 5 £1700 £1150 5 • £1«(I0 Terms 5 £1700 £10(10 0 £2150 £(liK> 7 £1000 Arranged 7 £1300 Terms S £2450 £l(i«li> 0 £2250 Terms '8 £2000 £1000 (I £11-0 £030 G £1800 £000 (I £2150 £1000 7 £3200 £1500 S TJEMUERA. Price. T'ms. Hill*. Price. Tins. Rnis. £15500 £800 (I £1000 £050 fi £1700 £450 l> £1850 Easy 32 £1000 £401) f) £101X1 £675 5 -jyj-OUNT JTJDEN. il'rice T'ms. Ems. I'rice. T'ms. Rms. £l-T.O £(V'N) 7 £1850 £700 li Kl_oo £000 5 £1600 £350 f. £1750 £1000 « £1450 £6m> .i £1125 £500 4 £2000 £750 • £1000 £030 fi £1050 £850 8 £1-WXO £500 5 £2.-00 £KOO . £975 £400 5 £1725 £1000 0 M OUXT A LBERT " Price. T'n-s. Rut. Price. T'mc Rms. £1150 £400 fi £'700 Terms •■ £000 £55" 4 £1-W C, £11/10 £"00 5 £875 £400 4 £1".VI £CJIO 5 £1150 £4-75 4 £1550 £SIV> 5 £1850 £500 o N.Z. HOME BUILDERS, LTD., PHONE 2116 A. D
YOUNG & CO.'S SELECTION. CHELTENHAM. —0-roomed House, with convs ; ■w.h., c and t., gas stove, range, electric light, workshop. Large level section. Few minutes from beach. A bargain, £1150. Small deposit. Immediate OTAN.LKY BAY.—A wefl-buUt 0-roomed •CT House, pore bath and basin, c. and t. (gas copper. Return verandahs, electric light: everything itx .perfect order. Section 55 x 120. Owner '.caving for South. £1500. Terms. KOHLMARAMA.— G-roomed IHouse (new), with convs.: hot water service, w.h., c and t. Built-in dresser and wardrobe, panel ceiling. 2 large verandahs. 'Full sea view. Section 68 x 180 (well fenced). fl4oo. Easy terms. „ miKAI'L'NA. —One minute from beacb. — J- 6-roomed iHouse, newly painted, pore, •hath and basin, hot water service, gas, w.h ,c. and t. Section 62 x 158, in lawn nnd garden. As owner is leax-ing North. Island, will accept £1450. Terms arranged. C. E. YOUNG AND CO., 81-03, QUEEN --BEET, CITY. C
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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1,067Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 5
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